Nick Hunter
I have reached Yuki nirvana
Thanks for the translation, Niney! I like the lyrics a lot, too.
Many lines sound like the stuff you can often hear in festive folk songs all over Eurasia, Yuki did a marvelous job capturing that mood.「みんなのうた」の魅力のひとつは、音楽とともに、まだ知らない不思議な世界に私たちを連れて行ってくれること。この異国情緒溢れる歌の作詞・作曲・編曲を一手に担うのは、NHK「歴史秘話ヒストリア」の音楽をはじめ数多くの作品を手がける梶浦由記。「子供の頃、遠い異国の物語が大好きでした。月夜に繰り広げられる祭りの描写等に胸を高鳴らせたものです。そんなわくわくした、どこか秘密めいた雰囲気を、聞いてくれる子供達に感じ取って貰えればと。そして『祭り』に参加する人々は、大人も子供も楽しさと共に、何らかの願いを胸に秘め空を見上げるのでしょう。そんなこの曲から感じる気持ちを、明日への希望に繋げて貰えたらと願っています。」と語る梶浦氏の詩曲に合わせて、同氏がプロデュースする人気急上昇中の女性ボーカルユニットKalafinaが熱く歌い上げます。美しく幻想的な映像を手がけるのは東京芸術大学大学院・映像学科アニメーション専攻の岡本美津子教授率いる先鋭:大桃洋祐&河野宏樹。主人公は十代にさしかかったばかりの星の宮の姫。初めて参加することを許された夜祭で、憧れの君:太陽の王子に会えるのを心待ちにしています。。。
Google Translate said:One of the attractions of "Minna no Uta" is that along with the music, can I ask you to take us to the strange world still do not know. I bear in one hand and arranged song songwriting of this exotic, Yuki Kajiura engaged in a number of albums, including the music of the "untold story behind history Hisutoria" NHK. Feel the children will listen, is made Takanara the chest, etc. depiction of the festival unfolds in the moonlight. A kid ", I loved the story of the foreign country far away. Was excited, the atmosphere was mysterious somewhere such people to participate in the Festival "and". and if Moraere it is connected to hope for tomorrow, along with the enjoyment by both children and adults, the feelings you feel from this song that. Why look up at the sky hidden in my heart a desire for some Kalafina female vocal unit of the rising popularity of poetry along with the song Mr. Kajiura said. "I hope that if you could Te, produced by hot he is sung. What a fantastic maker of the video is beautifully sharp animation department led by Professor of the Department of Mitsuko Okamoto Graduate School of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music Video: Hiroki Kawano & Yosuke Omomo. The hero of Hoshinomiya princess was just approaching the teenage years. We look forward to seeing the prince of the sun: In the Yomatsuri were allowed to participate for the first time, you're longing for. . .
Yuki88 said:Second verse had like.... everyone?![]()
ritardando said:Just wait for the PV and we'll know who sings it...![]()
me too hihihihiI can actually imagine Hikaru hitting the moon like a tambourine.
ritardando said:Yuki88 said:Second verse had like.... everyone?![]()
Eh? I think the second verse is Keiko's solo, but get layered like 3 times, and get slight effect like Hikaru's in progressive -.-
Just wait for the PV and we'll know who sings it...![]()
Mangetsu no yoru o machiwabiteita
Kagami de dansu no okeiko shiteta
Kiiroi doresu o shishuu de kazari
Shiroi hana tsunde kami o tabanete
(Hikaru/Wakana together, Keiko harmony)
Tsuki no fesuta poruka no wa
Mawaru yo tojite kurikaesu
Anata ni todoku made
Tokuina suteppu no mama
(Hikaru, Keiko harmony)
Fue no ne hibiite. . . .
Kurai mori no naka kagayaku hiroba
Matsuri no honoo wa sora made hazeru
(Hikaru/Wakana/Keiko harmony)
Atarashii kutsu wa hane yori karui
Anata no tsumasaki fumanai you ni
(Hikaru, Keiko harmony, Wakana chorus)
Kakato de rizumu totte
Mawaru yo taiko ni awasete
Shiroi tsuki tanbarin
Te ni totte uchi narashite miru
(Hikaru/Wakana, Keiko harmony, Wakana chorus)
Tsuki no fesuta inochi no wa
Hirogaru tojite kurikaesu
Anata to te o tsunaide
Konomama yurete sazameite
Yoake made
(All three on the 'lalala')
Agree! Besides facilitating listening, it'll be fun to designate colors to each of the utahimes, and also Kajiura and her guest vocalists. Hehe Power Rangers anyone?Cerise said:(slightly off-topic, but we should really have this colour-coded sort of breakdown/analysis for some certain FJ'd really help distinguishing the singers' voices and parts)
grunty said:Where do you have problems recognizing them? I think it's pretty easy for the most part.