KP-X said:
^Sometimes I wonder if some people here never complain about anything, since some things are difficult to perform so we shouldn't really do it in the first place. Complaining isn't about disrespect or hostility. It's a matter of criticism. And truth be told, they have the capacity to overcome these problems, so why should we just turn our backs to their mistakes and sugarcoat them?
Oh I complain a lot, believe me... ;) I NEVER said complaining is disrespect and hostility... and I DO know that complaining almost comes in line with criticism... I guess you had my words mixed up, bud.. go recheck... I said I don't LOOK for them, but if they're very noticeable, I'd see them.. jeez, I'm not blind.. or deaf.. whatever word you prefer... :P
And I don't sugarcoat.. to be honest, I hate sugarcoaters who thinks she or whoever is perfect and never fails! No, that's not me, so that arrow pointing up, or pointing to me, pointed to the wrong person... I don't mind praising, but not seeing flaw is just wrong.. but the thing is, this performance lacked somethings but the only thing I found unsatisfying is the "aura" of the song, that's it... not the voice...
Hikaru is capable of overcoming her problem with long notes, so why should I almost lable her as incompetent and almost act like "Oh Hikaru, you will never be able to do this, but since you're human, I forgive you"? As long as criticism is voiced in a respectful way, it is way more valuable than good comments that in a sense don't really help the artist to know what he/she has to improve. Some of you guys need to come back to the real world, instead of living in an utopia where complaining about mistakes/problems doesn't exist.
Oh and, one more thing... Utopia does not exist in earth, and I don't live in a utopia.. I know how to voice my criticism... And one more, is that my message is not directed to you... it's voiced to those who thinks one of those people will never change and will forever be incompetent, so you really need not to worry here because you already did say that you believe she'd improve... unless it hits you though, then I would have to say sorry... ;)
One thing I'd say here is that criticism has different faces for different person, so criticizing an opinion or another criticism doesn't really get you anywhere since you both see different pages and perspectives here... no point in "correcting" an opinion... That's all, thank you for reading my long but "inspiring" post~!