You can listen here … actually I think it is aki's tumblr because of the same translations lol^I wanna hear Wakana singing the "boku wa yukeru" part XD. Is there a place for audio of it?
ahh, that would make more sensebtw I think the listener meant "kya point" as in the screaming sound/onomatopoeia …![]()
虹 ~もうひとつの夏~ by 福山雅治
Keiko and Wakana kept choosing the same thing during rock-paper-scissors (like three times in a row!) and it got intense. Keiko won in the end.
I think Keiko says something about always getting requests of songs sung by guys. Wakana then makes fun of Keiko’s “とびたつのさ”. Keiko sings that part again in her deep voice. Wakana keeps whispering about the “atmosphere” //whacked
They get on the topic of whispering during the a capella covers bc of the chorus work? Maybe it’s that it’s hard to sing softer.
Apparently Wakana had wanted to lead this episode because she wanted to say the handle of the listener (K: sorry!) (I think, lol)
<ring your bell (in the silence)>
K: we have something interesting to tell y’all
W: hehehehehehe
K: but we’ll wait till the end ;P
Keiko says they’ve got lots of mail from the listeners in front of them, but they can’t choose all of them, so they’re going to use rock-paper-scissors. Keiko wins again (so much luck) and chooses one (with sound effects) from a koni-san, who went to one of the ryb release events. He/she also heard it at Budokan, and since it’s release has been playing it over and over. He/she really like the guitar. As for Koibito, he/she looks forward to how the fbm plays it live on stage. He/she’s going to work hard to save money to go to their fall tour!
The girls then reflect on that event (at something gardens). Hikaru says that since it was a free event, maybe there were people in the audience who hadn’t heard of them before (or is it those who haven’t been able to see them live before?), and that makes her happy.
Wakana finally wins! She chooses mail from a harahara-san (more sound effects while opening the mail lol). The listener sounded entertaining, something about “if this is being read I must have won!” Then he/she says something about Koibito.
Hikaru chooses one from the bottom of the pile since she hasn’t won any rock-paper-scissors yet (//pat). This mail is from tokyo-no-itousan? He/she went to budokan and is looking forward to their fall tour.
Wakana likes hearing from listeners, and is sad they can’t read them all. But, these three listeners have won a prize!
<ring your bell>
Now for some fan impressions of Koibito. First mail is from hatsu-san. While he/she kept thinking how strange Koibito sounded, as Hikaru said in KC (?)… (and I got lost OTL) (well, I think it was something about listening to the end part where their three voices build up on each other).
The girls talk about how meaningful it is when a fan is moved by one of their songs/the lyrics I think.
Wakana talks about the weather at the gardens ryb event (is this another ep of Kalafina’s power over the weather and the evil wind //whacked). Keiko imitated the audience’s reactions to them singing Koibito. Hikaru says it’s not really like J-Pop. W: J! K: it’s a J song! lol
K: everyone, keep listening on endless repeat!
K: nowww- here’s our good news!
Next week they will have Aimer as a guest on KC!
音色 by KREVA
(oh my god the PV)
(is it sad that I am slightly sad the girls didn’t try to rap it //whacked)
(I like how they arranged 二人ー 深いー 世界ー)
W: a good song…
K: ballad version~
W: postic?idk live version
H wins.
H: today is September 8th -9.08- KREVA’s day
K: (imitating KREVA) yo yo yo yoyo
W: is that KREVA’s “yo yo”
K: sorry
H: KREVA’s song neiro (音色) was released on 2004.09.08
K&W: daisukiii
W: this song is so nostalgic… I really like it
(I miss a lot of what K and H say but I think K said something about girls, maybe how this is another song sung by a guy originally)
W: “aishiten-ze” “愛してんぜ”
K: that’s the first time I’ve heard “ze”
H: true haha
W: “aishiten-ze” “yabai-ze”
H: that’s why this is the ballad version
Hikaru says something about seeing the song on TV, how masculine it sounds (ahh, Wakana must have been poking fun at the masculine manner of speaking and they must’ve left it out when they sang it) so she wondered how Kalafina’s version would be
W: but it has a tender melody
(H&K talking)
W: I think it’s lovely
W: “ハイにな~” *sigh* like that
(H does some fotw promotion)
They want to talk about their Osaka and Tokyo One Light promotion events.
hello, everyone, we’re Kalafina!
K: *starts laughing*?
W: thank you. Today is the special event for our single “One Light” where everyone came all the way to Osaka
K: jaa, Wakana-san, first you have to say it (?)
W: first, we want to know everyone’s first impressions from the song
Fan(rua-san): when I first heard this song, it felt like a very new Kalafina song (r u sure //whacked). After listening to it six times? she was left with a deep impression.
Keiko I have no idea what you are saying but it sounds hilarious esp when you try to speak in your manry voice after using a very high pitched one
Keiko picks out another fan I guess and asks for the club name he wants to use.
Fan: my name is… (名前で…) (he sounds nervous //pat)
K: are you okay, name? (だいじょぶ、お名前?)
Fan: yes, yes. I’m kazamidori.
K: ka-za-mi-do-ri-san
(someone in the audience: cool)
K: it sounds like an actor name
*chuckling from the crowd*
K: like kazamidori hikaru
H: it’s a hard name for Keiko (?)
K: well then, kazamidori-san, how many times have you heard One Light?
Fan (fan bc kazamidori is too long): um, zero times
K: woooa
Fan: because only from TV
K: ohh, so you know One Light from the anime Arslan Senki (did I spell that right)
Fan: yes, that’s right. I’ve had the patience to not listen to the full size until today.
K: eh??? no way
W: wow
K: so this is the first time you heard it! isn’t that amazing
W: he’s cool
K: what did you think of the full-size?
Fan: it was cool
(I kinda miss some of the ensuing dialogue)
K: that’s some patience you have
K: who is your favourite character?
Fan: *struggles for a while*
K: that’s how it is… it’s difficult
Fan: I am unable to answer
K: you have a love for all of Arslan Senki, and therefore One Light
(—end recording)
Now it’s time for the samples of two new songs from fotw.
First: monochrome
H: while the name makes it sound like monochrome colours, for Kalafina usually has many colours in its concept, so this was the first time they sang about a world without colour (she says a lot more but it went over my head orz)
Wakana says something about the lyrics reminding her of a little brother wanting someone to play with him? She says when they first recorded it, she felt suffering in the song?
Second: identify
…aaand the translation muse has left me. orz. I think Keiko describes the lyrics as cool. Keiko gets very worked up acting out a scene about YK lmao it might be her comparing what a different producer would say to Keiko but that YK is used to. They throw around the word がんじょう (strong) a lot. Wakana tries different stresses on saying “shinjitsu nandatte” (lyrics?). Something about the nuance. Wakana says she always gets the high parts, but in this song H&K get the fun parts (うんうん?? now I am very curious about this song).
(fyi I didn’t listen to the samples so I really have no idea about the context lol)
lol rip keiko's pronunciation. thanks for explaining!edit: about the "ganjou" part (which is also part of the lyrics), Keiko was saying how another producer was hearing her singing "kanjou" but YK was saying "oh really? I don't hear that" and Keiko was like "I'm singing "ganjou"! I'll do it once again!" and the producer was like "I still hear "kanjou" and she was saying it was really frustrating for her and ended up redoing it like 5 times. Poor Keiko ;; lol
A・RA・SHI by Arashi
W: A・RA・SHI. it was a shock, this simplicity (さび? beauty from old age?)
K: isn’t it nostanglic…
W wins
W: Bc this song was released in Nov 1999, they sang it today
They would play this song at school dances? lol
<One Light>
The listener told them about his/her dream the other night and asks if they remember their dreams from yesterday.
W: I remember really well
She says something about a baby? Zero-size?
K: scary
I guess she saw a baby in her dream and said “how cute!” and the person said “thank you”. Then she said “it’s hot isn’t it” “yes it is”. Why do you remember these random conversations lol. Apparently there was something interesting about the baby tho.
Doesn’t sound like Keiko remembers her dreams very often.
Hikaru dreams about a large room? She has bird’s-eye view?
They start talking about strange dreams, scary dreams… I wish I had time to try to listen more closely, I’m sure this would be interesting
<far on the water>
far on the water talk.
灯 影: W says even among Kalafina’s songs it’s slow. (Or did she say ゆったり? relaxed?). H & K say it’s gentle. They mention Sakurada a lot. (Eh? CPM credits Matsuda with piano. I confused.)
うすむらさき: W I didn’t understand a word of that. orz. Keiko says something about a mysterious part. Hikaru says Keiko’s harmony kinda sounds Arabian? Hmm.
W: This week our album is finally released!
K: It came!!
Keiko what do you keep shouting lol
@george1234@aki The booklet actually credits Sakurada on piano for Hokage which would match what Wakana was saying about singing in the studio with him and explain all the mentions so I think someone misread the kanji.
ouuu thanks! I've been avoiding that thread since samples started coming out, so I hadn't seen that Hatou translated it@aki Hatou also provided a more in-depth mini translation of this part in the 5th album thread, if you havent read it yet:
I'd like for a cover from both artists. And I agree, Aimer's voice is lovely - I love her unique style of singing. Something like Aria or sprinter would be perfect for Aimer's voice.I really wish for a collab one of these days, I really do adore Aimer's voice. Also a cover of a Kalafina song that isn't Believe would be lovely.
月のしずく by RUI
W: Kalafina version
W: nostalgic…
H wins
H: September is the season of the moon, so they sang Tsuki no Shizuku by RUI
Wakana really likes this song. It was from a movie?
Listener yuri-san sent in a mail. She was talking with a friend about hobbies and her friend’s is donating blood???? Even though she’s only 21 years old, she’s donated 20 times???! wow.
W: that’s too amazing
Apparently she enjoyed the service you get with it, like getting juice, manga, food, and massages. Yuri-san ends by asking the girls if they’ve ever given blood (LOL NOW ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IS FAIRYTALE VAMPIRE KEIKO).
Wakana is still wowing over the 20 times. She hasn’t donated blood, and she would like to, but she finds it scary (right there w ya //hit). I think Keiko has? Keiko’s like how is that a hobby.
Keiko goes off on a rant about defining hobbies I think lol.
airi-san wrote something about her 6 year-old younger brother? then she mentions certain lyrics from believe? I think she asks if Kalafina has any episodes about buying things for siblings? idk it has something to do with siblings ok.
Hikaru says every time for a birthday and xmas she gives presents to her family. Lately she listens to what they want and will buy that. (does hikaru have siblings?)
Keiko likes to give surprises. something that’s very personal
Wakana says since her brother got married, she makes flowers out of coloured paper? for her brother and his wife.
K: ahh, hand-made eh
<far on the water>
H: since it’s already the end of September, we’ll be starting our tour soon!
(does hikaru have siblings?)
Each Other’s Way 〜旅の途中〜 by EXILE (omg I forgot I had this song) (sidenote: wow I cannot take those dancers seriously)
W: so coolll
K: it’s cool isn’t it
W: so let’s do a cool rock-paper-scissors
K: cool rock-paper-scissors??
K wins
Wakana says it’s Silver Week (did not know this existed actually) and they have a holiday. She relates something to the song? I guess since 旅の途中 is like the middle of a trip. Even though she keeps saying it’s a cool song, she admits that she didn’t know it that well beforehand. It’s both hers and Keiko’s first time singing it. K: it’s a first for all three of us. W gushes over one of the singer’s voices lol.
<far on the water>
Yuri-san wrote about Musunde Hiraku. She describes it as sparkling, bright, gentle. She looks forward to it live. (Keiko, SLOW DOWN)
They talk about how they enjoy hearing how fans like the songs I think.
Keiko starts talking about Gogatsu no Mahou. Kalafinaぽい (Kalafina-like)? I think Wakana describes the song with 寂 (“a special kind of beauty that results from aging”).
Now “into the water”.
K: it certainly has an impact. What did H and W think when recording?
Hikaru says that since they recorded this song last, it had a special feel to it.
W: it was like a time of, we did it! ahh we did it! we finished the album!
Wakana describes the song as an introduction to the world of Kalafina.
This mail is from Mana-san. I think she wrote about how Kalafina’s music has an influence on her life? Idk, I didn’t understand it well. But it sounded deep. (Maybe I’m making things up lol). But she did say something about how Kalafina has a variety of music, like up-tempo, ballads… Wakana then talks about that.
Wakana says something like with the sound of the ocean, the sound of rain, it sounds like they love water. Influenced by nature.
I think Hikaru talks about how she really emerges herself in the songs. I’m not sure.