Phew. Just got back home from Bonn. Spent 12 hours on various trains (a German train running 32 minutes late and missing the follow-up bus, can you believe that?).

Too bad I couldn't go to the Q&A today, but that couldn't be helped - I was crossing the German/Czech border by the time it started. There's work to be done tomorrow.
Once again I'd like to thank you folks for your advice regarding my AnimagiC reservation. The on-arrival registration was a little bumpy as the "regular" clerk found us suspicious, but it was resolved in a minute. I didn't bump into anyone with a CPM badge or shirt at the event (and no internet so no checking out this thread). Then again, I wasn't even at AnimagiC most of the time apart from the concerts - in the end I spent the two days sightseeing around Bonn with my girlfriend. Beethoven's birth house was a given. Did you know there's a museum of computing with some really splendid artifacts, as well as a Japanese garden? (Saw no cosplayers there, strangely enough.) Also, it was fun running into crowds of random cosplayers in the streets. Some of the locals were quite confused. I've never cosplayed, but I almost regretted not having any costumes ourselves. :)
Anyway, my impressions from the concerts. You guys beat me to most points:
* No Yuki Kajiura, but I didn't expect her to be there anyway - just a tiny shimmer of naïve hope (anyway, the website probably would have mentioned her)
* No live band, but that was also expected. I thought the sound quality was bearable for me, but not for an establishment named in honour of the old Ludwig Van. The singing was audibly live, though, so that's what matters. Anyway, I've been to live shows with far worse sound and similar prices, so whatever.
* Taking photos was specifically banned for Kalafina, "because the company requested it". Damn Sony! I saw the organizers were really enforcing the ban, so I decided to respect the rules.
* As you all know, they played the same stuff both days, save for the encores. That was a real downer, especially given the length of the concerts. Such wasted potential - they ended up singing barely one-third of a truly formidable repertoire. (I had personally hoped to hear Aria, Mata kaze ga tsuyoku natta, and Sandpiper.) I had thought of the possibility, but I called myself unnecessarily paranoid for it.
* Apparently only CDs for merch. I had hoped there would be T-shirts and other stuff, as well. (They have those, right? I've seen some in online stores.) Combined with the requirement that people buy the CDs on the spot in order to get signatures, and the ridiculous queues that nonetheless formed, I decided I wasn't a crazy enough fan to hold my breath. So I didn't get anything :)
* On the plus side, they sang pretty well, the atmosphere was good despite the circumstances, and the CM was good too - the little German speeches they had prepared were adorable. They were also a challenge for me to interpret - I speak some German and a little Japanese, but I'm not very fluent at all, and I had to interpret for my lady who only knows "guten Tag" and "hai". I was also astonished to see that Keiko (is it Keiko? I keep getting confused!) sings two octaves lower than she speaks! And we got to see the artists up close: On Friday most people impatiently left before the encore (presumably to be first in line for the signing session), so we were able to get right under the stage. On Saturday we took advantage of the Amaterasu Taiko group (which was amazing by the way!) to grab some third-row seats.
Really, if it were any other band, I'd probably be disappointed. But, I got to see Kalafina - a band I like a lot and my GF adores (thanks to me introducing her to them, no less!), and which might never come back to Europe again, and I saw a beautiful city on the Rhine, and the girl of my heart was very happy with the trip, and Kalafina were KAWAII!, so I'm URESHII!

Thanks again. Hope they come back to Europe sometime.