English label?!
arama, aimu too late lol.
elcazador said:http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20120730-00000051-sph-ent
ninetales said:^ That's how I bought Seventh Heaven in '09
Exactly!!! I really hope to see them again in 2013 I miss them so muchI think it's really good that their album's get a release in europe.
Me and a friend are going to buy the 3 album's again, even that we already have the japanese version. but I want Kalafina and Sony to know that they have fans in europe who are supporting them. maybe they are really going to make a europe tour then!
Mwhlr said:ninetales said:^ That's how I bought Seventh Heaven in '09
Never mind - It's the American amazon I need to be on! This makes me most pleased.
Varete said:^ I'm not sure, but I think you are talking about Zuion, a CPM member. ^_^