「Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025」15th January Tokyo Garden Theater (NO KAJIURA INVOLVEMENT)

Holy cr that price is much more expensive than that Kajiura and the old Kalafina asked for....
it's actually quite standard for JP concerts nowadays. after covid the regular concert price is actually around 9500-12000 yen. it's YKL that's cheap lmao. Cheap price came with shit staging and costuming, but that's also because Kajiura is self represented so she doesn't need to share her half with the management anymore (other than whatever agreement she has with Highway Star).
Yea in most place it's at MINIMUM $100 and it goes up from there. Japan has this odd lottery system so there is only one ticket price, but in most places, the crap seats are $100, standing is $150, slightly nicer is $200, actually good seats is $350 and front row is $500+. And these are at huge venues where you can't even see the main artist unless you get good seats - most of the $100 tickets will be basically seeing the artist through a big screen.

Oh and concerts especially not in Japan or Korea, will have the concert goers singing along the entire time. You're paying so much money only to hear the audience sing and not the artist.
Ooh as I read that I realized I completely forgot about my long forgotten cloistered sleep and I mostly only remembered fiction lmao (ngl the English section from YKL20 was pretty sleep inducing. The lighting and the bad stage arrangement also didn't help because the camerawork was really awful on the English section thanks to the stage arrangement and their standing positions). And I really loved the point you made there about Wakana's singing mostly being straight and Joelle's being more varied because now I think that's also exactly what JP people don't really like about Joelle (other than her tone being not to their liking).

FBM is overhyped tho, especially for Kalafina. To be fair, one of the reasons I'm kinda looking forward to the upcoming Kalafina concert if it comes to fruition is the live band arrangement.
What's overhyped about FBM? They are professional musicians and well rated I believe, outside of Kajiura work, having played with other artists. Korenaga did a guitar thing not too long ago, etc.
IF Kalafina is indeed rebanding beyond this one concert as Kajiura indicated --

I believe no great art can flourish on top of an act of betrayal. The fact they handled it in a way that disrespects the founding producer will always hang over the head of the Kalafina reboot. It will always be a dark cloud that shades their success. All their fans will know it and gossip about it. It creates an atmosphere of negativity and drama from which they will never surpass. They will try to smile and sing beautifully through it, but it will linger like a bad smell. It's like trying to grow a plant on rot. You may be able to keep it alive for a while, but it will never flourish. All singers face the pitfall of ego. They think their voice is uniquely so beautiful that they are the core of the song. But in reality they are the instrument through which the craftmanship of the song plays. That is why each of the Kalafina singers have had lackluster solo careers (as so many singers do) because they erroneously believe their voice is central. It's not. Kalafina is not three singers; it is Kajiura's art through three singers. Sorry but those 3 women could have been many other 3 women and have had the same appeal and success. Keiko, Wakana, and Hikaru have succumb to this ego by agreeing to reband without Kajiura, or at least without her blessing. I first noticed this in Wakana, who distanced herself from Kajiura and began to sing Kalafina songs solo. I realized, wow, she really thinks that her voice alone was the appeal of these songs. She doesn't hear how bland it sounds without Kajiura's well crafted vocal layering. I agree with previous comments that Kajiura's composition during many of the Kalafina years became stale and that she pigeon-holed the three ladies, as she does her other singers, but that doesn't change the fact that Kalafina is Kajiura. Without her, the band will be as mediocre as each of their solo careers has been. If they get lucky and have a good producer (which it sounds like they do based on the comments in this thread) then it will be a whole new band calling itself Kalafina, and would be better suited to have a new name, even if it is the same 3 women. But since it won't, it will always have an awkwardness and darkness to it that can never be escaped.
IF Kalafina is indeed rebanding beyond this one concert as Kajiura indicated --

I believe no great art can flourish on top of an act of betrayal. The fact they handled it in a way that disrespects the founding producer will always hang over the head of the Kalafina reboot. It will always be a dark cloud that shades their success. All their fans will know it and gossip about it. It creates an atmosphere of negativity and drama from which they will never surpass. They will try to smile and sing beautifully through it, but it will linger like a bad smell. It's like trying to grow a plant on rot. You may be able to keep it alive for a while, but it will never flourish. All singers face the pitfall of ego. They think their voice is uniquely so beautiful that they are the core of the song. But in reality they are the instrument through which the craftmanship of the song plays. That is why each of the Kalafina singers have had lackluster solo careers (as so many singers do) because they erroneously believe their voice is central. It's not. Kalafina is not three singers; it is Kajiura's art through three singers. Sorry but those 3 women could have been many other 3 women and have had the same appeal and success. Keiko, Wakana, and Hikaru have succumb to this ego by agreeing to reband without Kajiura, or at least without her blessing. I first noticed this in Wakana, who distanced herself from Kajiura and began to sing Kalafina songs solo. I realized, wow, she really thinks that her voice alone was the appeal of these songs. She doesn't hear how bland it sounds without Kajiura's well crafted vocal layering. I agree with previous comments that Kajiura's composition during many of the Kalafina years became stale and that she pigeon-holed the three ladies, as she does her other singers, but that doesn't change the fact that Kalafina is Kajiura. Without her, the band will be as mediocre as each of their solo careers has been. If they get lucky and have a good producer (which it sounds like they do based on the comments in this thread) then it will be a whole new band calling itself Kalafina, and would be better suited to have a new name, even if it is the same 3 women. But since it won't, it will always have an awkwardness and darkness to it that can never be escaped.
I always say a kind of reunion never feels the same and as pitiful it is Kalafina only worked because Yuki has her own signature which makes her Music and so also Kalafina the music we fell in love and that train left the moment Kalafina disbanded. Even if we take all 3 songstresses together, they alone cannot handle it. I mean Kaori was the most versatile and even I as a hardcore Kaori Fan must admit that she was solo not even as succesful as she was as part of FJ. And our 3 divas also had mediocre solo carreers (I atleast had hopes that Keiko could do something since she was atleast highly charismatic and an audience fav)
When it comes to how this was handled I agree with most of the comments I've seen and I hope as well that this will not make any hard feelings between Keiko and Hikaru with Yuki. But I don't think Kalafina couldn't work without Yuki, when the disband first happened, I actually was ok with the idea of other composers/producers to make the music for the 3 singers and I'm still fine with that if it happens, as long as they sing something similar to any kind of music I love then I'm totally ok with that 😅

But that doesn't mean I would think as many other fans that seem to not really care about Yuki, most likely I would never like them as much without her behind (that's why I don't really like most of their solo works besides wakana) but I just could never see any of her singers as just a tool that isn't worth it without her writting the music, to me they are what made me love her music in the first place so I have just as much love for their voices as for all the amazing melodies and lyrics Yuki has made.
A lot of Kalafina songs depart heavily from what Kajiura is famously known for. You can tell it's a Kajiura song if you were a pre-existing Kajiura fan, but a song like Hikari no Senritsu is completely unlike anything she made for FJ Yuuka or Seesaw before. Plus Kalafina dipped into so many different genres that all that music being composed by a single person is nothing short of amazing. Imagine a composer who's primarily known for classical choral gospel-inspired soundtracks being able to write not just good, but amazing rock, symphonic rock, heavy metal, enka (ish, Sandpiper is very enka coded), folk, waltz, electronic, jpop, chamber pop, synth, progressive rock, new age, with traditional Japanese and Arabic/Egyptian influences mixed in. And with harmonies and intricate vocal arrangement and layering in almost every song.

When I describe Kalafina to my friends, the closest I can think of is Evanescence, and even that is not close enough to describe Kajiura's work when she was in Kalafina. The diversity is shocking when you think about it, and I don't think many people on this planet can do as many genres as Kajiura had with Kalafina.

Now I really wish she used what she leaned in Kalafina and add it to her OSTs. Kalafina's rock songs are the best, bar none. Imagine an electric guitar focused OST rather than a violins and strings for once.
I also like to describe some of Yuki's music as similar to Evanescence! I'm happy I'm not alone with that 😆 not only from Kalafina but also FJ and Yuuka have songs that I feel like I could listen to them in the same playlist as Evanescence and it would blend perfectly.

Who made this?
Who made a 4x4 table and let a blank space? It makes me feel sick...

Ah, is because Maya will join as a big surprise!!
Just kidding. 😊
But they should fire the web designer. 😠
View attachment 25466

Who made this?
Who made a 4x4 table and let a blank space? It makes me feel sick...

Ah, is because Maya will join as a big surprise!!
Just kidding. 😊
But they should fire the web designer. 😠
I mean everything on that website is messy 🤣. The Kalafina logo on top isn't centred, the website isn't optimized for mobile view, that blurred brown/copper background is really random, the source code was recycled and isn't edited properly. I think they just had some poor intern did the website lmao. We'll see if the website gets an overhaul because the advanced FC ticket sales will start tomorrow.
IF Kalafina is indeed rebanding beyond this one concert as Kajiura indicated --

I believe no great art can flourish on top of an act of betrayal. The fact they handled it in a way that disrespects the founding producer will always hang over the head of the Kalafina reboot. It will always be a dark cloud that shades their success. All their fans will know it and gossip about it. It creates an atmosphere of negativity and drama from which they will never surpass. They will try to smile and sing beautifully through it, but it will linger like a bad smell. It's like trying to grow a plant on rot. You may be able to keep it alive for a while, but it will never flourish. All singers face the pitfall of ego. They think their voice is uniquely so beautiful that they are the core of the song. But in reality they are the instrument through which the craftmanship of the song plays. That is why each of the Kalafina singers have had lackluster solo careers (as so many singers do) because they erroneously believe their voice is central. It's not. Kalafina is not three singers; it is Kajiura's art through three singers. Sorry but those 3 women could have been many other 3 women and have had the same appeal and success. Keiko, Wakana, and Hikaru have succumb to this ego by agreeing to reband without Kajiura, or at least without her blessing. I first noticed this in Wakana, who distanced herself from Kajiura and began to sing Kalafina songs solo. I realized, wow, she really thinks that her voice alone was the appeal of these songs. She doesn't hear how bland it sounds without Kajiura's well crafted vocal layering. I agree with previous comments that Kajiura's composition during many of the Kalafina years became stale and that she pigeon-holed the three ladies, as she does her other singers, but that doesn't change the fact that Kalafina is Kajiura. Without her, the band will be as mediocre as each of their solo careers has been. If they get lucky and have a good producer (which it sounds like they do based on the comments in this thread) then it will be a whole new band calling itself Kalafina, and would be better suited to have a new name, even if it is the same 3 women. But since it won't, it will always have an awkwardness and darkness to it that can never be escaped.
To piggy back on this, with which I wholeheartedly agree— their voices really were the instruments to Kajiura’s music, more so than solo entities, and that’s not to diminish their worth or value, but they’re just as integral to the unit as Konno’s violin playing or Korenaga’s guitar playing. The “sound” that is Kalafina was never about the elements as individuals, but rather how Kajiura weaved all the pieces together into beautiful lyrical and musical tapestry.

Now one can argue “then why doesn’t it feel complete when Joelle is filling in Wakana’s lines?” — and that is in my opinion because we are constantly comparing Joelle to the foundation Wakana helped built already. Joelle will always be an imitation, a replacement, and that by itself is as dangerous as seeing this new producer as Kajiura’s replacement, and we will forever compare the newer works (if there are any) to Kajiura.

Drama or not— I’m here for the reunion 💀 I have no expectations for what’s to come, but this is definitely some “alternate reality” situation going on. I sure hope we get footage!! I’m coincidentally in Tokyo the day of the concert so I’m gonna try to snag a ticket somehow 🥵🥵🥵 if someone can spare a ticket I’ll be more than happy to send money someway somehow!!
Now one can argue “then why doesn’t it feel complete when Joelle is filling in Wakana’s lines?” — and that is in my opinion because we are constantly comparing Joelle to the foundation Wakana helped built already. Joelle will always be an imitation, a replacement, and that by itself is as dangerous as seeing this new producer as Kajiura’s replacement, and we will forever compare the newer works (if there are any) to Kajiura.
That's funny because when I heard the Kalafina songs in Kaji Fest 2023 I thought Joelle's voice was the sound that was missing from Kalafina from all those years. The only time I felt I missed Wakana was during the FJ song Parallel Hearts
. Joelle will always be an imitation, a replacement, and that by itself is as dangerous as seeing this new producer as Kajiura’s replacement, and we will forever compare the newer works (if there are any) to Kajiura.
I do not recall Kajiura stating FictionJunction is meant to have fixed members, so can you elaborate on how Joelle is being an imitation, because she's certainly not, and posing as a threat to the contemporary run for Kajiura? I get that some still miss Wakana's presence in the group and are still used to hearing her voice in some newer rendition, but to declare such is not a nice thing : )