Kalafina 5th album "far on the water"

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thanks so much!! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:

in heaven blue and one light you forgot the intro kajiurago.

updated all the pages.
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I copied only the main stanza of all songs, that's true. Here they are then:

HB: consti mia solta dia
OL: sistia coltia
I was in japan and I happened to pick up all of the kalafina vinyls from a store...I put in far on the water and went straight to usumurasaki and it skips during a part of the song :( I remember reading how someone else's record skips? Any tips? I'm torn since usumurasaki is my favorite song lol
Yes, I tried cleaning the record with a microfiber cloth and that helped a little, but still skips during that song and others. There are songs like Sorairo that play fine though. Which is weird. One Light skipped for me as well (the actual single record and on the far on the water record too lol) so I am not sure as to how this could happen. I also tried taping a quarter and a nickle on the arm and it helps somewhat. But I played Lindsey Stirling's album Shatter Me and it plays fine. Just Kalafina skips for me. :cry:
usumurasaki is the only one that skips for me. i tried cleaning it & dusting it...it still skips. all of my other vinyls play fine...one light and ring your bell vinyls also play fine. don't know what's wrong...my friend is going to buy me a couple of more far on the water vinyls in japan and send them to me..so let's see if it's just on every vinyl (which i doubt) or just ours lol @Liana_Ilia
^Yeah, One Light vinyl really skips but only with that song. The instrumental of it too. heh I like it, but it's not the best.
@Liana_Ilia kinda off topic, but did you know that crosleys/any cheap turntable destroy records?? my dad told me that buying a cheap turntable is a big no-no and that they seriously damage them over time. i was like :omg::omg::omg: when he told me because those kala vinyls are precious and limited lol i'll be returning my turntable & investing in a better quality one...maybe the skips will not appear then? lol

@grunty true, that would be safer... but nothing beats putting a vinyl on to start one's day :ayashii:that action alone makes my morning a lot better..the nostalgia, maybe?

@Seasonreaper yes, incredibly so!
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Multiple puchases of the same vinyl album (which might be faulty in the first place) seems overkill to me... I guess I could understand if this was vinyl-only and you really wanted to have that music in your library and show your support but... uh... it's not vinyl-only. Who am I to suggest how you spend your money though.

People actually buy digital music? Pfftahahaha
Yo, Pirate-chan. ;)
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@grunty it does seem like overkill, huh? but for some reason, i really love the warm sound a vinyl gives. kalafina sounds so beautiful on vinyl (not that it makes some of their boring songs sound any better lol). i'll probably have my friend purchase another set of vinyls just in case something happens with mine, idk. i'm weird :p i understand how ridiculous it sounds, though hahahaha
I did not know that about Crosley. Hmm. Well, I don't have the money now to even save for a better record player. (If only I had won big in Vegas. Then I could have gotten my own place too for the room for one as well.) But yeah, grunty vinyls do sound so cool. lol I used to listen to them a lot when I was younger, obviously, but now they are coming back. Who knows, maybe they made Crosley better as well so that they don't destroy records? Could be good to research though.

Oh, I also tried the One Light vinyl on my brother's player (he has an older one but still played a brand new record fine) and that's when it skipped. So when I bought the Crosley it still skipped. So I don't think it's that player.
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Song randomly came up on my mp3 player. I thought: What FJ song is this. I don't remember it. I look. It's Identify off FotW. So.... in a way we have a new FJ song, but it's by Kalafina. haha
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