What the art does remind me of is a lot of stuff relating to Kajiura herself, look at all the merch and whatnot for Vol. #12 and I'm sure she's had that kind of style before. I really like it, though. Pencil sketches are kind of my thing anyway, I love buying artbooks for animation and games and films and the like especially when they have pencil sketches and storyboards, I love the sketchy, somewhat unfinished look to that kind of thing.
Red Moon's white background behind the random branches and Seventh's Heaven's cluttered mass of items on a black background don't exactly look 'complete' either, to be fair. Small, somewhat illegible title aside, I think I prefer these covers to either of those. I absolutely adore After Eden and Consolation's covers though so it's a step down from there. These covers do also remind me of Moonfesta's covers though, and I love those too.
Now I'm back home and can actually look properly at the artwork in full size and all, the BD version just looks terrible. There's no sense of composition there at all, it looks like they just threw a photo on top of a preset background with no thought as to what should be where. I'm actually kind of tempted to buy both the BD and DVD versions, swap the actual disc and give the BD-version-with-a-DVD-disc to a friend or something, because I want the HD footage but can't stand the BD cover, whilst I like the DVD cover and it's a different style to the rest. The regular edition won't look great I don't think, it's lovely and all but on a CD booklet I reckon it'll be too small to actually see much, luckily this is averted by the Vinyl edition being larger by default. Considering the size of the booklet, the minimalist style of the DVD cover works to its advantage whilst the regular edition may end up looking too cluttered. As with Martin and someone else earlier on (I forgot who and can't be bothered to look back right now) I'd say Vinyl is best, followed by DVD, then regular, then BD far below the rest. I really like the style they've got here though and I'm really happy I'm getting the vinyl, I reckon it'll look gorgeous.
Now if only the album is as pretty as the Vinyl cover. Please be good
