A friend said she already recovered at AFA Thai.Apparently she got a cold around Budokan. If it's anything like when Wakana got the flu then we might have to wait a few months because Wakana's had some lasting effects till around budokan. (Examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4bvhNnZKNQ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u200_1z6JQU ) But I think every singer has some off performances, it's only natural.
Hikaru spoke normally at Budokan. It sounded nothing like a cold. Said friend also said it has happened in the past before, at the Christmas acoustic lives. It's is more likely to be stress/nerves related. I could dig up one of the Kalafina books that spoke about it but I can't remember which and don't really want to go searching whole books for this. On another note.. I hope I was not the one who speculated that she had a cold. lol. I can't remember anything I said back then.
Yuriko Kaida can sing Materialise even when she's down with a cold and can hardly speak but that's because she's on a whole other level.
Why Aria in particular? Because Hikaru can't handle it? It's just that one time... And it's not like she sounded great for every other song that day.Honesty I would be happy if they stopped singing Aria altogether... but we will see what happens next time.
How condescending could you get? Stop treating Hikaru like someone who needs to be babied. She's far more capable than you seem to think. Initimidated? LOL. Believe it or not, you're far more insulting than ritardando ever was.Its BUDOKAN!!! Only one of the biggest performances of their career..maybe she was nervous as hell?! Maybe she was intimidated by learning the dance steps/ hand movements, remembering song lyrics, where to stand during a song..
I don't blame them when they make mistakes, but I sure as hell don't go wishing that they do. What the hell? I champion the mantra that no two lives are the same but it sure as hell isn't because they sometimes sound flat.
Argh. I'm gonna take another break from this forum.
I'm trying to resist too... Hard...I'm stopping at this even though i can point out more flaws in LacrimosaRaven's post.