Kajiura Family Media Appearances

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大家志津香のエン活 Guest: Kalafina
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XirULjmDjrA
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYWHuQAi5ZE

I've not had the opportunity to double check it yet. I think Kalafina's part is only in part 2. Can't check it now since I'm not supposed to be YouTubing atm. There's another link available but that one's audio seemed to cut out at times. Yup. Kalafina appears in part 2.

This was hosted by Ooya Shizuka from AKB48. Not a live recording.

Probably no translation from me on this one. Probably. Edit: Okay, maybe just a little bit. Quite a bit of content in this one overlaps with the others. They played storia, which is a nice choice since the NHK show's theme is probably the most famous amongst the general public. Ooya Shizuka listened to the song as it was airing via headphones. Kalafina explained to her who sang which part. This part is Hikaru. This part is Wakana, for example. When the song ends and we come back to them, we hear Shizuka sobbing, apparently having been moved to tears while listening to storia for the first time. Wakana, ever easily brought to tears, cries along with her. Haha.

They also reaffirm their stance on how much care they will put into singing each song. They sing with the assumption that there is someone out there in the audience that is attending the live just to listen to that one song and will thus put their utmost effort into each song.

Also, Kalafina will be guesting on a TV programme called "weekend Hips" which will be airing on TOKYO MX, tomorrow - 7th Feb. It will air at 11:00-11:58 JST. Since there is another guest around, I would assume they will only get a small segment of their time. Hope we get to see this one too.
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Kalafina to appear on Music Fair, airing at FujiTV on 14th Feb, 18:00-18:30 JST.
Pics at http://tv.yahoo.co.jp/program/99785491/

今夜の『MUSIC FAIR』も個性豊かなアーティストたちが共演!この季節にピッタリの広瀬香美の名曲をさまざまなアーティストがコラボ!その他、今 聞きたい曲満載でお送りする。  広瀬香美で1993年発売の「ロマンスの神様」、広瀬香美×w-inds.で1994年発売の「幸せをつかみたい」、広 瀬香美×SOLIDEMOで1997年発売の「真冬の帰り道」、広瀬香美×Kalafinaで1997年発売の「promise」広瀬香美×w- inds.×Kalafina×SOLIDEMOで「ゲレンデがとけるほど恋したい」。  また、Kalafinaで「storia」、SOLIDEMO で「Rafflesia」、w-inds.で「FANTASY」をお送りします。
A collaboration cover of promise from 1997, ゲレンデがとけるほど恋したい and a live performance of storia.

This looks a thousand times better than that Utage joke of a music show. Music Fair is a long running show and is pretty famous. This will be good exposure.
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I'm looking for footage for "weekend Hips". It seems to be more of an interview type of show so I really wanna see what they said. And oh my. I think it was a live broadcast.

Wakana talked about dinosaurs. lol
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Kalafina to appear on Music Fair, airing at FujiTV on 14th Feb, 18:00-18:30 JST.
Pics at http://tv.yahoo.co.jp/program/99785491/

A collaboration cover of promise from 1997, ゲレンデがとけるほど恋したい and a live performance of storia.

This looks a thousand times better than that Utage joke of a music show. Music Fair is a long running show and is pretty famous. This will be good exposure.

featured in 15sec video
Is there a video yet of them singing Believe? I see them in photos doing it, so was just wondering. Thanks Hatou for all the translations! They were talking so fast in the Weekend Hips video. Hikaru looked like she was barely moving her mouth when she talked. I guess that's usually how Japanese talk, but still. I could not understand very much. Just the part about Hikaru's birthday, which I missed that it was an American cake. She really likes America huh? That's the part that I got. And the dinosaur part too. Were they imitating a dinosaur when the one host put up her hands? Anyways, looking forward to the song, if someone can find it.
Is there a video yet of them singing Believe? I see them in photos doing it, so was just wondering. Thanks Hatou for all the translations! They were talking so fast in the Weekend Hips video. Hikaru looked like she was barely moving her mouth when she talked. I guess that's usually how Japanese talk, but still. I could not understand very much. Just the part about Hikaru's birthday, which I missed that it was an American cake. She really likes America huh? That's the part that I got. And the dinosaur part too. Were they imitating a dinosaur when the one host put up her hands? Anyways, looking forward to the song, if someone can find it.
They didn't sing while they were at Weekend Hips, which is new. Imagine that. Kalafina being invited to a TV programme, non-cable no less, not to sing, but to be introduced as an artist! To promote themselves! Sony is really pushing them this year. They did advertise their Budokan live which, at this point, has long sold out.

That picture of them in the believe dress is from Music Fair. That will air next week. Refer to post #1104.
Hatou: ahh, thank you. I know they are advertising. I just thought it was the same program, since I thought I saw one of the hosts there as well, but I guess not. I did not think they needed to advertise, at least in Japan anyways. They are so popular, even what you just said about their concert being sold out, it amazing! And that should prove something. But it's always good to keep pushing popular artists I guess, so they don't go away, which I would never want. So yay for Sony doing something right for once. heh (not a Sony fan, except for their music part.)
Hatou: ahh, thank you. I know they are advertising. I just thought it was the same program, since I thought I saw one of the hosts there as well, but I guess not. I did not think they needed to advertise, at least in Japan anyways. They are so popular, even what you just said about their concert being sold out, it amazing! And that should prove something. But it's always good to keep pushing popular artists I guess, so they don't go away, which I would never want. So yay for Sony doing something right for once. heh (not a Sony fan, except for their music part.)
They're not exactly mainstream yet though and SME seems to be pushing them that way. This was on Tokyo MX, a national channel, which has a huge reach. Music Fair is on Fuji TV, also a national TV channel. Both are not late night shows which, for comparison, Utage was (11.53pm), and are airing in the afternoon/early evening on a Saturday. So far they've been on NHK, Tokyo MX, TBS and soon, Fuji TV.

I kinda think they booked the WeekendHips slot a long time ago to promote their Budokan live but didn't expect to have already sold out so easily by then lol.

Kalafina 老舗音楽番組「MUSIC FAIR」に初出演

アニメファンだけではなく様々なジャンル層にファンを拡げ、昨年末の12月28日(日)にはロックミュージックの祭典「COUNTDOWN JAPAN 14/15」への初出演を果たし大きな注目を浴びたKalafina。


なんと今週2月14日(土)にフジテレビ「MUSIC FAIR」への初出演が決定した。ここ最近、数々のテレビ出演が続くKalafina。3人が織りなすコーラスワークに注目が集まり、各所話題を呼んでいる。

