The basic elements of communication in a company are known as “hôrensô”. The term hôrensô is made up from the first syllables of three words: hôkoku, meaning “report”; renraku, meaning “contact”; and sôdan, meaning “consult”. Actually, the term hôrensô is a pun, because it sounds the same as hôrensô meaning “spinach,” the vegetable!
If you get lazy regarding the business meaning of hôrensô, you may end up making mistakes of judgment or having business problems, so please make sure to keep to it.
Hôkoku – “report” – means to constantly report how your work is progressing so that your bosses and colleagues can immediately respond if some problem comes up.
Renraku – “contact” – means to inform your bosses and colleagues of work plans and schedules. And you should always tell them if you’re going straight home after some outside appointment or when you wish to take a day off.
Sôdan – “consult” – means to ask for appropriate instructions and advice. If you are still inexperienced (like Cuong), it’s not at all embarrassing to ask anything. An old proverb says: “To ask a question is a temporary embarrassment, but not to ask is a lasting embarrassment.” So never hesitate to ask!