Loved the event, seeing a cheerful, lively Hikaru always improves my mood.
English version of pulsation was a big bow towards foreign fans, so I won't say a single bad word about it. Her english sounded very well, as expected.
Regarding 夜に駆ける - never knew the original before, extremely vocaloid-ish, not my cup of tea. I think pitching it down to suit Hikaru was a good idea, this, combined with Hi-chan's "dark" voice and her expressiveness make the song somewhat entartaining. I adore the "shinjite itai kedo shinjirenai koto [...]" part, She NAILED it.
Kinda wish they covered the instrumental as well, with a rearrangement of sorts - add some slap to this boring bassline to spice up things a little bit or somethig.
Still, I think it might eventually grow on me, it's catchy.