Good Things that Happened to You!!!

AT LONG LAST I FOUND STONE COLD VOCAL SCORE AVAILABLE ON FROMJAPAN.... As a bundle with all thirteen yuki kajiura songbook vocal scores !!! And the vocal score binder .. I hope it's good quality... As I spent over 10,000 yen on this shit including shipping to USA!!!

Thank goodness I changed my mind about buying the arena LIVE BD LMFAOOO
YEEEHEHEHEHHEESSSSSS IT HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!! All just for stone cold... And Boy was it worth it! What a masterpiece ....
Lol that makes me want to ask you, who has the lead at
"aitakute / dakiatte / hitoribocchi ni naru toki mo" at the end of the down chorus cause I can't tell if its Yuriko or Kaori :XD:
Wow... that is truly awesome, you should take pics. I only have credens right now... well and far on the water but it's in a book, so I can't play it without someone holding it up, not that I can anyways...

Got Nana Mizuki's Neogeneration (like it more than her last album) and the Christmas Premium Live pamphlet. Going to start collecting them now... though it will take me awhile. heh This was the cheapest one. Man, did it take forever to get here. The box was partly damaged, just one of the corners was pushed in, but I am glad nothing was damaged.
Have shows now booked: May'n in Osaka, then Chiaki Ishikawa, Animelo Summer Live 2017 press conference, Miu Sakamoto, Video Game Orchestra, Lisa Komine (all in Tokyo) and Chiaki Ishikawa at the Blue-Note Nagoya.
^Nice to see you're gonna see Lisa Komine, she's a totally underated artist :touched: Give her lots of love, she deserves it! ♥

It has been over a year from my first cornea transplant and everything went so smooth and perfectly I can't still believe it. It was like being born again, and rediscover the worl and everything :sohappy:
Lol that makes me want to ask you, who has the lead at
"aitakute / dakiatte / hitoribocchi ni naru toki mo" at the end of the down chorus cause I can't tell if its Yuriko or Kaori :XD:
YURIKO is melody with KAORI as lower harmony. I was confused at first too since in the PV, it cuts to KAORI during that line.. LMAO
My Nintendo Switch and special edition of Zelda: Breath of the Wild finally arrived today!!!! :hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts:

Goodbye social life :shy::shy:
My Nintendo Switch and special edition of Zelda: Breath of the Wild finally arrived today!!!! :hearts::hearts::hearts::hearts:

Goodbye social life :shy::shy:
See you in 5 years :goodjob:

(I've pretty much been playing it non-stop since I got it on Friday, with breaks only for eating, sleeping, restroom, and school :XD:)
Kinda off kilter but there's this Youtuber guy I seriously really like and he added me back on Snapchat and texted me first and he was flirting with me and he called me cute but he's 26 and I'm quite a bit younger (I'm 18, Ik the thing says I'm 19 but I entered in my age wrong when I made my account lol whoops) but I really like him someone help me.

(He was literally sending me paragraphs of college advice and stuff like he's genuinely a really nice, funny, charismatic guy and I'm so happy right now, see there is hope for us obsessive Kajiura fans LOL)
I just hope he isn't turned away from the age difference lol

I haven't even started my homework yet and it's midnight and I have 3 tests tomorrow but I've been obsessing over him all night. :comeback:
(If anyone knows the anime Youtuber Digibro, the guy is like Digi's best friend so :p)
Asian Kung Fu Generation and Do as Infinity are coming to Brazil on July. I've never thougth I'd able to see DOA after so long. :sohappy:
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I got to meet Rosanna Pansino, who has a baking/cooking show on Youtube called Nerdy Nummies. You guys should check it out. I waited in line for 7 hours... my poor feet and legs were hurting for days. It was also cold. But I did it! She is so tiny, only 4'9" and I had to scrunch down in order to make me not feel like a giant for once and to take the pic. lol She is so nice. I forgot her cookbook to sign (I packed everything else to bring to my sister's, I stayed over for the weekend. Got to see my niece a lot. She is just such a sweetie and I got to read to her twice, her snug next to me on the couch. Aww.). Such a good weekend. And I got to go to my cousin's bridal shower which was very nice. Here's the pic of me and Rosanna though:
Finished a TV size version of a song for a project with a friend! We're creating our own fanmade anime opening to an anime we're creating, and I'm composing the opening. It's a pretty cool rock song, with some Kajiura elements in it. If anyone wants a listen, PM me.
This could go in the Lisa Komine thread but after her live show today she met all the audience members and gave them presents. Mine was a picture frame with a picture that Lisa Komine had drawn:

Bidding on an auction and won it by a mere ¥43. Had to end right in the middle of my shift so threw down my max amount last night, so yay. Second clutch win in a row in fact.