I have reached Yuki nirvana
^What is it? lol
Multiple things: 1. My niece came and stayed over the weekend. She is such a ray of sunshine, well except when she starts to whine. lol Her laugh is contagious and we play this toss the kitty game up the stairs. She sits on the top of the stairs and I have a lot of Meowchis (round kitty plushes) and someone throws the kitties up to her and she tosses them back down or slides them down the railing. heh She laughs hysterically and my friend Sara came on Sun and we played the game. She read to her on her bed (the fouton), and snuggled next to me and held my hand.
2. Kalafina tomorrow! It was shipped, like almost the moment I checked my email and then I checked CDJ and it said shipped. So the email popped up. lol I was like... "I want a million dollars!" But no luck. I am getting it tomorrow and will listen to the vinyl version first. Haven't played any of my records in awhile.
3. Oh also got to hear some new Yuki music today in Zaregoto! Even though I couldn't hear it all that well lol
Multiple things: 1. My niece came and stayed over the weekend. She is such a ray of sunshine, well except when she starts to whine. lol Her laugh is contagious and we play this toss the kitty game up the stairs. She sits on the top of the stairs and I have a lot of Meowchis (round kitty plushes) and someone throws the kitties up to her and she tosses them back down or slides them down the railing. heh She laughs hysterically and my friend Sara came on Sun and we played the game. She read to her on her bed (the fouton), and snuggled next to me and held my hand.

2. Kalafina tomorrow! It was shipped, like almost the moment I checked my email and then I checked CDJ and it said shipped. So the email popped up. lol I was like... "I want a million dollars!" But no luck. I am getting it tomorrow and will listen to the vinyl version first. Haven't played any of my records in awhile.
3. Oh also got to hear some new Yuki music today in Zaregoto! Even though I couldn't hear it all that well lol