Fena: Pirate Princess: OST & OP & Taiyou no Kouro ENG ver in Junna's "Dear"

I like all the violin tracks, especially the one at 15:02. lovely melody, it reminds me of traditional chinese or japanese melodies. I can almost hear the Erhu. (it's probably just me xD) it's so good and it has cello, piano too.

I love the effect of violin (even though it's super short) when Fena leaves the place at the end.

I also like the a.guitar/violin/drum/flute track when they meet that new lady.

the pipes are probably real. if it's synth it's sooo good lol. the other instrument I'm not sure about..

the music itself in this episode had lovely coherence I thought. not sure whether the scenes fit or not but so far so great! (fena >> varitas lol)

joelle track could turn out to be ok bad or good it's too short for me to judge now.
I'd say they fit the scenes in mood... just not necessarily the setting, lol. I mean, the 2nd half of the episode's supposed to be in a German village and we're hearing pipes and later what feels like a traditional Japanese melody. Fiction, indeed.

There's this confidence this show is exuding for me. It feels like it knows the story it has to tell, the characters it features. The pacing is *muah* 💋 in every episode so far. It's spending just the right time on everything - characters, locations, storytelling, teasing past&future developments. Then to top it off the show throws in a mystical dream/vision with solo Kajiurago 4 episodes in instead of opening the show with it (yet they still teased it in the opening of ep1 anyways)? Sign me the fuck up.
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I mean, the 2nd half of the episode's supposed to be in a German village and we're hearing pipes and later what feels like a traditional Japanese melody.
Th e funny part is that Kajiura has lived in Germany for 12 years of her life or so its not like she doesnt know how german music is like 😅
Well akshooally, bagpipes were used in medieval German music so she didn't totally miss the mark
Another solid episode.
I laughed hard at the other pirates, Team Rocket it is.

Hey Joelle. Goosebumps.

It's so nice to not feel stressed when watching a show. Makes me feel that it's made by competent people.
The team they got for this show is really good. Like even that shot of Fena's back in front of that door is magical. Pacing is still 💋
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I like the hopeful pirate track in the beginning. I think the whole production is great so far! I enjoy the bright colors, animation, music.

The pirate drum tracks are fun. Joelle's voice was really good, it reminds me of Chiaki's demon slayer track. There is more to Joelle's track, we can definitely hear some flute.
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That track was in the first episode already when they were rescuing Fena, with extra trumpets. Though if they are synth maybe it would be better if they released it like in this episode, kek.
I'm glad the "corrupt-arena"-synth with cello villain track isn't just endless improv sounding brooding.

So, unless it's some sort of redherring, I assume Shitan betrayed our squad. (Pidgeon-mail with Abel. Re: Ep3 pre-OP scene & Ep5 post-OP scene.)

Will the squad figure it out in the next episode already or will the show stretch it out? Being trapped in that cave seems like a good enough situation story-wise for them to figure out how they got caught by the same pirates again.
Or maybe the show will want to spend a whole episode on a proper introduction for Abel. Hmmm...

Do we think the show would kill Shitan off?
Not complaining because several good tracks were already heard, but this week's episode had plenty of quiet-ambiant/sfx tracks (not especially bad, but more boring) and I'm just hoping that it won't represent 2/3 of the soundtrack. <1/4 max please.

It's so nice to not feel stressed when watching a show. Makes me feel that it's made by competent people.
The team they got for this show is really good. Like even that shot of Fena's back in front of that door is magical.
The franponais is strong tho 😅 (as with Vanitas btw) #JeSuisMoliere
Not complaining because several good tracks were already heard, but this week's episode had plenty of quiet-ambiant/sfx tracks (not especially bad, but more boring) and I'm just hoping that it won't represent 2/3 of the soundtrack. <1/4 max please.
I don't think there's anything to worry about yet as far as "SFX" tracks go.

This episode only had 1 new one that could qualify as that (playing inbetween the two vignettes with Mary, and that one is so inaudible that it could be from the back of another track). I don't think it's fair to count the one featuring Joelle as "SFX", even if it's ambiant.
They are playing 2 other ones in every episode (and one of those develops into https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueE_lcJOUnw#t=13m50s which I am very excited about - and will riot if it's omitted from OST).

So that's at most 3 total so far that's "SFX".
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I personally think it is. :) Whether it is or not, we'll see.

Here's all the BGM so far, if anyone cares.
In first appearance order, with only 1"fullest"version as of ep5 per BGM (if I didn't make any mistakes). Ignore the missing numbers, they were shorter than 10seconds and prolly just sound designers having fun rather than Kajiura.
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hmm I am revisiting the episodes and the SFX does not seem to be a problem. and the ones used are actually either very soothing or suspenseful so it kinda works. I think I like almost every track wow. nothing too special or different but they have been beautifully executed so far.

I guess one hope I have is that we will see more action cues. there was almost nothing so far and I was predicting mannyy battle tracks instead everything is so light-hearted. not that I am complaining but a little bit of oomph could be nice about now. pacing wise things have been excellent so possibly action will kick in soon. (I'm following the story... somewhat)
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その他シングルには、疾走感溢れるロックナンバー「ROCK YOU, ROCK ME」、7月、8月に行われた約2年半ぶりの有観客ライブツアー「JUNNA ROCK YOU TOUR 2021 ~20才の夏~」に向け制作、披露された「はじまりの唄」、「海と真珠」の英語詞バージョンとなる「the sea and a pearl」の計4曲が収録される。

【BD付初回限定盤】VTZL-190 \4,400(税込)
【通常盤】VTCL-35330 \1,540(税込)

1.海と真珠      作詞・作曲・編曲:梶浦由記
2.ROCK YOU, ROCK ME 作詞:尾上文 作曲:井上アッシュ 編曲:桶狭間ありさ
3.はじまりの唄     作詞:JUNNA 作曲:JUNNA・島田昌典 編曲:島田昌典
4.the sea and a pearl    作詞・作曲・編曲:梶浦由記 英訳詞:Joelle
5.海と真珠 without JUNNA      
7.はじまりの唄 without JUNNA

■「海と真珠」 Music Video
1.Believe In Myself
3.FREEDOM~Never End~
4.La Vie en rose
10.コノユビトマレ-20×20 ver.-
Was kind of sort of maybe hoping for all tracks to be by Kajiura but oh well...
That's probably for the best since I kept wanting her to slow down after doing 10+ songs every year for Kalafina/FJ some time back, lol.

Question is... will the Umi to Shinju without JUNNA have backing vocals?