Alright, after 3 episodes I can feel a difference in composition compared to Vanitas, good because at first glance I thought that the use of accordion was going to be too similar. Overall and so far the music is less.. anxious?, more adventurous, and I get a not only folksy but also tribal feeling with the percussions, matching the setting. But maybe Kajiura didn't work on this anime as much as with Vanitas, as I think that more music could have been delivered so far.
#114 OP: mixed feelings. One of the most anisong -by definition- that Kajiura has ever written, with this festive take-off and sudden ending at exactly 1:30. Unlike with Aimer, ASCA and LiSA, I think it could have been a FictionJunction's song. On the other hand, good climatic part ~1min long, the moment when you realize that none other than Kajiura is the composer behind it. And ofc works as an opening. I like how Fena's lips synchronize with JUNNA's voice in the opening, if only Kajiura could write at least a solo song for Mikumo in the MacrossΔ universe. (Since she didn't write Minori Suzuki's ED song, may be a sign that a full collaboration with Walküre is not going to happen...).
BTW there's something I don't understand. I bought "the sea and a pearl" on iTunes 2 days after the release and heard it for the first time, it was the japanese version. The auto-generated upload on youtube was in japanese too. Was it an error, as they wanted to share the english version instead? Now I'm lost because I still have the english name/japanese version in my library, can't find my purchase in the iTunes store or the japanese name/japanese version, but can find the english name/song that I... apparently haven't bought. HelpMePlz
- Complex piano track: imo Kajiura usually focuses on the melody but neglects the notes density, but this track is more complex than her average piano tracks. Even better to hear it including some parts of the OP but also going in another direction.
- Bar-baral track & co: there's still hope in this world with Kajiura going back to this style after the string-era.
- 1st track from
this PV: might be my favorite although possibly not specifically written for this show (close feeling to SAO's death angel)
- Main theme ("swordland"): I hope that everything we hear from 15:15 to 17:30 is part of the track and not unreleased layers, or that the track is even longer. I really like the drums at the beginning, Kajiura can't (or doesn't want to) write bombastic, but I like how they sound here anyway.
15:32: who's voice is that?
But wtf with this submarine? Is it going to be their main boat? It's like playing in a pirate game with a crazy DLC.
I agree that some tracks remind me of Fairy Tail music. Still one of my favorite franchise works despite agreeing that Takanashi's versatility has dropped to ~0 since then. Like he doesn't even try anymore.