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HimeWakana said:
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Manten *WWWWWWW*

Do I need to say anything more about the ending?

I actually liked the episode. It was kinda weird but interesting. I liked how they managed the tragic moments (and when you see a character like that on a past story it is obvious that she will die, maybe that Natalia will die too, and she might be related to that subordinate of Kirigitsu.)

The whole dead apostol thing was cool (I actually have finished Arcueid true ending on Tsukihime so I understand it somehow.) Also who is that blonde guy Is he the same blonde of the grail war?

I wonder where is that island is supposed to be. It seems a hot place.
I'm wondering if episode 18 is more like an OVA :confu:
since it has Manten as the ending and doesn't follow the other episodes' formats...
But I liked how it showed Kiritsugu's background. I guess I understand him a little better now
so happy when Manten started playing :shy:
Re: Re:

moichispa said:
Also who is that blonde guy Is he the same blonde of the grail war?
For a moment I thought that, too. :XD: But as KP-X noted, he's Cornelius Alba, the creepy guy you must have seen if you watched KnK 5.

Thanks all for the b-day wish.., in fact, I think I rarely post my b-day info in any public source unless it's required.. Just mention it because of the Manten issue...lol.

Tsiih said:
Ahhh! Me neither! When I heard that song I was all, "Wait... is it? No... NO! NO WAY!! EPICNESS!!!" :sohappy:
When the intro of the song started, I just kept "OMG..OMG...is it Manten...???? Did they really put it in F/0..???? or they just brought the intro to be a BGM...????" and when I heard Wakana's first verse....then.... :dote: ...nothing to say more...

Nick Hunter said:
So Fate franchise belongs to the Tsukihime/KnK universe as well?
Too bad Shiki wasn't around to hunt for Caster... She sure is used to dealing with demented mages. :psst:
I think I've seen many sources cited that Kirei&Shiki are from the same organization, so it seems that the stories should be in the same universe. Well...it can't help that whenever I see sth. like this, I always think of classic 'Clamp's world' where Clamp's school&Imonoyama family keep appearing in so many stories since before they official formed as 'Clamp'. (No need to mention about the multi-universe of Tsubasa.)

Besides, Natalia has appeared before in Kiritsugu flashback during his fight with Kenneth.
Fate, Tsukihime and KnK are all tied together, since Nasu and Takeuchi are EXTREMELY creative so they repeat many aspects many times.

Uh? Kirei works for the church, Shiki's family has no relationship to it as far as I know.
Y'know, I really wasn't sure what I saw when I caught a glimpse of Alba...as you say, TM are notorious for 'recycling' character designs so I figured it was just as likely to be someone who looked like him! Rewatching this is going to be fun~.

Still, Alba was described as being of 'indeterminate age' so he could well have been working for the Association during the time when this ep was set (my estimate puts it in the late 70s sometime...if F/S N is roughly in the present day and F/Z was a decade and a half earlier, the flashback must've been a couple of decades earlier still...urgh. Maths).

I'm happier with the idea of the next ep following on from that though...it would make it feel like it's part of the story rather than a forgettable diversion from it although I'll have to wait a bit longer to see more of Broskander and Saber on a motorbike...
F/Z sleeping masks:




somehow, both make the man who's wearing them get a remote aemblance to Mamoru Oshii :desksweat:

And hey, why no QB sleeping mask thus far? :glower:


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KP-X said:
Fate, Tsukihime and KnK are all tied together, since Nasu and Takeuchi are EXTREMELY creative so they repeat many aspects many times.

Uh? Kirei works for the church, Shiki's family has no relationship to it as far as I know.
Oh..I'm wrong, it's Ciel, not Shiki...Orz.... I'm not familiar with Nasu's world... Can remember Arcueid&Ciel characters but can't match their names with their faces...lol. (I thought that the blond girl is Shiki and can't remember the name of 'Ciel'... :rain: ) Sorry for making you confused.... :uh..: .

Edit: Wait....Nick used the word 'she', so he means Shiki from KnK, not Shiki from Tsukihime.... :omg: . (Never noticed that they have the same name....Orz.)
Alright, I'm not able to comment about the series, cause I'm stuck at ep. 15, but instead I bring you something way better than any comment I could have :ohoho:

I happen to have the last November's Japanese Newtype, that I bought because I like colorful stuff to try to put my Japanese to some use. It brings interviews with various members of Fate's staff, and the first one, with director Ei Aoki and writter Gen Urobuchi, is now brought to you by a teamwork between me and the best translator around, Ninetales. So, check it out:

Interviewer: At last Fate/Zero's broadcast has begun. What are your current work conditions?
Urobuchi: The reunions for reading the script have finally finished. Even so, the after recording ("afureko") is still continuing. We're all sitting together in the studio for it.
Aoki: As Fate/Zero has difficult phrases, we're confirming them with Urobuchi-san.
Urobuchi: When I listen to the afureko, I end up wanting to correct the original work (laughs). So if there are phrases that aren't heard very much, we're correcting the script in the studio.
Aoki: As the VAs know very well their capacities, there's nothing to say about their acting.

I: Urobuchi, you said before that you thought an adaptation of Fate/Zero to the screen would be unlikely. What were your impressions when you saw the images?
Urobuchi: The original work of Fate/Zero made me think, "It can't be changed into images." It was a work that I wrote freely, and it has many dialogue scenes, so I was worried about whether there was anything that would stand out on screen. Still, director Aoki and ufotable were the ones who changed Kara no Kyoukai into images, so I instantly started thinking, "There won't be any problems."  
Aoki: Thank you very much. Urobuchi-san's novel is easy to transform into images, because the situations are already perfectely depicted. But, with such detailed descriptions, things got harder (laughs). I'd think, "No matter what they're thinking about, I've got a feeling that I should do an air shot," or, "I think I should move the camera." As long as there are the limitations of animation, it's hard to do and takes time. So it was tough.
Urobuchi: Looking at the images, I was surprised by them. It was adapted splendidly.
Aoki: The fact that we could animate the long dialogue scenes is due to the great talent of all the VAs. Their performances are becoming a highlight of the show.
Urobuchi: While long dialogues go on, what do you show? I admire these big preoccupations about making an animation. "That dialogue scene turned into this!"
Aoki: This time, the young guys at ufotable are the ones responsible for the storyboards. Hence, I, being the director, aren't correcting the storyboards; after discussion, the responsible person does it, if possible. But that's kind of a tiresome way to do it (laughs).

I: Are there many young people in the staff?
Aoki: That's right. In ufotable, I'm a senior.
Urobuchi: Director Aoki and I are about the same age. When I make a joke, director Aoki's the only one who laughs at it.
Aoki: I wonder if it's the generation gap. Even when we talk about "Airwolf" in the studio, it doesn't work (laughs).
Urobuchi: That's right! (laughs)

I: Urobuchi-san, what were your impressions when you saw the storyboards?
Urobuchi: I understand that the composition of Fate/Zero's anime version has drama, battles and hues (of other things) separated. The battles are amazing because they're very prolonged ones. While the anime's staying faithful to the original work's material, it also adds two or three new ideas that weren't used in the first work for original episodes.
Aoki: During composition, Urobuchi-san gave us some ideas that he wanted to add. There are original episodes in the first season, too.

I: Director Aoki, you've worked with ufotable since Kara no Kyoukai. Do you feel that the staff is growing up?
Aoki: The Kara no Kyoukai that I directed was the first episode. After that, when I helped with the production of the seventh episode...I felt that the lack of restrictions was growing.
Urobuchi: You felt that the wildness was growing?
Aoki: During the first movie, there were a restricted number of scenes and CG to use. However, the seventh movie didn't have that. Even when I consulted the staff about complicated scenes, they'd say, "We'll do it". Fate/Zero's case is the same too.

I: Where can this lack of restrictions be seen?
Aoki: Well, the first episode being a one-hour special is already a lack of restrictions (laughs). In terms of animation, being free to use CG as we please is one example of no restriction.
Urobuchi: When I look at it from my point of view, I think that ufotable is very careful rather than unrestricted. I have the impression that they're quite disciplined about CG. They are pioneers, and they go to the very limits. That's admirable.

I: What would be the first season's highlights?
Aoki: First of all, there are the fourth and fifth episodes, when the servants are positioned. Also, Emiya Kiritsugu's secret maneuvers are also a highlight.
Urobuchi: Uryuu Ryuunousuke's also a highlight. Because I was astonished by him. "Did I write such a cruel scene?!" (laughs).

I: Lastly, what would be your wishes to the Grail?
Urobuchi: I'm just a person who got involved in the Grail War even though I've got no wishes (laughs). Anyway, I'd like to become a power in ufotable's corner, if possible.

I: Director Aoki, last time your wish was, "I want to make anime until I die."
Urobuchi: That's a dangerous wish when it comes to the Holy Grail (laughs). Because it's malicious, you could end up dying in very middle of making an anime.
Aoki: Well then, my wish is to be able to finish Fate/Zero without problems!

Hope you like it :sohappy:
^ thanks for the translation〜 :sohappy:
I: Where can this lack of restrictions be seen?
Aoki: Well, the first episode being a one-hour special is already a lack of restrictions
I love it when there are episodes that are an hour long :dote:
if that's a lack of restriction, I'm fine with it :XD:
I forgot to add the link with all the Fate pages from that Newtype :plot:
I: Where can this lack of restrictions be seen?
Aoki: Well, the first episode being a one-hour special is already a lack of restrictions

Indeed. If only Shaft could have pulled it off with ep 10 of Madoka... :TdT:

I wonder if it's the generation gap. Even when we talk about "Airwolf" in the studio, it doesn't work (laughs).

The only Japanese Airwolf I've ever known is this, but I guess they're talking about the television series itself. :XD:

Nick Hunter said:
I: Where can this lack of restrictions be seen?
Aoki: Well, the first episode being a one-hour special is already a lack of restrictions

Indeed. If only Shaft could have pulled it off with ep 10 of Madoka... :TdT:

I wonder if it's the generation gap. Even when we talk about "Airwolf" in the studio, it doesn't work (laughs).

The only Japanese Airwolf I've ever known is this, but I guess they're talking about the television series itself. :XD:

Agree to both parts. And it must be the generation gap indeed, as I myself had never heard of Airwolf before - but even if I knew it, it would still be totally necessary to google "eaawurufu" :XD:
Yeah. I've never actually seen the TV series myself, but since the console market of my childhood was ripe with Chinese bootleg cartridges (including a lot of Japanese games), I actually owned the aforementioned shooter for some time. Couldn't even pass stage 1, though. :XD:
LOL, I am pretty awful with games too. That's why I used to play almost only racing games :XD: