This episode is more interesting than the previous one. I don't know isn't it only me who connected the fact that 'Kiritsugu once destroyed the whole plane to kill his target' (it was mentioned in the first season.) with this episode.... I guessed that it should be the same case mentioned earlier and since the scene that Natalie appeared in the plane, I thought that the situation must turn to sth. so bad that Kiritsugu must destroy the plane (= kill Natalia) by himself at the end.
When I came up with that conclusion..I felt that it's too cruel to watch and almost stopped watching it...

. But..well... I finally finish it and it isn't as bad as I was afraid....(doesn't mean that I want it to be more's more than 'enough'...UrobuchiSan...

BTW, I still don't know whether it's really the same case mentioned earlier...(because the reason that Kiritsugu destroyed the plane are different.) If it isn' means that I really spoiled myself by my own misunderstanding....
In summary, Natalia&Kiritsugu story is really touching... Let me remind you that the Sunday right after this epi. release is also the Mother's day in Japan...

...such a good timing...(after they released Kiritsugu's childhood episode exactly on the Children's day...I tend to believe that it isn't a coincidence.) I'm really appreciated it.
Thanks so much for the interview..!!! It seems that Rider's fans are the majority...!!!! lol..(A Rider's image song composed by Yuki and sung by Keiko&Haruna...anyone??

) Found one more Kiritsugu's fan..Wakana
Really agree that Runa is a bit...weird...=____=. I think her Holy Grail wish sounds so interesting... and if her wish would be granted for real, let's hope that she would bring Rey or Rider to the real world, not her beloved Caster or Ryuunosuke..!!!
called Waver as a Heroine, my sense told that Haruna already shipped Rider-Waver couple.....