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Haruna likes Caster and Ryuunosuke?? :fwa: :imdead:

In Fate/Zero, I like Kiritusgu. I like his looks and also Koyama (Rikiya's) voice.

:ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: Wakana's preferences... :plot: :plot:

Hikaru did indeed give the most mature responses lol...and wishing for world happiness! :touched: I'm surprised Wakana didn't wish for an army of sharks :ohoho:

Haruna's cuute~ :shy: :sohappy:

Thanks niney and aero-senpai for the translations~~~ :bow: :bow: :sohappy:
thanks for the interview! :sohappy:

And haruna is crazy

LOL yeah, must be the first Caster fan I'm hearing of. :XD:

2: Wakana said "I think that, by making the best use of our voices, this time Kajiura-san created a song full of things she wanted to do." ... That means Kajiura wants FJ!!

IMHO she rather meant that Yuki likes to make songs with complex vocal blending. While FJ do it a lot, I've always thought Kalafina was her first project to embrace this idea, and they made songs like that before (Sprinter, Seventh Heaven). :ayashii:

Everyone! Stop hiring Kajiura, so she can have time to work on FJ!!

Implying most of FJ's recent works are not tie-ins Yuki was hired to compose. :psst:

Wakana's preferences...

Well, as a male, I approve of Kiritsugu's looks as well. Except for a brief moment in yesterday's episode where he nearly pulls off a Caster-like boggle... but the guy was having a major BSoD at the moment, so it's understandable.

I'm surprised Wakana didn't wish for an army of sharks

She's clever enough to realize that she would have to wish for an appropriate aquarium first, and she only has one wish. :ohoho:
Thanks for the translation :sohappy: :sohappy:

Quote:I'm surprised Wakana didn't wish for an army of sharks
ahahah me too :XD: :XD:

Wakana: My wish is to keep singing forever.
Hikaru: I think it would be good if everyone in the world could be happy.
Keiko: I want that many Kalafina's songs reach out ot everyone.
Wonderful words!! :dote:

Nick Hunter said:
Wakana's preferences...

Well, as a male, I approve of Kiritsugu's looks as well. Except for a brief moment in yesterday's episode where he nearly pulls off a Caster-like boggle... but the guy was having a major BSoD at the moment, so it's understandable.

Yes, I think Kiritsugu's quite handsome, in the rugged sort of way (though he still can't match up to Gil in my eyes :hearts: ) (my rankings: 1. Gil 2/3. Kiritsugu/Lancer tie 4. Kariya)... :ayashii: Ryuunosuke wouldn't actually be that bad if he wasn't completely psychotic...Caster is just :barf: for me, though - Haruna's idea of cute is really twisted! :XD:

Does Wakana's preference for Kiritsugu somehow indicate that she likes the "rugged"/"tall dark mysterious" handsome type with super deep manly voice? :ayashii: :ayashii:

(I agree with the fact that his voice is AMAZZZINNNGGGLY sekushi, though :hearts: Rikiya Koyama :love: :love: )
Hikaru: While watching Fate/Zero and Fate/stay night, I had fun while finding a connection. I like Saber. While carrying her own beliefs, she suffers and continues to search for her answer. I could sympathize with her suffering.
:fwa: :nosebleed: I like her too Hicchan! :cry:
maybe because Hicchan was jailed by Keiko recently? :ayashii:
Everyone! Stop hiring Kajiura, so she can have time to work on FJ!!

Implying most of FJ's recent works are not tie-ins Yuki was hired to compose. :psst:

LOL, but that's still one song every year...well, it's not like I really meant that :XD: I said it because I want FJ :wai:

I'm surprised Wakana didn't wish for an army of sharks

An army fo sharks? Who would she attack? :XD:

She's clever enough to realize that she would have to wish for an appropriate aquarium first, and she only has one wish. :ohoho:

Crazy, but still smart :ohoho:

In Fate/Zero, I like Kiritusgu. I like his looks and also Koyama (Rikiya's) voice.

:ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: Wakana's preferences... :plot: :plot:

Maybe Rikiya Koyama should avoid Keiko, after this... :psst:
aero.senpai said:
In Fate/Zero, I like Kiritusgu. I like his looks and also Koyama (Rikiya's) voice.

:ayashii: :ayashii: :ayashii: Wakana's preferences... :plot: :plot:

Maybe Rikiya Koyama should avoid Keiko, after this... :psst:

Hmm...seems although Keiko's voice is deep, it's still not deep enough for Wakana :plot: she can't compete with Rikiya's voice :ohoho:
I liked this ep a lot more than the previous one. Very chilling, but fascinating too and the music was superb. A bit of bluesy guitar here and there...very nice indeed.

The thing with the bees was neat, and Natalia's brand of ciggies was a nice touch. It offers a couple of movie ideas too...I'm not sure if Zombies on a Plane has been done yet though...? :bloodlust:
Dunno, but I suspect that the cinematography has used zombies pretty much EVERYWHERE. Be it serious or parodying (I even saw a Boliwood zombie movie clip... And well, no points for guessing what the zombies were doing there :XD: ).

Nick Hunter said:
Dunno, but I suspect that the cinematography has used zombies pretty much EVERYWHERE. Be it serious or parodying (I even saw a Boliwood zombie movie clip... And well, no points for guessing what the zombies were doing there :XD: ).

Dancing, I presume.
This episode is more interesting than the previous one. I don't know isn't it only me who connected the fact that 'Kiritsugu once destroyed the whole plane to kill his target' (it was mentioned in the first season.) with this episode.... I guessed that it should be the same case mentioned earlier and since the scene that Natalie appeared in the plane, I thought that the situation must turn to sth. so bad that Kiritsugu must destroy the plane (= kill Natalia) by himself at the end.

When I came up with that conclusion..I felt that it's too cruel to watch and almost stopped watching it... :blood: . But..well... I finally finish it and it isn't as bad as I was afraid....(doesn't mean that I want it to be more cruel...it's more than 'enough'...UrobuchiSan... :uh..: )

BTW, I still don't know whether it's really the same case mentioned earlier...(because the reason that Kiritsugu destroyed the plane are different.) If it isn't....it means that I really spoiled myself by my own misunderstanding.... :rain:

In summary, Natalia&Kiritsugu story is really touching... Let me remind you that the Sunday right after this epi. release is also the Mother's day in Japan... :sparkleguy: ...such a good timing...(after they released Kiritsugu's childhood episode exactly on the Children's day...I tend to believe that it isn't a coincidence.) I'm really appreciated it.

Thanks so much for the interview..!!! It seems that Rider's fans are the majority...!!!! lol..(A Rider's image song composed by Yuki and sung by Keiko&Haruna...anyone?? :ayashii: ) Found one more Kiritsugu's fan..Wakana Chan..lol.

Really agree that Runa is a bit...weird...=____=. I think her Holy Grail wish sounds so interesting... and if her wish would be granted for real, let's hope that she would bring Rey or Rider to the real world, not her beloved Caster or Ryuunosuke..!!! :omg:

P.S. called Waver as a Heroine, my sense told that Haruna already shipped Rider-Waver couple..... :plot:
P.S. called Waver as a Heroine, my sense told that Haruna already shipped Rider-Waver couple.....

Waver behaving like a total tsundere probably doesn't help either. :XD:

Let me remind you that the Sunday right after this epi. release is also the Mother's day in Japan...

first Madoka ending on Good Friday, now this... WTQB, Aniplex? :desksweat:
though ep 19 is better than ep 18. I still dont feel any sympathy for Kiritsugu :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:
I thought it was better too... although zombies still creep me out. heh I really loved the guitar song in the beginning (I thought of ninetales right away), and the violin song right after (which reminded me of venari strigas a little). There was a lot of new music and all of it was great. Now I can't wait for the titles in September. :dote:

himawari said:
though ep 19 is better than ep 18. I still dont feel any sympathy for Kiritsugu :uh..: :uh..: :uh..:
I still don't like him despite watching episodes 18 and 19. :XD:
but I feel but for Natalia when I thought she died. :cry: