Thanks Kowz for the link....hehe...the time to give the full review
Point Zero: (Track13) Only one word.....Epic...!!! It sounds more elegant in this full version. Awesome operatic track with the glimpse of main theme...I love it..!! ^ ^.
Let the stars fall down: (Track18) This bird's track is what many one longs The full version is nice...:).
Grief: (Track16&6?) A piano variation of the main theme...why not...many of her awesome tracks have some variations... it isn't that I like it, just it doesn't annoy me...(I think it's a general style for OST.)
Nervous: Can't remember when does it play in the but it's one of sound effect tracks that I like... (I guess I thought that it's just a sound effect when I heard it in the
Confrontation: (Track22) Nice track for 'the confrontation'...I like it...
The battle is to the strong: (Track10) The start is a bit weird for me..., but Hanae+guitar=awesome..!! The guitar solo is so cool...:).
Evacuation: (Track29) Another nice percussion sound-effect track... Oh..I also like..the flute..? (or another kind of woodwind...but I think it should be just a flute...) giving a mysterious glimpse for the song..
The legend: (Track2) The Macedonian I like its exotic feeling since the start.. I wonder that which kind of instruments used in this track...

Little drop of peace: (Track3) Not my but it's a nice peaceful piece..just nothing outstanding for me.
The beginning of the end: (Track12&14&23?) Eri voice gives a nice opening... I like both string&flute part...and the end is awesome...!! love it..^ ^.
If you leave: (Track4) Another variation of the main theme...mainly on string...? Umm...ok..I prefer it to Grief. For Yuki's work, I love her string pieces more than the piano ones...(just my
Rabble-rousers: can I pass it again...=.=.. Nervous&Evacuation is more interesting...
Strategy: (Track25) I like this mysterious percussion track since it's in the anime..:)..finally have it..!!
Unrest: Dark enough to catch my I love cello sound here..
Back to the wall: (Track5) Assasin invades to Tokiomi's house track..? Nice instrumental track...^^.
Secret maneuvers: (Track27) The cello is nice again... also love the percussion background..
An eerie enemy: Another track I can't remember...- -"
Assassin: (Track26) Mysterious&exotic track...I like it for sure...^ ^.
A chaser: (Track28) It's the track that I think of before the ost Love it...:)
To be continued: What....!?! O_O....I thought it's a part of the summonning track...(and I still unable to tell the difference..Orz..)
Painful: (Track07) Mourning piano track...a plain beautiful one...
Rule the battlefield: (Track08) Even the pure instrumental is awesome enough....Hope we can have the vocal one in the next OST...^ ^. The variation part around the second minute is so yummy as well..
Forebodings: I think it's a kind of generic piece for Yuki in these short to have something interesting....
Tragedy and fate: (Track11) Does The main theme has too much variation? =.=..but this one has the epic part in the I think I like it more than Grief&If you leave....
My favourite:
1 Point Zero
2 Let the stars fall down, The battle is to the strong
3 Back to the wall, The beginning of the end, Rule the battlefield
4 The legend, A chaser, Assassin, Strategy
5 Painful, Secret maneuvers
In conclusion.., we miss Eri's trailure theme, 3 Rider's related themes (the relax one when he talked with Waver (Track1), the one when summoning the chariot? (Track15), and his Noble Phantasm theme) Rin's bright theme (Track24? I don't care that much about this track..sorry...Orz..), and the piano battle theme (Track20)...seems like we won't have many new tracks in the second season...(or a bulk of tracks would be unreleased...which is worse than having only few new tracks IMO...)
Wanna ask for your opinion about the next season OST... as we have the main melody featuring in many tracks. It seems that recently, these kind of tracks in Yuki's work often ended up with the non-kajiura vocal song (For example, PH's Everytime you kisses me, KnK's Seventh Heaven, RHH's Storia) Do you think we will have the vocal version&it would be Jap. or Eng...
