^ Nope, it's definitely not Fion. Her voice is more thin and "frail" sounding than that sample's, I think 

ShadowAlex said:I gave the OST a good listen through and I liked it enough but I felt a lot of it was boring and underwhelming. "Point Zero" and "Let the Stars Fall" are such wonderful tracks and so craftily arranged, I especially love the use of Brass instruments which Yuki so rarely uses love how it's all for orchestrations and the use of the Choir.
But most of the OST after that is bland and boring. I only watched one episode of Fate/Zero which bored me so much I haven't picked up an episode since. Most of the tracks are quiet and just meh the usual mix of electronics and low stringed instruments. I think if this OST was for a mystery or horror I'd really be effective but given that it's for what I assume would be an epic Fantasy I'd expect a lot more intense and action tracks.
I was also hoping for more brass arrangements with a big orchestra arrangement, given the size of horn section alone and even a modest Trombone section (My former instrument, YAY), so really disappointed that it fell flat so quickly. Much of it boring and I only kept 5 of the tracks for my Ipod. It's about average for Kajiura these days which is better than most but still not what I see as her full potential.
At least the OST is longer than Madoka's OST which were like 10 tracks with absurdly short run times.