CPM Fansub~

Re: Re:

Kowz said:
Varete said:
Is there any good resolution full AnimeGiga feat Kajiura Yuki video?
I have one, but it's 360p :uh..: and it's in 6 parts (I won't try join them) and a 240p full one :ghost:

I have the full video, but it's 704x396.

@george I found a full video 704x396... I guess it's good enough :...:
If possible, I want to not cut the interviews, I can upload longer videos on youtube, so I see no point in cutting them; it's a bit annoying to have them in x parts.
650 lines, :vortex: this will take awhile

aki said:
does anyone have the video that goes with this translation? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1755&start=128
wow..this is strange...having the translation but not the video XD
it is this one http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjAxNDU0NTky.html
will work on it after I finish other interviews

/me is working on
AnimeGiga feat Kajiura Yuki :imdead:
Kalafina ANIGAME interview :love:
Kalafina@Tencent ( :blood: )

I may receive translation for Red Moon MCs, Vol#2 MCs, Kalafina J-Pop Station interview and maybe, maybe Vol#9 MCs, but don't expect it anytime soon :ohoho:

ganbatte with yours, aki :cheer:

Edit: found new video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ITRGNrvkjg
translations I have, working on subbing
Kalafina ANIGAME interview :love: (I finished my job, waiting for confirmation of some lines translation)
progressive making pv (ended up with 100 lines) :cheer:
AnimeGiga feat Kajiura Yuki :imdead: (700 lines)
Kalafina@Tencent ( :blood: ) (probably around 300 lines when it will be ready, needing a Chinese speaker's help)

Someone volunteers to transcribe this: viewtopic.php?p=208794#p208794 so I can sub it later, when I have time?

Progressive PV making Youtube / Vimeo
If anyone happens to have better video I will gladly redo it...

Yuki Kajiura LIVE 2008.07.31 Vol#2 MC#1 Youtube / Vimeo

Many thanks to Mie-chan and Verty :bow:
共ありがとうございます。 おつかれさまでした!
I've been wondering... you gus like my subbing "style"?
Do you have critics/suggestions/observe any mistakes? I want to improve as much as I can, but if no one says what they do/don't like I can't really do it :XD:
Wait, you sub? :ohoho:

Just kidding! Hmm...

This isn't my niche, I don't really see anything that needs immediate change. Your timing seems good, the subs are legible, but not intrusive to the video, and everything seems to be going well.

Varete said:
I've been wondering... you gus like my subbing "style"?
Do you have critics/suggestions/observe any mistakes? I want to improve as much as I can, but if no one says what they do/don't like I can't really do it :XD:
I enjoy the things that you do, there's nothing wrong with it for me. Thank you for putting up Vol#2 MC 1.
Your subbings perfect so far :goodjob: I can see no problems with it :shy: Thanks for all your hard work :bow: Did you still need someone to transcribe the Sydney interviews or is that being done already?
^ the audio's a bit fuzzy (and Kajiura's voice is so soft lol) but I'll try :goodjob:

(By golly, though, Kajiura-sensei's English is pretty damn good :ghost: :shy: :ohoho: )
and these I have no clue where they're from...if anyone knows...
Kalafina Anigame Interview
Eminence Symphony Orchestra Sydney interview that Cerise is transcribing
http://videodisc.tv/video/19229392-/bgc ... ion+Keiko/
I still don't know where this is from, but I uploaded it on youtube, that site is slow: http://youtu.be/CI3M97JVMf4
I guess this will be Mysterious FJ Asuka&Keiko interview :XD:

To be added:
FictionJunction Yuuka (Nanri) and Yuki Kajiura @Tunes Issue 7 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YePzcPK64k
FictionJunction YUUKA - Making of Kouya Ruten - http://youtu.be/acmkiSPBoMA
FictionJunction YUUKA - Making of Honoh no Tobira - http://youtu.be/7jON2S0WFG4 - I think Youtube made the audio and video be out of sync :uh..:
FictionJunction @ Animelo Backstage is actually FictionJunction - Animelo Summer Live 2009 REBRIDGE (Making) (better quality on youtube) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yWhu7wN ... ure=relmfu [August 22 and August 23, 2009]
FictionJunction - Animelo Summer Live 2009 REBRIDGE (talk) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_uIH8b9jtc
Madoka Movies Commemoration ~Kalafina Studio Live & Interview & PV~ [October 13th] - will provide links soon
Kalafina@POWER COUNTDOWN JAPAN HOT 30! [October 20] 1 download 2 download 1 online 2 online
2011.09.21 Document of ANIME EXPO 2011 in Los Angels 1 2 (adding links)
声优 ClubAT-X 84 FictionJunction YUUKA 南里侑香 - http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjI5OTcyMzE2.html

On a second note: if anyone wants to download the subbed videos, here they are.
Or if you want just the sub tell me, though the timing will be off if you use other video, because I cut my videos myself.

And on another note, Murrue-san suggested to add the english translation to the concerts. I want to do it, but with my turtle PC the encoding (720p hopefully) will take 22 hours or so...? :XD:
So, here I ask for someone's help, I'll show you what to do, you just need a good computer and to press some buttons.
And if someone volunteers, do you want english song lyrics + kanji + romaji + kajiurago + MCs (will take longer for me to do it) or just the MCs subbed and the songs clean? Do you prefer mkv or mp4?

Varete said:
I've been wondering... you gus like my subbing "style"?
Do you have critics/suggestions/observe any mistakes? I want to improve as much as I can, but if no one says what they do/don't like I can't really do it :XD:

It's perfect! :sohappy: Are you the one who did the subbing of Sora wa Takaku Kaze wa Utau PV? :confu:
I posted the video here on forum, it was uploaded on my youtube account and it had my name on it, what do you think? :XD:
The sub is excellent. :sparkleguy: Not too big and not too small. Not too decorative or too boring.