Corrupted wish game

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WOOOOHOOOO!!!! :bwahaha:

"jumps on Daichi who's on the bed"

I wish Yuki-megami had more songs like "stay"(which i'm listening to right now) from the TS OST! :dote: and for the night to last 2 days!
*chews Ayashii's upper lip, while kissing*

hmm.... Yuki makes 10 songs like that just for you..

I wish Ayashii would log on YIM now
"enjoys it while doing some "payback" ~_^"

I thought we were supposed to corrupt the wishes. :plot: But i don't mind.

Logging on! ;)
ayashii logs on to AIM and subsequently loses his upper lip to Daichi and soon after dies from loss of blood somehow >_> Then the kerahna-fairy comes and grants daichi a revival of ayashii, in exchange for photos...


i wish Geneon didn't close T______T I didn't get ANY yuki CDs at Anime North this year because they didn't haev any!!!!
Geneon opened and you bought all yuki cd you could. There were so many that you couldn't carry all of them to your were obliged to abandon some CDs but you can't chose which! what a dilemma >_< That's why you stayed the rest of your life in front of anime north (because the security didn't let you stay in) with all your CDs, trying to choose the one you'll save...

I wish I could go to anime north T_T
:XD:, eh?

So, Zuiyon, yo go there, but arrive too late. It's already over and done. -__- .

I wish i'd work for Randy Blue one day .... :bwahaha:
randy blue, as in muscle gay p0rn?

you now work there, but not as model/photographer, but a boring desktop job....

i wish i didnt wear all the skin of my member, while reading KibaNaru fanfics
Are are are... :ayashii: wasn't Ayashii enough for you?
A magic spell operates to remove extra skin, but in eternal compliance with Murphy's laws it removes all the skin on your body... I suggest you shouldn't look in the mirror right away :plot:

I wish that right now I was the only notebook/laptop user in the room [this way the wireless connection wouldn't work SO DAMN SLOWLY]
hmm... i ment i wish i didn't fap that much.... i lost some skin down there.... >.<
the one "Yulechka"? :bwahaha: wow how do you know of them? :ayashii:
They seem very rare for some reason. :cry: Neh, come here to Minsk, we'll search together :sohappy:

OK, I send Kerahna the waffles, but Kyoto Animation finds out, goes berserk and sues the producers (of the waffles), me and of course Kerahna. :plot:

I wish Yuki would collaborate with Mike Oldfield :aww:
They collaborate, but, unfortunately, before they do, a "World Government" is established and they forbid them to sell o broadcast it just because it's so beautiful. (Ah..i'm out of ideas...)

I wish there was a "ROFL" onion in the list on the left... :XD:
The requested onion appears, but it's so elaborate, it consumes a lot of space and all other onions are removed from the list.

I wish my piano skill got boosted by 500% :bwahaha:
your piano skills got boosted by 500% and you play piano so godly, so fastly, so furiously, until your whole hands are in blood! After that, we were obliged to cut your hands :sohappy: and you will no more be able to play piano, or be able to write on cpme O__O <-- end of tha world xD

I wish I could shake yuki's hand :love:
You shake her hand but because you're so nervous because you actually got the chance, you shake it so hard and so intense, you refuse to let go. Or..your brain refuses to let go, and she considers you a harasser and calls the police with the other hand. :omgwtf: And don't think you can hold her other arm from calling the police, she'll scream. :XD:

I wish i'd feel good right now. No, I wish we discover a cure for the common cold.
Ayashii said:
You shake her hand but because you're so nervous because you actually got the chance, you shake it so hard and so intense, you refuse to let go. Or..your brain refuses to let go, and she considers you a harasser and calls the police with the other hand. :omgwtf: And don't think you can hold her other arm from calling the police, she'll scream. :XD:


that was so funny Ayashii!!

with your wish you mean that you currently ill? Well since you take medicines to get cured i guess that the cure has already been discovered, you just have to wait a bit or maybe re-visit your doctor.

You get cured by the already existing cure but the virus is getting used to the medicine and mutates so it becomes immune to the current cure and attacks you again. Scientists, discover that the virus has become immune to you and take you to the laboratory to examine you in order to find a new cure but unfortunately, the guy who used the syringe to adsorb blood samples from you had used it before to insert heroin and other drugs in his AIDS infected body, so you get ill by the HIV virus (I think thats the name ^^;), the AIDS virus for which hasnt been created vaccine yet, so you die after some years 'cause your body's defence system got weeker by the viru's action and you got affected by other viruses which made you die.

I wish I could be in illusion's shοes when she interviewed Yuki.
"sniff".....I'm dead...? :comeback:

Heh, you can be in her shoes, but the ones she left at home. Her other pair. The High heels! "evil laugh" Ad you can''t move until she comes home. She just left. "evil laugh again"

I wish Yuki-megami would give me all her discography CDs so i could share each and every one of them with you guys. (I secretly want Ayumi Hamasaki's too! :D )

Later edit: Haha! I know what it means i was just fooling around, m8! :))

So, the real outcome: You'll take her interview, but on you way home, you get robbed and the thieves steal your recorder! :XD: (because you recorded her)

Now, c'mon! NEXT! :bwahaha:

"be in someone's shoes" is an english phrase which means "be in someone's position/place" or if you want "I wish I were in her position"

P.S: If you write down the Yorokobi chorus lyrics p.m them to me

Ayashii said:
I wish Yuki-megami would give me all her discography CDs so i could share each and every one of them with you guys. (I secretly want Ayumi Hamasaki's too! :D )

The 1st part of that wish has already been wished be me (in one of the first pages) but ok I guess it doesnt matter since everyine here can wish that wish for his own.
You find Yuki sleeping and can't resist the urge to shake her hand. She wakes up, screams in terror, slaps your face and runs away calling for police.

I wish for peace on Earth. :plot: