Corrupted wish game

waah Ayashii was quicker :wai: hey we even disrupted the wish in a similar way! :XD:

So Yuki presents to you all she's recorded and even buys all Ayumi's CDs for you. You come home happily, then a UFO flies over your house and its electro-weirdo-magnetic field erases all the data on CDs.

As I said before, I wish for peace on Earth [i'm stubborn]
Noooo!!! My CDs!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T

At least i still have the plastic! :D I can show it to the world! They'll never know!!!! :bwahaha: :bwahaha:

There's so much peace in the world that when you accidentally bump in someone on the street, they consider it as a threat and puts you under civil arest. :omgwtf:

I wish they find a cure for HIV/AIDS and cancer.

(I like the sleeping part, Nick. And yea, i was a few days quicker)
a few days! :omgwtf: :twitch: :bwahaha: I get it - I visited the previous page w/o knowing it's not the last anymore - and saw your wish at the bottom (of the page). Oh, well...

They find a cure, but it has a side effect of infecting people's brains with incurable anti-Kajiuranism. :omgwtf: what a cruel choice...

I wish Disney's "Rapuntzel" would be released soon and with Yuki's music.

You get Kiba...but then Narutto gets jealous and when Kiba sees him, he decides he'd rather be with him because he thinks he's so cute when he's jealous!! :XD:

(And OMG! Nick.... :omgwtf: anti-Kajiuranism? T_T)

I wish George would be with me... "sigh"

(And no, not george1234, MY George!)
Now you will get back....

You mistake of george1234, and YOUR George, and akwardness occur§

Me wants to kill Tobi
(Only if they look and act extremely alike. T_T ....)

Kill him, and all the police in the world will be on your tail.

I wish i don't confuse them!
You stop confusing them, only to realise they have so many good each in his own, and they're unique, but you can't really choose who to stay with :XD:

I wish Belarusian pop scene could exchange Angelika Agurbash for Maaya Sakamoto [unfair as this deal may be]

They exchange them but, as fate has it, when she goes to a concert, the scene collapses because of some construction mistake and she sues the company which built it, runs away and swears never to return. :XD:

i wish i knew math like my own language!
Granted. But the plane fly back and fore forever that you cant get down.

I want more holidays :sohappy:
Wish Granted!

Whole year round is holidays so people don't work so no money too :ohoho:

I wish I can restore my post count.
Granted, but then you'll forever have a fever 'cause you'll just be that "hot" instead. :sparkleguy:

I wish I were drinking a cup of green tea. :tea: