Complain about all!

^I woke up at almost 4 this morning and couldn't fall asleep since I was thinking about things too hard again. I tend to overthink things and it gets out of hand... why do I do this? Ugh...

So now of course I have a headache, and it's hockey day. I wish my cousin (part of the thing (reason) I was thinking about) could come. I haven't actually talked to her in a long time it feels like. But we don't have extra tickets and it's impossible to get some next to us, since the rest of the seats are taken. *sigh* But I wish this headache would go away. You would think with the snow I wouldn't have one, but weather doesn't matter since I get them in the summer too. This is why I am trying Botox for it, and it's working somewhat. But I still get them like today.
Today, I don't want to complain, I want to express my hatred.
My hate against those two or three f***ing b****rds who killed 12 people today because they couldn't stand the freedom of expression and press in our civilized countries.
It seems that the event had enough media coverage all around the world so I won't enter the details (if ever necessary: ).
I only wish to send my most sincere thoughts to the victims of that obscurantism that currently spreads all over the world.
As a reminder, 4 famous drawers from a satirical newspaper were targeted because they occasionally publish cartoons about Islam, like they do with all other religions and other topics. One of them were from my region and that strikes me even more.
Also, 5 other personnel of the paper, 1 maintenance agent and 2 policemen were shot, one of the latter point blank. I didn't share all the ideas of the paper, which is liberal leftist, but I always admired them for that they are the last media to really defend the freedom of speech in France, to point out the true problems, whereas all other media censor themselves by the pressure of "politically correct".
The whole world has to tell those sub-humans that they won't allow them to win and that our liberties will triumph, no matter how mad they are. Numerous silent demonstrations are happening across the country; the terrorist threat lever has been rose to maximum in Paris; flags are at half-mast for 3 days; tomorrow will be a National Day of Mourning.
To conclude: to Wolinski, Charb, Tignous, and especially Cabu; to the other murdered personnel; to the two policemen who gave their life for the country (at least one of them being a Muslim, killed by a terrorist who doesn't deserves to avail himself to Islam like he does): REST IN PEACE. To all other people concerned, the 4 ones who are currently between life and death, all the families, the witnesses: be strong, keep going, we're with you.
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Thank you @aki -chan for supporting me :D
What's even more creepier to me is that the murderers are reportedly from not only my city but also my district...
And according to the last reports, they are on the way back to Paris. I hope they won't act again.
We were close to 300 today. In the playground, in a circle, almost everyone hand in hand. To let the silence, and sometimes sadness overwhelm us. The rain was beginning to fall. The sky was crying.
I almost never cry, but despite the promise I made following me, I cracked.
All my support to the families.

#Charlie Hebdo
Wow... things are really getting bad. I wish everyone would just stop to take time to realize that our world is beautiful and we should just live happily in it, instead of making others suffer. It really does sadden me everything I've been hearing on the news, which is why I don't listen to or watch it that often, but since I went to see my niece yesterday, we had it on in the car.

It makes it seem like my problem is so small, but it's been bugging me for awhile now. My cousin isn't talking to me again. I know, most people keep their family and friends separate, or some do I should say, but we were together and really close until only a few years ago. I keep thinking it's me, since she always texts or talks to her other friends. And it just hurts me. I feel like crawling under my covers and crying. I just don't know anymore.
^I don't think it's dead, just not very active. The "What are you listening to NOW?" seems to be going still. heh But yeah, I want some more news! Not too long, though it is too long for Hanako ost 3. Grrr. Maybe we can make a thread called "Interesting thing to talk about?"
no Yuki & Co news = dead forum and site :((

Well, new year is the quiet time in Japan except for visiting a shrine.

If I was in Japan this weekend I'd be attending Chiaki Ishikawa concerts, and the following Friday attending Rie Akagi's concert in Kyoto.
How can a peaceful belief make some people become such mothaf*ckas?
Double hostage take near Paris by Charlie Hebdo murderers (in a prinery) plus a friend of them who already shot a policewoman and a jogger yesterday (in a kosher shop)...


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The whole situation is absolutely awful - so many people have died for no good reason. The latest news reports are saying the suspects have been killed now after a hostage situation, which gives me real mixed feelings. They won't be able to harm anyone else now, I suppose. But still. It's so tragic for the families of the people who died, and traumatic for the people held captive by them.

I really don't understand people sometimes. Events like this make no sense to me at all.

not wanting to have evil lead to more evil I found this:

Même Uderzo a repris les crayons pour rendre hommage à Charlie Hebdp #JeSuisCharlie


I did not see this one drawing, thank you for sharing! The one I saw is this one:


The death of the terrorists also leaves me with mixed feelings. What's great is that they won't harm anyone anymore now, and we won't have to pay for them being in jail (recently, leaked photographs from a jail have scandalized the country because we see on it prisoners displaying guns, money, cell phones...). The bad thing is that we'll never be able to know the whole truth (even if we now know that the two siblings acted on behalf of Al-Qaeda, the kosher shop murderer of ISIS, and that they did coordinate their acts), that everything ended the way they wanted - death as martyrs - and that it may be only the beginning of an epoch of terror - since the Charlie attack, police is being continuously harassed and threatened in the popular districts...

Still, a great thing that it's over. The assault forces - GIGN [Intervention Force of the National Rural Police], BRI [Rapid Intervention Brigade], GIPN [Intervention Force of the National Urban Police], RAID [Search, Assistance, Intervention & Dissuasion Unit] ... must be applauded for their exemplary management of the situation.


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Let's see, yesterday was a blur, again. I hate it when this happens now. I've never had such bad days, although I did when I was really sick the couple of time last year. but still, my back was hurting, stomach upset, feeling like I was burning up, kept tossing in my bed. It was a whole painful experience I want to forget, but it's happened twice now. What... I just don't know anymore. I can't keep going on like this. I see the Dr. on Fri, but that still means I have to wait until then, and then until whatever she decides, PA sorry, not Dr. Ugh... I just want to start throwing things. Sorry for my outburst, but I am tired of this.
Monday-Wednesdays suck. I feel like I have zero time + 1278109238 piles of homework
I want to get ahead on stuff so that I can relax this weekend
Also a professor still hasn't uploaded the reading for the next class. Uhg he'll probably do it tomorrow, when I have even less time to read it, naturally
In addition to schoolwork I really need to get working on a scratchboard commission. I've been putting it off for a few weeks now
dang! I cant download the whole footage of ANIMAX MUSIX 2014 Yokohama due to slow connection! XDD
I am sooo exhausted because I haven't been sleeping well lately and last night only got 3 hrs of sleep, I think my subconscious was running. And I have this sore in my nose that keeps opening up and just had a bad bloody nose. Ugh. Just want to crawl into bed and stay there until tomorrow when my niece is coming. Just want one day without anything bothering me.
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I'm getting desperate about my making-of YK Live #11 DVD that I haven't received yet... When two other parcels shipped later arrived meanwhile :wet:
I got Botox again today (for my migraines) and so my shoulders really hurt right now, since they go into your shoulders a bit with the shots. I wasn't as nervous this time, just wish they wouldn't hurt so much. I hope I can sleep tonight as last night I was in a lot of pain too. Ugh. Also I won't be able to see my niece on Wed since I am volunteering at the museum, which I like, but I like my niece more. heh I saw her Sat all day but still. I miss her already! Also I hope I can go to my apt tomorrow so I can then go shopping on the way home. I want the new iPod touch so I can fit more Yuki music on it. (Mine is getting full and it's the old 8 GB one, so the battery sucks.) Also want Neil Gaiman's new book so I better be okay tomorrow.