^ That's understandable. I'm getting sick of the "you'll be more successful if you have more self-confidence," thing too, which is something that successful/lucky people who don't have many difficulties to deal with always say. If you don't fit in a certain mould, are well-connected or simply in the right place at the right time, finding a job and getting on in life is hard. Self-confident people just strike me as cocky and hard to deal with because that confidence forces everyone else to go along with what they say even when it's wrong. I find them intimidating and 'fake', if that makes sense.
When you have people criticising you over and over again, it's perfectly natural and logical to lower your expectations accordingly, but it's hardly fair. There seems to be a real problem in society right now (at least in the country where I live) that values image while at the same time being really harsh on people for no reason. It makes no sense to me either. What about the important things, e.g. being honest, respectful and open-minded about what makes a 'good' person, and not being jerks to each other?