Complain about all!

^That sucks. and good luck Wormbook!

I am having a pity party right now. I wish someone would call me for an interview, at least an interview! Come on. I've been so bummed lately I haven't done much, except look for jobs of course. I want to get out of working at the theater, especially since they haven't given me much hours. *sigh* Need some cheering up. :blood:
@Casachan: oh my, hope you get better and have a better day tomorrow.

@Liana: hope you get a job soon. I need a part time pretty much.

Im still trying to reach my boss to give me the rest of my paycheck. :uh..:
I want my paycheck I was working for! :wai:
It got pretty colder here and it is announced even more. And they still didnt turn on the heating so I have to raise an electricity bill! :uh..:
^It's actually still hot here, I wish it would get cooler. It's fall already, darn it! heh

Speaking of cold, mine has gotten worse. I can't taste anything, and I don't have an appetite, so I had a bad headache this morning and was nauseous. But I think that was from the new meds I started for my headaches. Arrrg. And I am going to a concert tonight, hopefully headache will go away before then.
So, last week there was a CD Japan sale of kalafina CD/DVD/BD and I ended up ordering the Red Moon Live BD. Just because, I ended up ordering the Best of Yuki Kaijura 2008-2010, too. Today, I received an update telling me that CD is in back order for 2 to 3 weeks. So, I am faced with the decision of splitting my order or wait for ~3 weeks. :uh..:
^That sucks, hope you get it soon.

My back is killing me today. And my lovely neighbor is outside again, hammering away. So I can't really take a nap. Also I am hungry but I don't really want to eat anything. I hate being sick.
Liana, suddenly, I feel guilty for complaining. I mean, that is nothing compared to what's happening to you... :rain:
I'm allergic to feathers and my two packages came in the mail, but the post office was closed so I couldn't get them...
@Kim: I've been dealing with this back for years (had surgery) so it's nothing new, just that it hurts a lot today for some reason. Some days are better.

Ahhh I want Alleluia now! And I want to see Sarah again. Listening to her voice on recordings is not the same.
Statement on Nico Nico's help pages:


(debit cards issued overseas not accepted).
Internet was super slow a while ago :uh..: But its ok now so I guess its fine.

I caught a cold :blood: I hope it doesnt develop more since right now is not the best time :imdead:
^Hope you feel better. I've been dealing with sinuses I think. I thought I had a cold. Although today I have a scratchy throat so I'm not sure.

Ugh. They're even out today, when it's looking like it's going to rain, and hammering away again. May have to nap in my mom's bed.
I only get to leave the house to go somewhere once a week and I found out a out a festival this Sunday and they need volunteers. Mom asked this boy I like if he could take me and he said yes, but you could tell he didn't want to... one, I want to go real bad and kinda hurt my feelings I guess since I liked him..
^me pats TK :uh..:

My boss gave me 3x more work load :blood: And his lazyness isn't helping me at all :knife: :voodoo: :stupidtable: :stupidbox: :wai: :wai:
^me pats TK :uh..:

My boss gave me 3x more work load :blood: And his lazyness isn't helping me at all :knife: :voodoo: :stupidtable: :stupidbox: :wai: :wai:
^*hugs Megy* yeah, I felt really sick yesterday, but still went to work. Then I got drenched after since it was pouring out, did not think I would make it to my brother's car. Glad I had a ride, but still.

Sore and tired still from yesterday, but better at least. Although I think now I am definitely getting a cold, since I got drenched yesterday. Should probably get the flu shot pretty soon. Also I wish I would have gotten a call for that data entry position. I really want to get out of working at the theater. I hope I get a call from the other position I applied to.
Was out of town on Friday, flying to Oklahoma City (translation: middle of nowhere) to meet a friend and being his wingperson in an event held there. The event itself was great and my friend had a great time. But, outside of the event, it was a comedy of errors:

The connecting flight was from Houston but got delayed (thanks United...) and, as a result, didn't arrive in OKC until 4:00 p.m. As part of the event, there was a side event starting at 4:00 p.m. and, yes, we were late and missed that part. :stupidtable: :voodoo:

Since OKC is supposedly in the parts of the US known for its BBQ, for one of the nights, we went for BBQ and it was barely average. My friend (who lives ~2 hours from OKC) was quite disappointed.

On the way back home, the connecting flight back was through O'Hare, which is a busy US ariport and went bouncing between gates as other flights were delayed over and over. And, yes, mine was delayed as well... I was supposed to arrive ~11:30 p.m. but due to delays, didn't get home until ~12:15 and after driving back home, I arrive way past 1:00 a.m. :uh..:

Now, overall, because I had a good time with my friend, that is not much of an issue. But, here is my complaining: because I was out for only two days, all work related emails piled up and have been spending way too much time catching up. Yeah, sometime taking vacation can be an issue... :blood: :imdead:

I guess I shouldn't be complaining. At least I am still employed!
- a whole week of night-time classes and project discussions. :blood:
- my essay is due on next tues and so far I have about 20% done. :blood:
- a damned migraine that never goes away... :blood:
