Complain about all!

^Yup, there's always someone like that and I challenge that person to sing a single line of a song like Keiko does.

Rain has been bothering me since Sunday, my internet doesn't work well and i can't go outside since i had a surgery recently :uh..:
dat passive-aggressiveness :XD:

ugh, i get the scores for my math midterm tomorrow.... i don't feel so good thinking about it.
Uhh I feel so stupid, I accidently ordered the new Kalafina single twice, and it's the same one. So I filed for a Returns on one of them. Ugh... I feel dumb though.
Sorry for the double again and I know I shouldn't complain since I know I have it better off then some people, but still... I am in so much pain sometimes I can't focus, and I'm worried that when I do get a full time job (searching really sucks right now) I won't be able to do a good job. I feel like I'm going through the motions right now, and what's more is I don't have a best friend who I can talk to every day. *sigh* Okay... sorry for my rant. I think I am done I am going to try and sleep.
^ awww, Liachan, I really hope you do get to feel better soon /me hugs warmly

I have been somewhat sick lately, and I hope it wont develop in more serious stuff and make a reprise of a year ago :uh..:
^Thanks, I had a breakdown today and am feeling somewhat better, but today I also felt really sick. I hope I don't, since I have to work on Sunday. I think I am just stressed about finding a job, and working on the holidays at the theater.
I have an ear infection (possibly in both ears) and haven't eaten normally in six days... :uh..: ER visit tomorrow... And maybe get my permit FINALLY!
^Yuck, hope you feel better soon. I've had those before and they are not fun.

I did not sleep well last night, even though I was falling asleep during a show. Then when I did sleep I had nightmares of being late and then getting lost (two things I hate), being chased by some slime monster, and just a bizarre dream which I can't even describe. I actually jerked out of bed, which I never do. Going to nap now and hopefully not dream. heh
^ me hopes you had a good rest...

My second exam went really badly.... I couldn't finish the paper, wrote half a page for the first part of the last question, and then only scribbled the main points for the 2nd part, last part was left blank... :rain: :cry:

I dunno if I can pass this module, I'm really scared...
Ugh... don't feel good again today, and I have to work tonight. I think I'm getting my brother's cold. I also work Tues night. And it's storming badly out now too... I hope it stops before I have to go to work.
MON(ster)DAY. I just wanna read a copy Shingeki no Kyojin I bought yesterday in my couch and have a peace time please :blood:
^ Poor Monday. Always the most hated day of the week. Not an exception for myself. xD

You pay a somewhat ridiculous entrance fee and then you don't get something that is very much worth the price. This is what happened when I visited three public attractions yesterday...
chrisgarci No, Chris-san. I love Monday. With the most sadistic way possible, I mean. Ugh... Monday :plot:

Yes... public attractions are always like that :uh..:
I like Mondays too, since Castle is on. :dote:

I was at work until 1 a.m. last night, which is ridiculous. I messed up on counts (inventory counting) which is why we had to stay there that late, but still... why don't the managers do the stupid counts themselves if they are just going to yell at you. Arrg... okay. *deep breath* I also have a cold. Yaaaaay.
Today in the school, the electricity is off since the morning. My city is very hot, it's close to the beach, and Indonesia is a tropical country ;w; so the air conditioner is automaticly off too. It's. Getting. Really. Really. Hot...
Wants to stay home from work tonight. It will be weird working on a Tues again. But I don't think "I don't want to work or do anything" is a good enough excuse. *sigh*
^Agreed. I got home from work only a couple of hours ago, after 1 a.m., and my back is just killing me so I can't sleep, since when I lie down it's worse. Also don't know why my new computer isn't charging. I want to be able to take it off the power cord, but it goes out when I do that. Strange.

Also, might have to work tonight, working tomorrow until close (which you never know when you'll get out then) and then Saturday at the crack of dawn until 4:30 pm. I was hoping to find someone to work tomorrow, but have had no luck yet. grrr. My back can't take it. I am getting a cold too.
Sorry for double but not having the greatest day today. Had a major breakdown already and my back is so sore I can barely move. And I have to work tonight and tomorrow, then Tues and Thurs as well. I am going to die. :uh..: :blood: