Complain about all!

^I've had those migraines, I hope you feel better and good luck.

I did not get much sleep last night, or if I did, I did not feel rested. I am so out of it right now and I have to go get blood work done for my doctor. I had to reschedule my dentist apt, but that I am not complaining about. heh Neeed caffeine! Also have my review at work on Monday, I am so nervous. I wonder what they will say about me.
Sorry for double post but... I did not feel well all this week and I might have to work tonight, and I know for sure I do tomorrow at 2. I hate working when I don't feel good, especially if it's busy. (I am a little better, but yesterday was a bad day) Ugh, I hate my life right now. I want a different job!
/me pats everyone

I've been so sick today that I was curling in bed for the whole afternoon :blood:
Now I'm somewhat better but still not really ok :imdead:
aki -- don't fail art :listen:

painkillers didn't work... god, i hate taking those :blood:
Art is easy! Even for me who can't draw hardly. (Unless it's Art History... then it's a different story) And get well soon too Megy. I've had the same the last week.

I think I'm getting a cold now. ugh! These last two days were horrible at work. Well, Fri night we were there until 1:30 AM because I messed up on counts. (I hate counts.) Then yesterday it was so busy later and we had two new people. I am so tired and sore and want to stay in bed.
^ it is easy, but I'm super slow at it...5 out of 6 of my pieces are still in progress, hence my grade :ohoho:
SO! it is almost Halloween right? well, it is my time of year to watch scary movie, gory movies and etc....apparently i watch to much which is bull :voodoo: ...i rarely get to watch any :uh..: so they are disgusted with me i Guess ;-;

oh and I think I lost my bestest friend because what his Girlfriend said. she didnt want him talking to anyone especially me so all that drama was crazy and i just had to leave...I miss him I really do...
I am going to fricken kill this dog next door! Or take out it's voice box or something! Ahhh it's driving me crazy. Good thing I am going away for a little while, but still. It needs to go away. Plus it's one of the most ugliest dogs ever. They leave it outside and neglect it, so why even have the stupid thing? Ugh.

Also these darn allergies/sinuses. They are really driving me nuts right now. I can't go ten seconds without blowing my nose. I know, gross.
*cough cough cough cough cough* :blood:
With a throat like this, even talking hurts. Using strong medicine to get this over quickly, but the side effects are driving me nuts :faint:
My teeth STILL hurt from the dentist. It was 2 hours ago. Ugh. I hate it when she pokes so hard. And my nose just keeps on going, and it didn't help that I had spicy wings, they were so good, but still. I want it to stop. And the rest of this week is going to be nuts. I'm already tired and it's only Tues. I wish I knew what I was working but I have to wait until tomorrow. *sigh*
I did not get more than two or three hours of sleep last night. So about to fall asleep, but I have stuff to do today. Going to be a zombie.
Sorry for double post again but stupid dog has been barking for the last half hour! Ugh... it's neglect I tell you, leaving it out in the cold, all day. no wonder it's barking all the time. But you don't have to annoy your neighbors with it. :voodoo:
Certain someone in this forum is just never satisfied with Keiko. Singing like that is wrong, singing like this is wrong. She can't sing like in Houseki all the time. WTH did you want, huh?
^Yeah, people need to just learn to accept things for how they are.

Back is killing me today. *sigh* Would be fine otherwise. No migraine yet, which I had yesterday *knocks on wood*. Want to crawl back into bed.