Complain about all!


MegyTomitatsu said: a very short time now we will see what will rule over...discrimination or tolerance. And that will be the moment that will put the spotlight on our awareness on what should we expect from the future.

Wait...what's happening?

Bulmafox said:
Wait...what's happening?

It looks like this is related to a church-supported referendum that is held on their country about banning same-sex marriages, and seeing from the news it looks like it was a success for conservatives.

There is no place in this world where all types of people can be tolerated.
Cheer up dear! :cheer:

My mother asked me to check the sewing machine.
It don't work...

Mom, what the hell did you do to my dear sewing machine?! I have cosplays to make in the holidays!!! :omg:
@aki: How are you complaining about that? I wish I could've done that, but I have stuff to do today, and tomorrow too, but I'm going to sleep tomorrow. heh

I have a big headache again today, although the medicine is working. (But I took my last one! It needs to hurry up and come in the mail! You can now order certain medicine here.) I am sick of these headaches, which is why I'm going to therapy for them, but still. It's probably due to my cold too, which means I'm going to have them every day. Ugh.
Liana said:
@aki: How are you complaining about that? I wish I could've done that, but I have stuff to do today, and tomorrow too, but I'm going to sleep tomorrow. heh
that :desksweat:
I have to fill out my resignation form today at work and turn in my uniforms. It is going to be sad. I am already not having a great week, and it has only just started. *sigh*
^Why don't you leave like I did then?

My stomach seems to always be hurting, or I am not very hungry. I know it has something to do with my GI or whatever, but still. I used to get hungry by now and was able to eat lunch and dinner normally. Ugh... also could not fall asleep since was thinking about thing. Like why isn't anyone calling me for a job? Or why must I always feel this anxious? (sorry for always complaining...)
^Liana, don't be sorry! I've been having similar problems but instead of stomach pain I throw up... I'll go three days at a time without eating...

I keep having nightmares every night and last night's was so bad that when I woke up and remembered it I curled up in a ball under my blankets... :uh..:
soo....I did lose my friend because of her. she said that I see thirsty, and that I stalked him and that I was annoying and he agreed with him...that is totally bull crap but okies :/

but on the other note FINALS ARE NEXT WEEK!!!! :vortex: :cry: :imdead: :voodoo:
Yuck, Tokyogirl I hope you feel better too. I just feel like all I do is complain now, since I don't feel all that great, and I know I should be going to the gym every day but I am just lazy. I almost had a couple of breakdowns today. I hope this week and month get better.
^Why don't you leave like I did then?

Unfortunately I have no right to decide on when to leave, since I am only a contractor. My manager understands me though, so I am thankful for that. Too bad that our client is kinda... heartless. I am hoping that I become involved with another client once this contract ends...
^Ahh I see, contract jobs. Hmm. At least it isn't forever then, right?

I have so much to do tomorrow! Ahhh! And then Friday will be cleaning for the weekend. I hope more people come to my party. They either have to work or are busy. *sigh* I wish I could invite you CPM people! heh
I want to strangle my art teacher.
Here I am, having gone to bed at 3am this entire week almost, still having three pieces left to finish, about to just break down and cry because of the stress, and my art teacher tells me that she wants me to push myself and grow even more as an artist.
Can I please crawl into a deep dark hole and not come out until May has passed? Please?

Also, the skin of one of my fingers has been rubbed raw and it hurts when touched now. Thank you textured pastel paper.
huaaah i hate my school system, i miss CPM sooo much :cry: :cry:
(and i just realized Aki-san PMed me, since when.... i'm sorry for not replying it for a looong time :bow:)

i still have trial exams tomorrow, but i decided to stop studying and take a peek on this beloved CPM :ohoho:
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i was sooo late i saw sabermaniac account on youtube who had Kalafina's live 2013 and the videos were already banned by SME~ :omg: :cry: :cry: i hope someone will put them again~
oh well, i'll fly around the threads and forget it~ :dote:
/pats littlefelicita

I GIVE UP :imdead:
I can't bring myself to finish this last piece...I really haven't started or planned it at all yet...I'll just have to convince my art teacher to let me turn it in after the break (the other girl in my class said she is doing that). Oh well...I guess getting 11/12 pieces done is a feat in itself, when this time last week I only had 5/12 completed :blood: /buries self in a deep dark rabbit-hole