
tk!! //gives a big gentle hug
So, I need to go on a little more about art. I need to get it out of my system so it doesn't keep poking me while I study for exams. Excuse my ranting.
I feel like when you sign up for IB art, you're thinking about becoming an artist one day, or some part of your life will include art. People seem to think I want to be an artist as my career, but I don't. I never have. It's always just been a hobby for me. However, thanks to this class, I actually am beginning to hate art. It's my least favourite class, which is strange because I've never liked math. But literally each day at the end of math, I look at my friend and say "I don't want to go to art." It's all the stress...it's wearing me down. It takes the
fun, the
enjoyment out of my hobby. Now for this I actually blame my art teacher more than IB. In fact, I pretty much blame it all on her. So, for HL art, you are to make 18 pieces and submit 40 journal pages, and do a show in the spring and an oral commentary thing, and these things make up your final score for the class. HL is a 2-year course. So you have 2 years to create 18 pieces, right? NO. My idiotic art teacher decided that you have to do all of your 18 pieces your senior year. Even if some of the pieces from junior year fit in perfectly with your theme, they can't count towards that 18. This equates to finishing a piece a week, a time-table that is literally impossible for a perfectionist like me who needs to research and plan so that the piece evolves in my head before I make it. I figured out that my teacher is making us create the same number of pieces in one semester (12) as SL students create in a year (it's a one-year course). This all feels so unfair and inconsiderate. I *GASP* don't want to sell my soul and EVERY SECOND OF TIME I HAVE to art? Is that really that strange? I honestly have hated the past two weeks because I have gone to bed in the early hours of the morning each night. Now, I admit, I am partly to blame for this, because I procrastinated. But can you blame me, that when I get home from school every day, I actually want to have some time to myself to relax and do other things that are not related to school? Not to mention the fact that I put
a lot of unneeded effort into all of my classes, so it's not like I am ever homework-free. At school, I even have an extra free period entirely dedicated to art - I essentially have twice the amount of time to work as the other art student. But I still was not able to finish 12 pieces before the end of the semester? I just want to go crawl in a deep dark hole and never come out...but in all honesty, I am at the point where whenever I remember that I will have to do that last piece over xmas break, and I will probably do another because my 11th piece wasn't very....satisfactory (I pretty much did that one last night at 12am-- ), I get so disheartened and want to cry. I don't know how I'm going to survive next semester...all I can look forward to now is late March. I'll be done with all my pieces, our show will be over, hopefully we'll have finished all we need to for the class. After that I feel like I won't want to do any more art for another year...yes, that's what my art teacher has done to me.
//end rant

I guess I feel a little better now that that's out of my system...