Complain about all!

^ woah. that was quite amazing to accomplish 11 art pieces. Is your class all about speed painting? Seriously those kind of teachers...
Hopefully you get enough inspiration in your break to complete your 12th piece, and please show it to us when you have the chance. :)

Nothing's good with the news lately, both in my country and abroad. There is nothing exciting with my work either, sigh. I want to have my vacation now, please.
@felicita: Aww, I wanted to watch the rest of it, hopefully it will be posted again or at least the audio. (I heard consolation and Door, and they were both good.)

Back is hurting today, and now we have the kerosene heater lit downstairs so it stinks up the whole house, and gives me a headache and even makes me kind of sick sometimes. I wish it didn't get so cold here so we wouldn't need it. Also been having nightmares or creepy dreams this last week. I think it's from being stressed out, but still.
Got a stomach virus....wound up on the floor in the bathroom unable to get up. I threw up more times yesterday than in my entire life. My whole body hurt and I had a high fever. I was freezing all day yesterday. And my back hurt so bad. Today I am better. My body hurts and I'm tired.
^ :omgz: tk!! //gives a big gentle hug

So, I need to go on a little more about art. I need to get it out of my system so it doesn't keep poking me while I study for exams. Excuse my ranting.

I feel like when you sign up for IB art, you're thinking about becoming an artist one day, or some part of your life will include art. People seem to think I want to be an artist as my career, but I don't. I never have. It's always just been a hobby for me. However, thanks to this class, I actually am beginning to hate art. It's my least favourite class, which is strange because I've never liked math. But literally each day at the end of math, I look at my friend and say "I don't want to go to art." It's all the's wearing me down. It takes the fun, the enjoyment out of my hobby. Now for this I actually blame my art teacher more than IB. In fact, I pretty much blame it all on her. So, for HL art, you are to make 18 pieces and submit 40 journal pages, and do a show in the spring and an oral commentary thing, and these things make up your final score for the class. HL is a 2-year course. So you have 2 years to create 18 pieces, right? NO. My idiotic art teacher decided that you have to do all of your 18 pieces your senior year. Even if some of the pieces from junior year fit in perfectly with your theme, they can't count towards that 18. This equates to finishing a piece a week, a time-table that is literally impossible for a perfectionist like me who needs to research and plan so that the piece evolves in my head before I make it. I figured out that my teacher is making us create the same number of pieces in one semester (12) as SL students create in a year (it's a one-year course). This all feels so unfair and inconsiderate. I *GASP* don't want to sell my soul and EVERY SECOND OF TIME I HAVE to art? Is that really that strange? I honestly have hated the past two weeks because I have gone to bed in the early hours of the morning each night. Now, I admit, I am partly to blame for this, because I procrastinated. But can you blame me, that when I get home from school every day, I actually want to have some time to myself to relax and do other things that are not related to school? Not to mention the fact that I put a lot of unneeded effort into all of my classes, so it's not like I am ever homework-free. At school, I even have an extra free period entirely dedicated to art - I essentially have twice the amount of time to work as the other art student. But I still was not able to finish 12 pieces before the end of the semester? I just want to go crawl in a deep dark hole and never come out...but in all honesty, I am at the point where whenever I remember that I will have to do that last piece over xmas break, and I will probably do another because my 11th piece wasn't very....satisfactory (I pretty much did that one last night at 12am-- ), I get so disheartened and want to cry. I don't know how I'm going to survive next semester...all I can look forward to now is late March. I'll be done with all my pieces, our show will be over, hopefully we'll have finished all we need to for the class. After that I feel like I won't want to do any more art for another year...yes, that's what my art teacher has done to me.

//end rant :imdead:
I guess I feel a little better now that that's out of my system...
I'm pretty much through with my job now. They've cut the staff down so much there's around three of us, each doing the job of two people. It's one of those decisions to 'make the service safer' (pretty understandable when you're working in a hospital!) and to save money, but all these things are doing the opposite. It's costing them more, and it's not helping safety at all.

It's as though stupidity's an infectious disease, and everyone high up has caught it. There's nothing I, or anyone else who *cares*, can do to help anyone in that place. No wonder the health service is all over the news these days.

Time to look for work somewhere else come January. :uh..:
Hanataba live was almost perfect in every aspect, except for the drumming which is soooo awkward in the beginning and so dull in the kajiurago part. If only they let Nozaki play.......
^I want to seeee. I wish I had enough money to get the dvd. But I just ordered the RHH 3 ost... *sigh*

I keep having these nightmares, either there's someone chasing me, or mom is kidnapped, or I'm alone in this weird place that I never know where it is. I know... I've been watching a lot of Detective Conan so it's probably due to that, but still. It's my favorite show right now so I can't stop watching it.
awww akiii /he hugs :TdT: That is soo wrong letting wrong people teach :uh..:

/me pats Liana

Soooooo tired!
/me hugs aki back
This is like me and photography. Mom wants me to sell my photography but i dont want he stress and pressure. It's a hobby, nothing more.
^ thanks you two :touched:
@tk, it's terrible when something you once loved becomes nothing more than just work. I don't recommend it :blood:

I feel like I should be studying harder for my exams, but I'm honestly not worried about any of them...I don't think that's what my mindset should be lol
@tk: well you could go on deviantart and sell pieces there, to make a little extra money, which is always nice, but I guess that's stressful too. I would never be able to sell my art, since it's not good enough, at least not as good as my friends.

I am sick today. Bad headache, nauseous, cold (not the temperature kind either). I think I got it from yesterday since my sister and brother in law were both sick and I saw them over the weekend and my friend was sick as well. But yesterday was so much fun, but now I want to crawl in bed, but I was awoken by phone calls, the plow, and now my lovely neighbor is shoveling. Shoveling what? There's no snow on the ground! Ugh. Can I just wake up when it's Christmas please?
Liana, true. /me puts liana into a quiet sleepy room until Christmas

My heart was broken by the first guy I ever really liked.....Why did I have to like a jerk? :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
^Awww *hugs TK* And thanks, I think there needs to be a comfy room like that somewhere where you can just go and relax. *sigh*

I had to send out my new computer to be repaired, on the plus side I didn't have to pay anything, but on the bad side I have to use my old one until I get it back, which won't be until about 3 weeks from now. Ugh... it's so slow I can't take it. Also cold is bad today. At least tomorrow I don't have much to do and I think Fri I will sleep all day.
/me hugs Liana back even though she is sick. I hope you get better soon!!

I might be seeing the one who hurt me so much today... :hide: :hide: I feel like I'm going to throw up.
Ahhh I just want to run around the house and scream. Not feeling good today and I am sick of not feeling good. I want to feel good for Christmas and I am going to eat that omelet no matter what, but still. Why am I always sick on the holidays? :uh..:
Sorry for double posting but my back is killing me today. I hope walking around will do it some good, but still. And I was feeling sick yesterday again so I didn't go see The Hobbit. Hopefully all this will get put out of my mind when I go shopping, I need a distraction from the stress I have now, even though I shouldn't have much.
/me hugs liana

I threw my back out playing Kinect......... Didn't know that was possible.... owwwwwieeee
^*hugs back* I know what back pain feels like, ouch. I did that once in gym class while trying a cart wheel.

There was this really annoying guy behind us at the hockey game that's been there for awhile. He swears a lot and swears at other people to sit down too, I want to smack him, you can report things like that, but still. He shouldn't be acting like that in the first place.
Double post again, sorry. But it's reeeeeeally cold out right now. Like -16 below, which is cold even for here. That's the wind chill though, so when it's not blowing it's not bad, but it was rather windy last night. And I have to go out and I wish I didn't have to.

Also my Kala calendar hasn't come yet! Ahhhh. I want it. (hopefully it will come before the end of this month heh)