Complain about all!

^Lol did you guys do that at the same time? I hope they get better. But that was some timing.

I don't know, I feel better I guess. I just wish I had a job and an apartment and I could drive everywhere myself, so I could make my sister and family proud. Sometimes I just want to scream it all out though, but then the neighbors would probably suspect something's going on.
^lol, that was actually :XD: mine still twisted. My ankle and knee are twisted and my shin is still very bruised :rain:

My dog is sick... she won't stop throwing up. We don't know what she could have eaten. She is only a puppy.
^My cousin's dog always gets into things. Last time I think it was her gum. So you might want to take your dog to the vet.

My plans were ruined yet again by not feeling well. I think I just need to stay in bed for a week and get better. ugh
^She's better now. We found some mice so that's my only guess... And I'm sorry you're not feeling well!!

My nightmares are back... Not only can I not fall asleep, but I can't stay asleep, so the little sleep I get is full of nightmares... :uh..:
^That's good, and thanks. It's been going on for awhile now.

Just got a major, major headache. Like migraine. Ugh... Hope the cold tablet helps.
CD still not here yet... (Elemental) :uh..: An exchange student told me it takes two months for things to get to him....
I just spent an hour editing a song I recorded (I'm doing this online thing where you have to write and record ten songs or 35 mins of music during the month of Feb...not for money or anything; just for fun) and one of the guitar tracks I recorded just...disappeared. I hadn't done a damn thing to it, but the software just deleted the sound file FOR NO REASON AT ALL. All that's left is a badly-mixed demo edit, so it looks like that's going to have to do. :stupidtable:

I hate using computers for stuff like this...I wish I had a proper tape machine. I guess I'll make a backup of everything as I go along from now on...ARGH.
^Wow... that sucks. I recorded some songs that I played on the violin on this program called Audicity, but it would not let me convert them to mp3 in order to put them on a disc. I was so mad. But then it worked out to record on my camera. But still... I played B.T. really well that time. Also I want to hear some of your songs!

I have to get my tooth pulled in a week from tomorrow. It's become so rotted underneath it so they wanted to pull it, take my bridge off, then put a longer bridge on. Ugh... I hate the dentist and I dread that day.
Yikes. I hope the trip to the dentist goes well...that sounds scary, but I'm sure it'll feel much better afterwards!

I'll post up a Soundcloud link to these tracks when they're done...right now my progress is so bad it's embarrassing...I can't play violin but thought, "hey...if I use Ebowed guitar and bass I can make a sound like a string quartet!" except, when you're rushing on a Saturday afternoon and don't know what you're doing, it turns into a mess that sounds like four cats mewing backwards. :notlistening:

I've heard of Audacity, but I haven't had much time to try it out. I'm trying to work with Cubase, which is supposed to allow you to edit stuff, set mixing levels and mix it down to mp3 or other formats and loads of other stuff. Which it can. When it works properly. This month is going to be educational, if nothing else... :omgz:
^Dad uses Cubase for his stuff. XD

Been sleeping okay but am feeling sooo tired still... also going through another "health kick" which had me blow $40 on Kinect fitness games, now drinking green tea, and using lotions and stuff... what the heck is wrong with me... Also hoping my Elemental will FINALLY get here... :TdT:
^I've been just so lazy lately, which I think is my problem. I was going to call the gym I want to join, which is cheap each month, and I can go whenever I want. The problem is getting out of the house. I don't want to do anything, which is going to be a problem if I actually do get a job. Plus still getting headaches and stomach problems. Ahhh! I just want to run outside and scream. But I hope you feel better too. (Maybe listening to Within Temptation will help me.)

Gaaaah! I want to throw and punch things! I need to get to the gym again. *sigh* Also, no shows are on right now (except for Walking Dead which just started) because of the stupid Olympics. I've never really cared for it besides the figure skating.
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Tired and grumpy and having full blown seven sins- sloth infection. I know I'm considered well-off compared to many millions of others but sometimes it gets to me and I want to complain. sorry. :bow:
Being lazy is normal these days. Sigh. There are times when I always think of staying at home and not go to work. If only it's that easy, without taking a toll on my already growing body.

Also, the Collector's edition of the Bravely Default game has been sold out in all branches of game shops in our area! I want that bonus CD and art album. It looks like I will have to get them through CDJapan then, while buying the regular edition instead. More work to get what I want. Sigh...
^My brother has the game, I think he got the regular edition though.

I think I am getting the bug that's going around. Major stuffiness this morning. Also I wish I could just skip Monday. I hate going to the dentist as it is, and this time I have to get a tooth pulled. Ugh.
Sorry for double again but I DON'T WANT TO GO TO THE DENTIST TOMORROW!!!! I wish I could just skip it but this tooth has to go. Uuuuuugh I am going to be in so much pain this week, so if you don't see me as much, this is why. :blood:
*hugs Liana* I hate the dentist so I understand your pain :TdT: just think of the RRH ost! :hero: :hero:

OTL I left so many things to do at the last minute. Should've been working on all my IAs and my art projects during those snow days but nooo I didn't do anything school-related...
also, I don't think I did very well on the essay and interview/presentation at the scholarship day I went to yesterday sobsob
Had chest pains so bad I was yelling... My parents were worried about a heart attack, I think. Don't know what it was...
yeah... that's scary. Hope you feel better.

I am having stomach problems this morning of course and I have to be at the dentist in less than 2 hours. uuuugh Don't wanna go don't wanna go don't wanna go. But I want to get it over with. Plus it's snowing out like crazy. We've had enough now, it can stop. Also Angela is going to be at ACen this year! Why can't I go... oh that's right it needs money. *sigh* :wai:
I have a cold now. I caught it from my mom. Scratchy throat and sniffly. Also feel very warm at the moment. Ugh, wanted to feel good for the hockey game.