Complain about all!

It's suuper cold down here too :hide: right now it's -13C
I don't want to go to school :wai: why couldn't it snow today...
Also, I don't think I actually slept. It was way to easy to wake up at 6:30 when I went to bed at 3 :headbite:
^Wow, really, they didn't close? They closed all the schools here for yesterday and today because of the cold. I am staying inside today even though I wanted to go out to Target. *sigh* And tomorrow is going to be busy.

Plus my back is hurting again. It usually does after my head therapy so it might be what she does, but it's really just massaging, so I don't know why.
^Yeah, I hated that, smelling like popcorn and the oil and ICEEs. Where do you work? (And I did not notice you coming back lol Welcome back!)

My stomach is upset today, and I have places to go. I have to get my violin fixed, since when I took it out yesterday to practice the strings were all messed up because of the cold. So hopefully my teacher can do it. Otherwise I have to get new strings. Also I have no money right now to get things like the elemental cd! Ahhh. Come on job!
Cerise you talking about having graduated and getting a job is just bringing back on my existential crisis :vortex: though I will have a job this summer as a camp counsellor, so I'm excited :sohappy:

I randomly played piano today, and I first tried playing martha my dear, and I COULDN'T REMEMBER HOW TO PLAY IT AFTER THE FIRST FEW MEASURES :vortex: :vortex: then I tried to play kagayaku and I couldn't even get the intro right SOB
(and to note: I play by memory after learning from youtube vids, though for kagayaku I actually did read sheet music to learn it)
now I'll have to re-learn all the songs I used to know :rain:
Soooo tired since I did not fall asleep until after 3 am last night. But I have to get up early tomorrow, so hopefully I can sleep, but listening to some soft Yuki isn't helping. lol That's what's kind of bad about some of her music, you can drift off to dreamland.
Uggggghhhh. That's how I feel today. Back is killing me, thing around me are going to hell... I just want to go on vacation right now and relax somewhere. But I don't have any money to spend since I don't have a job. Ahhh! I want to run outside and scream but it's too cold out!
I don't feel so well :uh..: and I can't tell if I have a fever because everything is warm to my hands that are always cold
And it doesn't help that I have art first today :faint:
Feel better aki! And good luck casa.

I still haven't gotten a shipping notification for elemental! What the heck cdjapan? Is anyone else having this problem? I picked the 1st shipping method which usually means I get mine before the release day. *sigh* (It's still not even "in the shipping process" uuuuugh.
I sent my CV to two recruitment agencies...because I couldn't find a job vacancy after a whole evening of searching, so decided I'd better ask an agency for help. The ads were all "must have prior experience in..." which is no good when you're trying to 'change tracks' into a different industry. :orz:

This career change process could take months, and I'm already feeling drained and discouraged after one evening. :imdead:
@Kuga: maybe, *sigh* It's okay though since I have now listened to the new songs, and have gaika, and am happy. I just wish I would get it this week, but it doesn't look like that will happen.
Edit: Darn it, you were right Kuga. It says Availability 3-7 days. Arrrrg!

Just hit my head on the tv stand. Ouch, there may be a bump back there, it really hurt.
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Sorry for double but wish these people would stop calling me! They ask like 3 or 4 times if I want to further my education and I tell them no each time, I am not being rude, I just don't want to right now. I always select no on the websites, I don't know why I keep getting these calls. Ahhh!

Also how long does it take to ship a freakin' address book? It's been 2 weeks since I ordered it and it's been on back order. ugh. I don't really need it now, but I would like it still. First time I've been disappointed in
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I feel like I'm in limbo right now :rain: I don't know what I want to do with my life...I thought I wanted to major in some environmental science, but today I realised (thanks to my friend) I would probably hate it, since I hate math and science (lab reports are the death of me! :imdead:) So now I'm thinking I might major in history, since that's one of my favourite classes and I always do more than what's asked for in that class. Actually, at this one college there's a global studies major I'm extremely interested in, but to go there I would need a full ride scholarship and AHG sob I want to go there so badly but I most likely won't :faint:
so today I've been burdened by this feeling of not knowing what I want to do after high school and it's really bringing me down :rain:
^I know how you feel. I feel like not doing anything right now. I guess it's because I am not getting any interviews hardly. I went to school for Admin Assistant, but didn't find anything there, then I thought I'd get more opportunities with the Health Unit Coordinator program, so I went through that and still am not finding much. Ugh... sorry for the rant again, but I just don't know right now.

Also, Mouri Kogorou's voice changed later on in Conan and I am mad. While it is not bad, it will never be his first voice. *sigh*
^ bahaha wow you're pretty far. But yeah, mouri's voice change takes getting used to (just a heads up, mitsuhiko's voice changes eventually too) :P

I don't really want to go riding at 11 today because it's so cold outside... (4C now)
^I noticed his changed in one ep before, but then it went back to normal. I don't really mind if his changes, but I do miss Mouri's. (As long as Takagi's doesn't change, since he is my second favorite character. :))

Back is killing me today. I hope I'll be all right tomorrow for the recital. Already nervous since my brother and his girlfriend might be coming. And my cousin.
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Fell and hurt from the ankle to the knee. It takes turns complaining. There's also a huge knot on my shin and a huge area of bruising. So it tends to rotate from ankle to shin to bruise to knee... :uh..: