Complain about all!

(I know it's similar to the recent posts, but still)

Ugh... something just isn't right this week. I don't know what. I can't get over this feeling. I've had multiple breakdowns. Headaches are getting worse instead of better. I just want it all to go away.
Too much nervous energy... trying to think of everything before I leave.

I won't have internet access most of my trip, so I've been madly printing out stuff and have a large number of pamphlets from previous trips with me.
^I am so so jealous of you right now. Are you seeing any bands or artists this time? Take lots and lots of pics please and show them to us!

Complaint: Still has a headache. It was sooo bad last night I was crying. Today it's okay, but still there. Maybe I should just get used to it, but I don't want to. Ugh. Go away migraine!

AND now I just slipped down our stairs. (Luckily they weren't the basement ones or I might have gotten more hurt) I just hurt my foot and shoulder a bit. Nothing's too bad but still. Today is not my day.
I know I've been complaining a lot about this, but the migraine from hell is back again. I thought I got rid of it. Also, I was called into work last night, which I don't know why since it wasn't that busy. Also, where is everyone? The forum is so quiet right now.
for some reason, i keep getting logged out of CPM... i mean, it helps me remember my password, but it's getting rather annoying... :uh..:
^That happened to me before, George said he wasn't having a problem though. Hmm. Now I'm fine too.

I hate motorcycles, and zip bikes, and loud cars. I wish summer would end already. Ugh, no wonder I keep getting migraines.
Liana_Ilia said:
^I am so so jealous of you right now. Are you seeing any bands or artists this time? Take lots and lots of pics please and show them to us!

Complaint: Still has a headache. It was sooo bad last night I was crying. Today it's okay, but still there. Maybe I should just get used to it, but I don't want to. Ugh. Go away migraine!

AND now I just slipped down our stairs. (Luckily they weren't the basement ones or I might have gotten more hurt) I just hurt my foot and shoulder a bit. Nothing's too bad but still. Today is not my day.

3 days of Animelo Summer Live, Kalafina at Otodama Beach Zushi, Chiaki Ishikawa at Shibuya O-East so far, Ayane and Aira Yuuki tonight and Kaori Oda Sunday night still to go.

I kept thinking that I lost things (like postcards or pamphlets), nearly lost my friend's camera and JR Kanto area pass a few times, messed up ticketing a few times (only once actually cost me extra on my Suica card when I could have used my JR Kanto area pass), and locked myself out of my hotel room twice, lost myself between Shibuya station and Shibuya O-East in both directions and turned up late at the hotel after Chiaki Ishiawa's show (rang the hotel to warn them and they were ok though). A few times I smudged the camera lens and took ages cleaning it again. Almost too late to get into the railway museum at Yokokawa, just managed the last train ride inside the museum.

On the good side, didn't hurt myself or get sunburned (yet).
^But but, you got to see so many good performances. I wish I could have gone with. heh

I am complaining that I am not feeling very good and I have to work tonight. I think I am getting a cold or something, which could be why I had a bad headache this last week. There was a skunk last night that stank up the whole house and made my head hurt, and I did not sleep well because of it, and well the nightmares. I just want to curl up now in my bed and stay there until Sunday. Let's just hope there aren't too many crazies tonight.
^ Silly computer rotated some pictures on the SD card from my camera rather than just reading them and rotating them in RAM - the pictures no longer show when the SD card is back in the camera but they are still there.

Nearly lost my SD to micro-SD adaptor - left it on the hotel pc overnight.

Nothing much to do today as it is a hot day and I don't feel like buying a 3 day railpass for 8,000 yen when I have no destinations in mind.
Hot day again tomorrow... (35 C) slept a bit this afternoon which will make sleeping tonight more difficult.

Still haven't written postcards. :uh..:
May have a virus on my computer and may have to take it in. I hope it doesn't cost too much to get it fixed. Ugh. Unless this Norton thing works.

Nope still can't download anything, has anyone had this problem before? Also have a major headache again today. Ugh. Already slept most of the day.
Went home for the long weekend and came back to a fridge full of maggots WTF

I remember accidentally letting a fly into the fridge before leaving but I figured it would starve to death. Instead it had a million babies. Maggots completely obscured the plastic dome of my roast chicken container, and scattered over various other shelves of my fridge. Also cocoons everywhere. I am so grossed out. :blood:
^Oh wow... I bet it was like that scene from cowboy bebop where the lobster was left in the fridge. heh But that is so gross. ew ew ew, I hate bugs so much.

I have been having this migraine now for the last month, or it feels like it anyways. I hate not being able to do anything because of it. ugggh.