Complain about all!

^ Yeah, I can't imagine what will happen to me if I spend the next years doing my work on this kind of schedule.

Now getting sleepy, but I'm still on office. :uh..:
*Does everything to keep awake, from pinching to slapping to drinking some cups of coffee*
@Megy: yeah, I am still in that hole as well. Can we have a club? heh
@Cerise: Thanks, I wish I still wasn't feeling this way. I am going to a psychiatrist soon, but it's more for medications. woo.

Also really nervous for tonight. Going to a speed dating event. I don't know how I'm going to react, or what to say. I have never been to one before. EDIT: actually not going now since I am feeling sick and I have to work an 8 hour shift tomorrow, so I want to be good for that. ugh Stupid sickness.
^ Let's! At least I can have a company down there (althou I'm not happy that you get to be there). Hope you get to climb up soon.. And good luck!

Thank you Cerise, I hope to get up soon too. It's really sorrowful down here :rain:
^^ There are lots of things to be thankful for... having people like Yuki Kajiura and Chiaki Ishikawa who actually care about their fans as well as providing us with great music on its own and for anime.

You all have so many good things ahead of you.
I've been developing a cold that has gotten progressively worst since last weekend, probably combination of airplane travel and many colleagues in the office experiencing symtoms lately. Pretty annoying :uh..:
@Kuga: I am very thankful for that. :dote:

Well turns out I have a sinus infection. weeee. Head isn't pounding so much anymore, but still not feeling the greatest. Was supposed to work today too. Back to work tomorrow night hopefully.
^@Liana, Megy, nataku: :omg: Hope u guys feel much better soon :bow:
I just found out I can have some days off cram school for summter break :white: How great ... Now I know why they gave me that mountain of homework. I really thought I had to do them in 2 days and studied like crazy yesterday :uh..:
@Kuga: As Liana said, me too!
@Lia: When was the last time you were healthy? :uh..: You should take care of yourself.. Get well soon!
@Wormie: Thank you! :bow:

It's freakin too cold for this time of year..and heating is not on.... :uh..:
Great, time to use electric heater again :desksweat:
As I got out of the shower this morning it was steaming..out of me....literally :desksweat: Dear weather, please get stable!

ps, why is 'good things....' thread deleted? :confu:
^ The 'Good things that happened to you' thread was not actually deleted, but it seems that its last post was made by a spambot, so the admins did something about it, I guess, since I can see the thread now...
I've had to restart my computer twice today for the internet to work on it :blood: I don't know what's wrong...
^Do you have wireless? I sometimes have to restart my router. Otherwise try resetting the internet box thing itself, if you have one.

@Megy: I don't know... it feels like a long time now. Although I was pretty happy last weekend at the con. I wish I could go back to it. heh

Still have the infection. Ate a little something but need to eat more. ugh.
^ Start taking care of it then! :listen:

I just am to lazy to list all the complaints I have right now :uh..:
^I am, (still taking antibiotics) although my back is still hurting, probably cuz I was in bed so much, but now that I'm up and moving again it should get better, right? I want it to be 7 so I can be at the movies! And also, take care of yourself Megy. *hugs*
I'm trying to. I'm taking antibiotics for profilactic measures this week (switched from taking regularly last week). As for the rest, I hope to take care of it soon..thanks *hugs back*

My head aches out of tiredness :blood: