Complain about all!

^Thanks. This morning was bad too, I was supposed to have a procedure for my back, to help it, but I could not do it since the needle hurt so much. I felt so weak and stupid, I wanted to get it done. So yeah, did not have the best morning. And now I have a headache.

Also, I don't have enough money for ACen! :wai:
^ woah, sure hope you feel better soon...

Tokyogirl1996 said:
Aww! I'm sorry! I'm often sad too...I have deppression issues... :uh..:
I surely know how you feel... :uh..:

The driver of the tram pulled the brakes so abruptly today that all of the people flew girl even fell on the floor...and I doubt she was the only one -.-
And well...rude stupid teenagers....I always hated them.. :uh..:
^Thanks, I just feel so stupid and weak that I couldn't do it. That I couldn't even do this procedure, which is supposed to be simple. Ugh...
^ dont. Moments like that happen. Next time (if there will be) youll surely go through it. So, no worries, I dont doubt, neither should you!
^oh I'm still going, I'm just complaining I don't have enough for what I want to get there. I'm going to want sooo much stuff, I will have to show much restraint in order to at least get some Kalafina stuff. Plus I have to pay for my hotel. *sigh*

My left arm/shoulder is hurting again today. It's achy and I hate this feeling. Hopefully a shower will help.
Sorry for double post but... headache on my birthday, and I don't know, I'm just off today. I guess because I'm closer to 30.
^ thats bad. Hope it stopped already. In you birthday topic you wrote it in a way like you were thrilled to be 28 xD

I feel sick again.. :uh..:
Drinking tea and hoping it will get better..
^It has stopped sort of, it's now a cloudy headache. I hope you feel better. And I was more thrilled to be getting presents today, not that I'm getting older. lol
^ okay then, so it shall be completely over soon. haha, dont think about age, you know how they say, youre as young as you feel like :tea:
Thanks, I better now, I even got an appetite. Am afraid of getting sick if I eat something thou..well, I should take something light..
I have been having some anxiety attacks recently since I got home last night and my back was hurting so badly after work. I've worked 2 days in a row and have to work tonight too. I'm not sure I can do this anymore. I need a sit down job. *sigh* Or at least one where I can take a break. Hope that I get out a little earlier tonight.
My dog died yesterday...she was around 11 years old (not sure since I took her off the street when she was around 2)....probably a heart attack or a was over in like a half of minute...she was/is the best dog that could possibly exist in this world...I'm missing her so much (so does my family) :(

And my kidney hurts....again :blood: I just don't want to go through it again! :rain:
^Awww *hugs Megy* I am not a huge dog fan, but I hate hearing stories like this one. And I think I've grown to like them more because of my cousin, certain ones anyways. I hope you will be happy again soon.

Small complaint: There is no chocolate that I want at home right now. Might have to stop somewhere tomorrow. heh
^tnx so much. Well, at least she didnt agonize much, Im happy for that.
I hope you can catch your breath soon!
It's been a great few days (although I would have loved Chiaki Ishikawa to have been in Yuki Kajiura Live vol. #9, meeting her again almost made up for it), but I'm really tired and have to check out within 2 hours.

/me pats Kuga and Liana

/me hugs Megy

Hope you all are feeling better now...

The exam yesterday was a total disaster...and I studied for this one the hardest too..what a nightmare...And now my right hand is aching so badly due to all the writing... :blood: :blood:

wormbook22 said:
:desksweat: :fan: :fan: :fan: :fan: :fan: :fan: :fan: :fan: :fan: :fan:
Seriously, why is it so hot .... :blood:

:XD: same thing happened to me...
@Megy, Kuga, Liana: :TdT: :TdT: Hope u guys feel better already :bow:
The exam yesterday was a total disaster...and I studied for this one the hardest too..what a nightmare...And now my right hand is aching so badly due to all the writing... :blood: :blood:
Yeah, same thing happened to me during my literature test :uh..: I studied so hard but I still screwed up, and I couldn't use my right hand properly for the whole evening b/c of the writing (I had Literature and History test on the same day - no multiple choice or filling the blank, I had to write everything down myself) :@_@:
And again, it's still freakingly hot over here, even though it rained this afternoon :blood: :fan: :fan: :fan:
Thanks to you both. I am better with the thing I was thinking about before, but now my back hurts. Hopefully tomorrow I will be better since I am going to therapy and I am going to get my Kalafina ticket and Chicago! It's still far away. heh