Complain about all!

Things are getting crazy at work now, and I have been assigned tasks to somehow resolve the crazy situation. Now, it's making me crazy... :imdead:
Tnx Casa and Wormie :bow: I feel better but it still feels lonely

Hope it helps, Liana!

/me pats Chris

I have a light cystitis again :uh..: I hope I'm gonna do things right now (which it looks like) in order not to make a reprise of happenings around half a year ago :uh..:
warning: this does not concern yuki or her utahimes, so no need to worry :ohoho:

Some fans of other idols are VERY ANNOYING :voodoo:
You have a point there Kuga. :) I just dont want any misundarstandings thats why I cleared it first.

To those fans: :knife:
I am still kind of sad to be home now, it hasn't quite hit me yet. I miss the con so much, and Kalafina of course. They were super awesome. Also I've had a headache all day and it's still kind of there, and haven't been able to do much cleaning, my room is still a mess. Hopefully tomorrow I can get things back to normal again.
It's the end of another school year ... Feels kinda sad, and lonely :touched:
But the worse thing is, there'll probably be no summer for me this year :uh..: Too much stuffs to study :orz:
^me too, last night was not good, and today I had to miss class. Now I'm extremely hot for some reason. It's not even that hot out like it was yesterday.

Also not seeing Star Trek now until tomorrow. *sigh* Oh well, probably better since I've been having migraines lately.
Feel better guys!!

Been looking for a job for a while, but haven't found one as of yet :'(
^Me too, although I slept last night, so I don't know why I feel so tired still.

My back is sore today, I had strange dreams all night so I think I was tossing in my sleep. And headache is still lingering. Caffeine will be my friend today.

Just cried for the last hour. I have not cried that hard for awhile. Just a lot of stuff going on. I will hopefully be back to my normal self soon, I hope.
Is about ready to throw something if this headache is not gone by tomorrow. Seriously, it is now the 5th day, ever since I got back from ACen. *sigh* It will not die.
@Liana: Feel better soon! *hugs*

Depressed depressed depressed depressed depressed.....(althou not as much as I was the other day but still.....)
Someone please dig me out of that hole!!
^ me hugs Liana and Megy and everyone else here~~ Feel better soon guys! There will always be beauty in the world for those who look for it! :goodjob: (did that even make sense :XD: )

On another note...I hate it when my nose is ice cold and the rest of me is's a seriously weird feeling when your face is all toasty and then your nose is just like an ice cube stuck on the front...I must have bad circulation there or something lol...
Working at night is hard. It is really taking a toll on my body, as it affects for instance how many hours I get to sleep and what should I eat. Hope that I will be able to hold out for some weeks longer...