Complain about all!

Woah Liana, hope you finally get better for good.

Again is time running away from me :uh..:
Thanks both of you, I still have a headache, or it has come back. I just want to stay home tomorrow but I have to talk to the dr about something else, even though I have no idea of what to say... I hate taking pain meds all the time, and it is not good for you anyways... it's been kind of bad day, and I'm about to take a quiz, hopefully I will do well.

Well I did not do well... stupid day today... I want to crawl into a corner and stay there.
Aww..I'm sorry liana...

Is sick at the worst time possible...just.going to the store made me dizzy. Now, laying down,.I'm still dizzy.
^ I hope you get to feel better soon..

I hate when someone has to notify you about something and he/she just doesnt do that. Especially when its urgent. Why do most of you people like to do that?? :stupidtable:
/me pats everyone :touched:
Grr I wanna participate in a certain weekly event after a cram school class but it'll take almost an hour (according to google map -> excluding traffic jam, getting lost, etc.) to get there, while I only have 45 mins after cram school until the event's over :blood:
Not to mention, in 2 weeks or so ANOTHER cram school class will start right after the aforementioned class, so I have NO chance of participating unless they change the date :orz: Whyyyyyyyyyyy :cry:
^*pat* What is the event?

I am going to bed now since I have to work all day tomorrow, I just know I'm going to be sore tomorrow night, if I have to stay all day, which I probably will since Superman just came out and I'm expecting it to be busy. So pray for me that there are not many stupid people. heh And that I'm not on the floor of the theater somewhere by the end of the day.
The shoe straps of 2 of my sandals broke one after the other... 2nd one resulted in me limping home because I sprained my ankle again... :blood:

I have no more sandals to wear! :orz:
Made it through work but just barely, back is soooo sore and I am falling asleep, at 10:30 at night! I wish I could stay up later, but I just can't. Good night all.
@Liana and casie: aww :touched: Hope u both get better soon!! Casie u should ask sb to buy u new sandals (and pay too xD)
What is the event?
Well, a musical event. Let's just say if I can go, I will be able to meet, play with and get some instructions from some musicians :TdT: They aren't famous (yet), and ppl hardly know about this event. One of them is an old friend of mine (she's much older than me though).
I'm thinking of skipping 1 cram school class for that, but only once. I'll have a mountain of notes to copy and homework to do if I skip only 1 class, so I'm hesitating :XD:
why is my internet connection quite slooooowww?? :stupidtable: :stupidtable: :stupidtable: :stupidtable:

and though it's fun to read posts here, gradually i lost my encouragement to write something here, Facebook and blog too as well.
guess i'll be complete hikikomori soon? :uh..:
I have a headache, I think it's from doing homework, it was making me frustrated. heh, and I still have more to do and studying.

Also, why can't Futurama (and all good shows for that matter) go on forever? Grr
Feeling slightly hurts to breathe and there's this ticklish feeling in my throat... :imdead:
^Me too. I've had a sore throat the last couple of days. I hope it's just my allergies and not a cold. And question, isn't meditation supposed to make you feel better? Well, then why am I feeling sick? When can I feel better?
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.....depressed again today :desksweat:
I hope its just for today...this narrowness is killing me :rain:
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhhh :uh..: that is all.

Also throat is on fire today, should be fun for work tonight. *rolls eyes*