Complain about all!

I got back is as red as a tomato...and it burns :orz:

I also got some rash, it stings as well :uh..:

And Im a bit meh today, but i guess its just a day like that.. :desksweat:
^I get baaaad sunburns like that as well. I was swelling it was so bad when I went to Florida, although it was my fault for going out when there was an overcast sun. But I did really put a lot of sunscreen on.

Headache + sore back from working 2 days in a row=not good. And I work again tonight. Oy... this weekend has been looong. I want it to end.
... I'm stuDYING!!!!!! :orz: :orz: :orz: :imdead:
Damn classes, stop giving me so much homework so suddenly! One of these days I might not even have time to sleep...
finally Kalafina will be able to go to AFA ID, in the year when i have to study aaaaallll the days.....
i should be happier, but, oh no.... :wai: :wai: my mom, my wallet, and even my school-schedula won't let me go...
^That really sucks. I would go no matter what if they came to my city. (Which is why I went to Chicago even though it's a little ways away)

It's soooo hoooot out today. Oy. And I still have to go out, I wish I could stay in my nice cool house. Grr. And I have to work all weekend again, especially if they call me again on Sunday, which I hope they don't. I need a break! Ahhhh!
Sorry for double post, but I don't know, feeling depressed today. I thought I could handle this job, I wish I could be stronger and do more things. My back has just been bothering me too much. Now I'm contemplating work. I would like a sit down job, but that might make it worse. *sigh* I don't know what to do. I am tired of getting nervous before a long weekend, that I am feeling sick right now. oy... any advice would be nice.
^ I hope you can overcome it all :/

My back are much better, the sunburns are gone...but now they are itching all over :desksweat:
^thanks, but I don't know, I think my back is worse now because of the work, but I would like to find something else before I quit, since I will need to save up for Ren Faire in August. And I have to pay all my monthly bills of course. oy... I just don't know.
^THAT, that is how I feel right now. Working pretty much nonstop from 6 pm last night until 5:30 today. (Except I slept 7 hours or so but still felt crappy this morning) and I'm so sore and don't even care anymore. I just want to curl up and stay there for a week. :blood: :uh..:

I'm on call today... and all I want to do is curl up and stay there. Since I am an emotional reck today. oy... I wish I knew if they were going to need me or not. grr
That's not good :omg: Guys get better soon :bow:
Btw I'm gonna be o hiatus or whatever in forum for a while. Too many things to do... And it's better to go all out with studying till next Feb at least. If I fail my uni entrance exam I'm doomed... I'll drop by the forum and chat to check news sometimes :bow:
P/S: I'll still be on chat daily (I hope) but most of the time I'll be afk, so if anyone needs anything from me plz pm me in chat, not forum :P
^ awwh, thats too bad. Gonna miss you Wormie! (ok, I wont be mean to use that other name..xD)

I was pretty much down last two days again. Argh!
^Yeah, I was yesterday all day. And today I had a bad flare up so I couldn't go to class. I wish I could do more things even though my back hurts. ugh... I hope I don't get called to work tomorrow. oy, I hate this on call stuff.
A spambot invaded a forum again and made a pile of posts :bloodlust:

I hope its just one in a thousand years.
^oh no...

I was called into work today. It wouldn't have been so bad if I had been feeling better, and that I didn't work tomorrow and Friday. Oy... so I might be dead on Saturday. lol Luckily I have off then, so I want to go shopping with my gift card I got, but we'll see. Oy... headache from the craziness.
One of my coworkers had passed away yesterday, and I worked all day without knowing it. It was so sad to hear about it today, even though we were not close, it was still sad to see everyone else be sad. He was a year younger than me, it will be strange not seeing him walking around. It was just so odd... the air was very heavy at work today. Plus it was super busy, and one of our ovens went on the fritz. Oy... will be glad when the weekend is over.

Also, they are still shooting off fireworks, even though the real ones have ended. ugh... I hope they stop in 10 mins when the 4th is over with. *sigh*
^ I am so sorry. Really hope you can feel better soon. Its pretty hard when it happens to someone so young.

I was dead beat yesterday and my head was aching hard. And it was still aching when I woke up in the morning, but less. Now its better but still.. :uh..:
And I have to finish my assignment this weekend (possibly tomorrow) and my inspiration is running away from me :omg:

That frekin spambot is overloading the forum as well :bloodlust:
^I hope you feel better too. And thanks, yeah, it was so sad. I felt bad for his wife too.

My back is killing me today. Like, to the point I can't move hardly. And I have to close tonight, so that should be fun.
I did not want to get out of bed today... I still want to go back in. *sigh* If only we could teleport places. Also those spambots need to go away like, now. It's very annoying.

Also my allergies should be fun at work tonight. Man I hope we're not as busy as we were on Fri. That was nuts. It was like the whole city was there practically.