Yuki Kajiura's own agency - FictionJunction Music [Confirmed]

Don't know how you got that 2nd one, the first one - sure. It doesn't really matter tho. She's not going to be signing anything with the logo. She's not going to be attracting clients with the logo. It's not even the name of that company. It's just that - a logo.

Just like she has that "Yk" on FICTION. If you didn't know it was "Yuki Kajiura", you'd have no idea what it was either. (inb4 it's something other than "Yuki Kajiura" and I'm just dum.)
There are no rules to naming the companies (apart from menthioning the type next to the name, eg sa ltd etc). The fact that many record labels put "Music" next to the name shows the field of activity, (that they sell music), but that doesnt mean that Yuki doesnt create music as well, so she also has the right to put "music" there :)

Also big Companies like Sony or Bandai have other fields of activity too, eg, Sony Computer Entertainment is games and consoles publisher, so naming SME as it is helps people to differentiate.

Btw made this to show you how the logo would be much easier readable in my opinion. It might be less artistic but it works.
.View attachment 22975
im dead doe
VyseLegendaire, amusing that you even say that. Then why did she hesitate for so long then? For someone who is "gutsy", you think she already learn and gain connection far sooner. As for big name artist, I'll be very suspicious of labels likes her. For one, for someone that has been in industry, she has been pretty guarded by the large companies. The other thing is in regards to her history, what is stopping her from making her making the mistakes on YK,FJ, as much as any other unknown artist. That is red flag for her.

Does she know the difference between the interest of the label, her own, or for everyone? That is asking for policies mistakes. For if the entire point of her control, then another sub-umbrella is what people do a lot. That just another subsidiary. It still isn't independence.

Also, for the utahimes. I'm pretty sure that already been ratified.
whenever i read aegis' posts i feel like i need to replace some words with easier but still similar in meaning words aka easier synonyms to make sense of them.

anyway i liked the logo as it is and while i have a lot i want to say in ykl14 thread i chose not to say it because i think it doesn't worth my time.
I don't really understand why you're suspicious of Kajiura for wanting to manage herself. Maybe she was tired of the trajectory of her career under spacecraft. Maybe she just wanted a bigger cut of her earnings. Or maybe she really was just fed up with executive meddling from the agency.

Sure there's the possibility that she'll make similar mistakes now that she's managing herself, but I don't think her career can get much worse than it is right now in terms of musical output. She may have gained a huge amount of exposure under spacecraft's career plan, but I can't ignore how stale the music has been these past 7 years.
^ We dont know whose fault it was though. She was under Spacecraft during her "gold" era (in terms of music quality) of 2001-2007 too, so we cant tell for sure.
The change imo was mainly due to Sony than Spacecraft. Most her works were great when she worked for Victor, that became less common with Sony with only KnK, Madoka and Hanako recognised widely as very well done soundtracks (for me it would be Zaregoto too if it didnt have all these sfxs between).

But i guess we will find out now that she is supposedly (more) independent.
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I know; that was my point.

The decline started around the 2011 though, and Kajiura was pretty much type casted into dark, atmospheric shows around that time so I'm guessing spacecraft saw a lucrative opportunity and hitched Kajiura to the aniplex train. Of course, we'll never really know, so this is just a guess.
To add to the speculation as to 'why?', I can't help but think the failed SAO Hollywood concert was a factor: not only did a lot of people lose a lot of money on that(Question: if given the opportunity to play a theater that has arguably one of the best sound systems on the planet, would you consider doing a live recording for CD/BluRay/DVD? Dang straight you would!), that was the first time to my knowledge that Kajiura-sensei had one of her lives cancelled. I remember reading her blog the night that was announced, and her sadness and regret were palpable. Scuttlebutt I heard(for what its worth) was that the real reason the concert didn't happen was because less than half the Dolby's seats had been sold--and having a local Hollywood store-owner tell me that the Dolby is notoriously bad about promoting its shows, I have an easy time believing that anecdote. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not...but I don't think so. OK--back to the present: I'm excited and optimistic about this! Question is, is Kajiura-sensei looking for potential investors? Inquiring minds and all....
I know; that was my point.

The decline started around the 2011 though, and Kajiura was pretty much type casted into dark, atmospheric shows around that time so I'm guessing spacecraft saw a lucrative opportunity and hitched Kajiura to the aniplex train. Of course, we'll never really know, so this is just a guess.
Some of you are talking about how her music has 'declined'...where? 'Modoka: Rebellion' was brilliant, and for those who want to say her music has become all 'samey', let me point out 'Kubikiri Cycle' and 'Prin-Prin'--and yes, I happened to like Kalafina's 'Far On The Water' and FJ's 'Elemental'. I mean, where's the bad here? Her creative peak to date probably has been the triple threat of 'Madoka/Fate/Zero/SAO', but there's still a lot of range thereg --especially the 'Gunland' pieces from SAO. Are we spoiled because she gave us too much amazing stuff at once(that's a possibility)--I mean, what's the difference between a 9.9, a 9.6, and a 9.3...? Thanks for letting me do my loving tirade! Getting down from my soapbox now,someone else's turn....
I haven't heard everything yet of her recent work, but some that i have listen are quite good imo. About the things being 'samey', as long as it not too 'samey' i won't really complain about that since a lot of other jpop, kpop and western music sound even more samey compared to Kajiura works. I haven't found yet any track that i'll categorised as bad.
Some of you are talking about how her music has 'declined'...where?

SAO, SAO II, SAO ZA MOVIE, Erased, and F/Z. (I personally like F/Z but it could've been waaay better and the first disc has to much goddamn ambiance)

I also like and enjoy the Madoka animu OST, but it also could've been way better. Most tracks were short, overly simplistic, and underdeveloped. Nice melodies that didn't go anywhere. It did have a few great tracks tho.
I judged Pripri rather harshly when it came out because I felt like it was Wasted Potential: The OST. But after a while and a few more listens, I think it's on the same tier as Madoka.
Heaven's feel is very good (to me) just because it's exactly what I expected, and there still two movies to go.

Madoka movies, all Hanako to Anne, and Zaregoto are all great.

(I feel like I'm missing something...)