Ep 3 musics
- new sfx bgm (rearrangement of an earlier one)
- new sfx bgm (different than above) has some percussion here and there
[this one must have durated around 4 mins]
- new bgm with acoustic piano, similar to the rhythm of the theme music [this one is also long but much more pleasant]
- rearrangement of the vocals of the trailer bgm in a "haunted" style of music (becomes quite long too)
- old bgm with e-guitar and acc piano
- new cello / strings bgm (this kinda reminds me in melody the "running out of crisis", disc 4 of sao collection)
- new bgm with acc piano / violin using the OP melody from ep 1
- new sfx bgm (rearrangement of an earlier one)
- new sfx bgm (different than above) has some percussion here and there
[this one must have durated around 4 mins]
- new bgm with acoustic piano, similar to the rhythm of the theme music [this one is also long but much more pleasant]
- rearrangement of the vocals of the trailer bgm in a "haunted" style of music (becomes quite long too)
- old bgm with e-guitar and acc piano
- new cello / strings bgm (this kinda reminds me in melody the "running out of crisis", disc 4 of sao collection)
- new bgm with acc piano / violin using the OP melody from ep 1