Yuki Kajiura to compose for "Hanako to Anne" TV drama

^I see.

Also I like the new music in the last few episodes. (Not on 35 yet, just watched 34.) The piano song was really lovely when Hana was talking to Renko while eating the dessert. I liked the violin song during the translation that Hana did and during the dinner (was that composed by Yuki as well or was it a different song, the one played by the 4 violinists?) In any case I hope that piano song is in the 1st ost, but it might not be. We will see I guess. :dote:
Just caught up. I loved the song that played when Hana received the dictionary. That was sweet. And I really do like that dulcimer song that played at the end of the episode. I think it's one of my favorite instruments. Also that guy that Renko (I think it's Renko not, Reiko, since Hana calls her Ren-san) is marrying is creepy. And he must be way older than her, or at least 10 years.
was freaking out too much about history
and grr I'm behind again. Will catch up tomorrow

and Kowz, 39 has already been taken down on fc2. Waiting for bilibili
ep 39: http://en.channel.pandora.tv/channel/video.ptv?ch_userid=sbs-tv&prgid=50488391

http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9F%B3%E5%8E%9F%E7%99%BD%E8%93%AE said:
花子とアン - 2014年度NHK連続テレビ小説。白蓮をモデルとする「葉山蓮子」として登場する。
http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2138585602537087101 said:
Apparently, Yanagiwara Byakuren was the model for Renko's character.


東京に戻った燁子は「出戻り」として柳原家本邸へ入れてもらえず、母・初子の隠居所で監督下に置かれ、門の外に一歩も出る事のない幽閉同然の生活と なる。挨拶以外にほとんど誰とも口をきかない生活の中、姉・信子の計らいで古典や小説を差し入れてもらい、ひたすら読書に明け暮れる日々が4年間続いた。 その間、再び燁子の意向と関わりなく縁談が進められ、結納の日取りまで決められるが、燁子は家を飛び出し、品川の乳母の家に走った。しかし、乳母の増山く には燁子の幽閉中に死去していた。家出した燁子を信子が庇い、兄・義光夫妻の元に預けられる。1908年(明治41年)、兄嫁・花子の家庭教師が卒業生であった縁から、東洋英和女学校(現・東洋英和女学院高等部)に23歳で編入学し、寄宿舎生活をおくる事となる。この頃、信子の紹介で佐佐木信綱主催である短歌の竹柏会に入門する。最初の結婚で華族女学校の中退を余儀なくされた燁子には、再び学ぶことができる幸せな学園生活であった。女学校ではずっと年下の生徒達とも打ち解け、中でも後に翻訳者となる村岡花子とは親交を深め、花子に信綱を紹介している。また、慈善事業に関心を持つなど見聞を広めた。1910年(明治43年)3月、東洋英和女学校を卒業。

I wish the biography of Hanako were translated. I'd so read it.
Blackburn here. Thanks for watching so diligently. Its true they said "Blackbun " a few times! There's a speech coach on set whenever the actors have to speak English but even still the "r" sound is hard for Japanese.
Anyhow, thanks for tuning it. Blackburn will be back....TC
Blackburn here. Thanks for watching so diligently. Its true they said "Blackbun " a few times! There's a speech coach on set whenever the actors have to speak English but even still the "r" sound is hard for Japanese.
Anyhow, thanks for tuning it. Blackburn will be back....TC

:omgz: Ms. Blackburn!
I love the new song in 40 that's violin and piano. It's light and fluffy and so peaceful. Can't wait to have the track. And the one at the very end of 41 was sweet too. Can someone tell me if they understood what happened to her sister? I know she ran away from somewhere, but where? And her father hasn't been in recent episodes. Hmm.
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I want to say that this narration pisses me off, makes me think of somebody who is forced to do the narrating so he does it fast and unclearly, he's nearly yawning every time lol
And isn't the song in the preview new as well? Or is it part of one used already? Also where is Hana going now? I wish I knew more Japanese. *sigh*
I swear I heard "Blackbun" instead of Blackburn.

Blackburn here. Thanks for watching so diligently. Its true they said "Blackbun " a few times! There's a speech coach on set whenever the actors have to speak English but even still the "r" sound is hard for Japanese.
Anyhow, thanks for tuning it. Blackburn will be back....TC

Thank you Ms. Blackburn for the confirmation and info!
It must be fun having people of different nationalities on set speaking other languages.

Great to see you back again in #42.
Thank you Ms. Blackburn for the confirmation and info!
It must be fun having people of different nationalities on set speaking other languages.

Great to see you back again in #42.
Thank you!
It was fun and also daunting to have so many Japanese crew with English speaking Yoshitaka and others. Mitte mite!
ehh Shiratori-san is from the same place as Hanako?? That was such a cute scene. I like the new track a lot :dote:

EDIT: I liked your speech in episode 42, @T.Clark
"If some decades later, you look back on your time with us here and you feel that these were the happiest days of your life, then I must say your education will have been a failure"
sounds like something my teachers would say
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Is that really you Ms. Blackburn... @T.Clark? I thought that was just a quote from you! Wow, thanks for posting on this forum! Have you met Yuki Kajiura at all or do you like the music for the show? I really do enjoy watching the show, even though I understand little Japanese, although getting to know more. (Just the opposite of Hana hehe)