Got my copy of Sore wa Chiisa na. The download link is also already available on hikarinoakari. Still really like the song. It does have the Kajiura signature of keychange at the end of second chorus but the bridge is wonderful. If the song is sung by Kalafina pretty sure it'll also have unnecessary kajiurago bridge, so the song not sung by Kalafina is a good thing in its own way :p Really like the ending. I still really like the arrangement. The other songs on the single aren't bad either. I got the LE A, but the link from hikarinoakari has all songs from all 4 versions. I really like Hikari to Yami -hikigatari ver- ever since I watched Sayuri performing it on YouTube.
Haven't got the time to catch up with the anime ever since college starting. I enjoy what I've watched so far (until episode 3, that is).
Haven't got the time to catch up with the anime ever since college starting. I enjoy what I've watched so far (until episode 3, that is).