Yuki Kajiura on NHK special drama




NHKスペシャル  終戦特集ドラマ「15歳の志願兵」制作発表

名古屋放送局制作、NHKスペシャル  終戦特集ドラマ「15歳の志願兵」の制作が発表されました。



◆放 送  平成22年8月15日(日) 【総合】 夜9:00~10:13
◆ 作    大森 寿美男(「風林火山」「クライマーズ・ハイ」「黒部の太陽」ほか)
◆音 楽  梶浦由記 (「アキレスと亀」「歴史秘話ヒストリア」ほか)
◆原 案  江藤千秋
「積乱雲の彼方に -愛知一中予科練総決起事件の記録-」
◆出 演  池松壮亮 太賀 高橋克典 鈴木砂羽
福士誠治 夏川結衣 竜雷太 ほか
◆収 録  平成22年6月17日(木)~7月上旬予定 
◆撮影地  愛知県名古屋市、犬山市、常滑市、滋賀県豊郷町など
This means she will score the music for it ?! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

I hope ost will get released

according to the google translation the show take place in WWII

google translation said:
NHK World War II drama Special Features "15-year-old volunteer" work release

名古屋放送局 production, NHK World War II drama special feature "15-year-old volunteer" production have been announced.

The boys, he gave up a dream for the country.
During World War II, 1943 (1943) July 5.
He began his campaign rally in Hazime Naka Aichi decided to go to war student body of 700.
This decision is an elite middle school in a big report, and the film moved into the hearts of boys across the country battle.
But behind it, there was speculation that the military would resolve the shortage by sending troops to the battlefield to the middle school.
Military pressure on the school, a middle school boy "militarism" I went to change the truth will be revealed.

Youth boys will be swallowed by the war, dreams and friendship,
And teachers and parents and struggles to field a boys forced to 送Razaru,
Vividly the human being at the mercy of the times will, I draw the lyrical.
65 years after 2010 war welcome NHK World War II drama special features.
Based on a true story was dramatized Hazime Naka Aichi Japan's leading 進学校 old system.

August 15, 2010 Broadcast ◆ (Sunday) night - 9:00 to 10:13 - General
Oomori Hitoshi made handsome ◆ ("move, fall" "Climber's High" "Sun of Kurobe," others)
Yuki Kajiura music ◆ ("Achilles and the Tortoise", "Historia untold history" and others)
◆ Etou Tiaki original proposal
"Beyond the thunder - a protest of case records 予科練 Hazime Naka Aichi -"
Takeshi Makoto Takahashi Katsunori 鈴木 砂羽 太賀 out Matsuike 演 ◆
Yui also Savident 夏川 Hukushi Seizi
June 17, 2010 recorded revenue ◆ (Thursday) is scheduled for early July
Location Nagoya ◆, Inuyama, Tokoname City, Shiga Prefecture and Toyosato

*expects orchestral music* :stars:

Kerahna said:
want to make a newspost about this but it will be like 1.5 lines long :ayashii:

Not really, since we can put in the new events as well :) and also add a bit of the plot summary of the drama.