... tml#tratop
01.the beginning of the end [Fate/Zero O.S.T. Vol.1]
02.the battle is to the strong [Fate/Zero O.S.T. Vol.1]
03.frenetic [歴史秘話ヒストリア O.S.T.]
04.satoyama main theme [The Works for Soundtrack]
05.星屑[Everlasting Songs]
06.dream scape [ツバサ・クロニクル サウンドスケープ III]
07.sis puella magica! [魔法少女まどか☆マギカ Vol. 2 O.S.T. I] long forgotten cloistered sleep [FICTION II]
09.forest [FICTION II / エル・カザド O.S.T. 1]
10.Crash [PandoraHearts O.S.T. 1]
11.A shadow [PandoraHearts O.S.T. 2]
12.Alone[PandoraHearts O.S.T. 1]
13.Bloody rabbit [PandoraHearts O.S.T. 1]
14.Contractor [PandoraHearts O.S.T. 1]
15.everytime you kissed me [FICTION II / PandoraHearts O.S.T. 2]
16.媛星 [舞-HiME O.S.T Vol.1 姫]
17.デュラン召還 [舞-HiME O.S.T Vol.1 姫]
18.目覚め [舞-HiME O.S.T Vol.1 姫]
19.stone cold [stone cold(シングル)]
20.Credens justitiam [魔法少女まどか☆マギカ Vol. 2 O.S.T. I]
21.everlasting song [Everlasting Songs]
22.zodiacal sign [FICTION / Aquarian Age O.S.T]
23.ユメノツバサ [Everlasting Songs] your heart [FICTION / .hack//SIGN O.S.T. 2]