Dripping with Kajiura
RIP saifu
May I get this ticket for my friend?I have a spare ticket for Friday 16 August at Nakano Sun Plaza, Tokyo:
SOLD OUT Open18:15
梶浦由記 (Piano・Chorus)
KAORI (Vocal) , KEIKO (Vocal) , YURIKO KAIDA (Vocal) , Joelle (Vocal)
是永巧一 (Guitar) , 佐藤強一 (Drums) , 高橋“Jr.”知治 (Bass) , 今野 均 (Violin) ,
赤木りえ (Flute) , 中島オバヲ (Percussion) , 大平佳男 (Manipulator)
Guest: Aimer
Please let me know if you are interested.
Seems to have been the case indeed. Some of them mentioned on Twitter how they couldn't visit the city because of the chaos.I'm suspecting it's because the venue is basically by the HK international airport, so the Kajiura family don't need to venture far into the city. And the event organizer, being locals, most likely consider the situation from/to the airport to be safe enough. This is just my guess, though.
I just want to add a brief, personal commentary on Joelle's Forest. FINALLY, with the song sung by someone with proper English pronunciation (other than Emily), I could finally hear "come take my hand" with ease because when Wakana did that line it sounded veeeeeeeery close to "come take my head" in my ears.
You should have bring me with him.... (I could fit in the baggage