Nick Hunter
I have reached Yuki nirvana
it looks to me as if Yuki while having her head turned says "Do you want to kiss me on the left cheek ?"
George, such words are harmful for blood pressure!


04:my long forgotten cloistered sleep (unreleased work of Xenosaga)(※未発表曲)
oops, here go our expectations of Please Call My Name

08:E.G.O.(アクエリアンエイジ ※新録音)
Is it related to Influential E.G.O.?

Although Aquarian Age pre-dates Fiction, its heritage even finds its way into Fiction II

06:forest (エルカザドOST 1)
07:Sweet Song (Xenosaga II ending theme)
09:everytime you kissed me(PandoraHearts)
10:I reach for the sun(エルカザドOST2)
14:maybe tommorrow (Xenosaga III ending theme ※新録音)
Well, these were to be expected.

L.A. surprised me, though. And it's a good song indeed although if I were to choose one Kajiuran track from there, it would rather be Inca Rose or The Place of Eternity

01:in this winter (FICTION ※新録音)
erm, does it say something like "fiction main theme" or something like "reference to the original Fiction"? I wonder if this song could be connected to Winter in any way (although I predict it will be a ballad in any case

Heigen... is it a Japanese word?