More stuff. Was gonna wait for the official store to update but eh, they take ages to ship things out and seem to use really cheap shipping as well because it takes ages for things to get from there to my proxy service as well, so the less orders I have to do from there the better. So I bought a Christmas Live pamphlet from YJA instead. The first one I was watching actually sold for over 7k, immediately followed by, from what I can tell, at least three copies each being sold buy-it-now for 3500, so I feel sorry for whoever go that first one. I guess someone just bought up a bunch for the purposes of selling on.
Anyway, it's a pretty good book. Shiny red cover with super reflective gold print on the cover which looks really nice, three double page spreads for each girl, with 2 photos for the first 2 sets and then a final set with a photo + interview as per usual really, plus a few group shots and the usual staff and band member info pages. I must say, I'm not too happy with some of the photos in here due to the overuse of filters, some of the close-up shots have a very washed out look kinda similar to some of the photos in the Far on the Water pamphlet and I didn't like it there either, it makes everything less defined and harder to see overall for no real benefit. Others have some kind of weird lensflare effect applied which whilst not as bad as the wash filter, it still looks kinda stupid and doesn't really add much to the aesthetic. Thankfully it's mostly unobtrusive. Also as I suspected, all the photos have Hikaru with her bad hairdo which is a shame, she could've looked so much prettier and I tend to pay less attention to her photos compared to the other two, something I don't otherwise do.
What is most interesting however, is that the book also contains a group shot and an individual page photo for each of the girls from the 2013 Christmas Live. Why it's here, I don't know. I am certainly not going to complain, the photos are really pretty and I ADORE those dresses, I'm still contemplating as to whether they are my actual overall favourite dresses of Kalafina's entire career

. Also seems even weirder considering there was no pamphlet or postcards or anything for the 2014 Christmas Live and nothing for it here, either. In fact, I really can't find much evidence of anything regarding that live other than the fact that it did indeed happen. I wonder why?
Also it wouldn't be a post from me really if it didn't include t-shirts

. Got the HMV exclusive After Eden Special Live shirt which I didn't even know existed until someone was selling it, after which I looked it up and realised that yes, in fact, it was a thing. It's got the same front design as the Staff Replica shirt from the Special Live but with different colours and on a white shirt rather than black, plus the design on the back is different. Also picked up the Live House Ver. After Eden Live Tour shirt, a design which I've actually wanted for a while since I really like it and it's a lovely colour, this photo doesn't really show that off. Oddly enough I didn't own any After Eden shirts at all until a couple months ago, when the regular black and white designs sold out on the Spacecraft store and I realised I was a dumbass and didn't order them when I could've. Somehow in the time since that happening, every other variant from those tours has become available, these two and the Staff Replica versions of both the Special Live and the Live Tour. Now I'm just missing the two I had months to order and missed out on

I have one more shirt on the way right now, plus the 8th Anni Live, and that's currently it. I'm in the process of finding a way to get 8th Anniversary Live goods too, but nobody knows what they are yet so can't really go ahead with that. Just hoping that some of the other Christmas Live goods go up on the official store at some point, I want the t-shirt, postcard set and postcard file from that as well. And then presumably there'll be a live BD from the current tour and goods for the Spring Acoustic live as well to get, plus since they announced those hoodies for the live that happened yesterday which I really want as well, my wallet really is doomed

. And that's not even starting to think about a possible World Tour...