Υour CD collection! XD

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Kalafina's BD's are all region free. I have all of them and they all play fine on my PS3, and being in the UK our region coding for BDs is different to that of Japan's.

Also getting round DVD region coding on a PC is ridiculously easy. Most third-party media players like Media Player Classic or VLC just outright ignore region locking and can run anything.
Kalafina's BD's are all region free. I have all of them and they all play fine on my PS3, and being in the UK our region coding for BDs is different to that of Japan's.

Also getting round DVD region coding on a PC is ridiculously easy. Most third-party media players like Media Player Classic or VLC just outright ignore region locking and can run anything.
Yep VLC just bypasses the code I use it all the time. Also the promo posters I saw need you to pay extra for the tube to have it encased like CDJ I think. and I think the ones on Ebay are slightly damaged too FOTW being the least damaged, You can't see it in the photos but it's in the description. Honestly the next time someone in my family buys off Ebay I'm thinking of getting that RM LE the photos look legit and the sellers feedback is really good, plus I was going to buy Gordon Ramsay's books off Ebay anyway
There is only one option for shipping option from the seller I've gotten mine from, and the poster tubes they use are a lot better than CDJ's regular ones, although CDJ's ones are fine for their purpose too. My AE promo is in practical perfect condition, and I have FotW and Consolation ones from the same seller in the same condition.

The BEST one I have has some very minor damage (it's practically invisible unless you're looking for it) and the RM one is the only one that's not in the best shape, but it's also the oldest so I guess that probably has something to do with it. Also being a white poster for a good part of it doesn't help, slight scuffs and whatnot show up rather badly. It's a case of it looks fine for display in a regular frame, but not good enough for a professional framing I don't think. I just hope I can find/afford a copy of it in the future at the same condition as the other three album promos.
@Seasonreaper the Japanese post offices don't sell mailing cylinders like Australia Post does, and the one I bought from a stationery shop in Tokyo was dented in the post, so these days I take with me both an Australia Post mailing tube and an Australia Post mailing box for a bottle in my luggage so that I can bring items back from Japan safely.
My collection feel so weak and tiny, especially compared to everyone else's collections.... :comeback:

All I have are Red Moon (RE), After Eden (RE), Consolation (RE), and far on the water (CD+DVD), Kalafina-related. I'm planning on getting Seventh Heaven, the LIVE Selections CD, and possibly the 8th Anniversary Live CD and Re/oblivious if I can hunt down a copy.

As for DVD/BDs, I may try to get the RM live (is this region-free?) and Blue Day.

For merchandise, I'll probably just get a shirt or two. I wish the RM shirts were still in stock, I love the design on them. Btw, @Seasonreaper, is the Mirai shirt still in stock anywhere? The design on there is pretty cool (I like clocks :XD:)
Yeah, all the BDs are region free.

The Mirai shirt is still available in M and L on the official Spacecraft store, you'll need a proxy service to order from there though. They also have the al fine design in all sizes, Signal in M, L and XL (not that I have one yet), Hikari Furu in M only and the White 5th Anni Live shirts in XL only. There's also still the Christmas Live 2013 bundles that come with a shirt. That's all that's currently available anywhere really, unless you want one of the Staff shirts from Red/Blue Day for 15k which has STAFF on the back.
My collection feel so weak and tiny, especially compared to everyone else's collections.... :comeback:

All I have are Red Moon (RE), After Eden (RE), Consolation (RE), and far on the water (CD+DVD), Kalafina-related. I'm planning on getting Seventh Heaven, the LIVE Selections CD, and possibly the 8th Anniversary Live CD and Re/oblivious if I can hunt down a copy.

As for DVD/BDs, I may try to get the RM live (is this region-free?) and Blue Day.

For merchandise, I'll probably just get a shirt or two. I wish the RM shirts were still in stock, I love the design on them. Btw, @Seasonreaper, is the Mirai shirt still in stock anywhere? The design on there is pretty cool (I like clocks :XD:)
Your collection is bigger than mine at least though honestly I prefer live DVDs to CD releases unless they have live footage/audio on them. Live stuff is my first priority, that reminds me to look at FJ live volumes. The recent ones sound fantastic and the old ones are really energetic
Nope, it's Region 2. So far only the DVD from After Eden worked on our PS3... or PS4? I forgot. And afaik since those are from HK, the DVD region code of our player is Region 3.

That is really interesting. I've never seen a HQ scan of the back of Red Moon LE, so I didn't know it said Region 2. Consolation, and FOTW are 'Region All'. Also, my ttb and hikari furu CD+DVD singles are 'Region All' as well, though I'm sure other recent singles of theirs are like this.

I didn't know that VLC doesn't care about Region Code, so it might be worth getting the Taiwan editions after all; it'd save some money, that's for sure.
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^I saw a pic of Red Moon LE+DVD's back, and I thought it was region-free... I may been wrong, though
Well, I took a photo of my Red Moon LE. The region code seems to be printed on the side. lol


Checked Seventh Heaven, After Eden, and all the singles I have on LE DVD (latest I have is Kagayaku), and they're all Region 2. Hmm... I guess it depends on the player.
I'll try playing the DVDs again on the PS3/4 and see if they can actually work (bc HD finalleeeeeh).

Also checked, and yeap, as @Seasonreaper said, all their Blu-ray releases are region-free.

P.S. Still wondering how After Eden's DVD worked on the PS4... I remember the unit was relatively new at the time and there was not much firmware update yet... or something @_@

EDIT: Yeap, AE DVD still works!! <3 Unfortunately, I can't take screenshots from the PS4 HUHUHU idk why whyyyyyy OTL
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The picture isn't loading, sadly, but I finally managed to find a closeup of the back of the RM LE in the meantime and it indeed does say Region 2. I also looked a bit more into it and it looks like from ttb onward (so right after After Eden actually), all of their their CD+DVDs have changed to Region All. Also interestingly enough, the RM live DVD is region All as well.

I'm not sure how it could work on your PS4. What's the region code in the Philippines?
Oh, so it is region 2. I think I may have been confused with Consolation's back (which is region-free).
The picture isn't loading, sadly
Apologies for that! I have now set the image's security to public lol. I set it to private on my LJ scrapbook album hahaha. No time to be bothered with Photobucket these days, and imgur is unreliable at times :/

I'm not sure how it could work on your PS4. What's the region code in the Philippines?
I have no idea either O_O I just thought that I really wanna give it a shot, watch a Kalafina DVD in lovely HD finally, and when I did try, I was surprised myself that it actually worked! :O The next time around though, I tried playing a Region 2 DVD again (Tegomass album's LE DVD lol I love LE sorry) and it didn't work anymore. Idk, maybe I just got lucky. I'll try playing all my DVDs to see which ones work and which ones don't.

We are in Region 3, same with Hong Kong. Idk where the PS4 originally came from though... I suppose Hong Kong since we can get stuff from there the cheapest, and there's no PlayStation Philippines, sadly (we don't exist in the global business map (or something... yet))
More stuff. Was gonna wait for the official store to update but eh, they take ages to ship things out and seem to use really cheap shipping as well because it takes ages for things to get from there to my proxy service as well, so the less orders I have to do from there the better. So I bought a Christmas Live pamphlet from YJA instead. The first one I was watching actually sold for over 7k, immediately followed by, from what I can tell, at least three copies each being sold buy-it-now for 3500, so I feel sorry for whoever go that first one. I guess someone just bought up a bunch for the purposes of selling on.


Anyway, it's a pretty good book. Shiny red cover with super reflective gold print on the cover which looks really nice, three double page spreads for each girl, with 2 photos for the first 2 sets and then a final set with a photo + interview as per usual really, plus a few group shots and the usual staff and band member info pages. I must say, I'm not too happy with some of the photos in here due to the overuse of filters, some of the close-up shots have a very washed out look kinda similar to some of the photos in the Far on the Water pamphlet and I didn't like it there either, it makes everything less defined and harder to see overall for no real benefit. Others have some kind of weird lensflare effect applied which whilst not as bad as the wash filter, it still looks kinda stupid and doesn't really add much to the aesthetic. Thankfully it's mostly unobtrusive. Also as I suspected, all the photos have Hikaru with her bad hairdo which is a shame, she could've looked so much prettier and I tend to pay less attention to her photos compared to the other two, something I don't otherwise do.



What is most interesting however, is that the book also contains a group shot and an individual page photo for each of the girls from the 2013 Christmas Live. Why it's here, I don't know. I am certainly not going to complain, the photos are really pretty and I ADORE those dresses, I'm still contemplating as to whether they are my actual overall favourite dresses of Kalafina's entire career :plz:. Also seems even weirder considering there was no pamphlet or postcards or anything for the 2014 Christmas Live and nothing for it here, either. In fact, I really can't find much evidence of anything regarding that live other than the fact that it did indeed happen. I wonder why?

Also it wouldn't be a post from me really if it didn't include t-shirts :ayashii:. Got the HMV exclusive After Eden Special Live shirt which I didn't even know existed until someone was selling it, after which I looked it up and realised that yes, in fact, it was a thing. It's got the same front design as the Staff Replica shirt from the Special Live but with different colours and on a white shirt rather than black, plus the design on the back is different. Also picked up the Live House Ver. After Eden Live Tour shirt, a design which I've actually wanted for a while since I really like it and it's a lovely colour, this photo doesn't really show that off. Oddly enough I didn't own any After Eden shirts at all until a couple months ago, when the regular black and white designs sold out on the Spacecraft store and I realised I was a dumbass and didn't order them when I could've. Somehow in the time since that happening, every other variant from those tours has become available, these two and the Staff Replica versions of both the Special Live and the Live Tour. Now I'm just missing the two I had months to order and missed out on :glower:.



I have one more shirt on the way right now, plus the 8th Anni Live, and that's currently it. I'm in the process of finding a way to get 8th Anniversary Live goods too, but nobody knows what they are yet so can't really go ahead with that. Just hoping that some of the other Christmas Live goods go up on the official store at some point, I want the t-shirt, postcard set and postcard file from that as well. And then presumably there'll be a live BD from the current tour and goods for the Spring Acoustic live as well to get, plus since they announced those hoodies for the live that happened yesterday which I really want as well, my wallet really is doomed :vortex:. And that's not even starting to think about a possible World Tour...
Also it wouldn't be a post from me really if it didn't include t-shirts :ayashii:
if there aren't t-shirts, I'm going to assume it's an imposter

srsly tho, I really like the colors of the live house shirt. also, looks like we need to add the white shirt to the AE merch listing; you say it was sold only through HMV? was it sold at the venue do you think?
I recall looking it up and if I remember right it was sold only through Lawson and HMV, similar to the recent HMV-exclusive white FotW shirt design.

EDIT: Actually no, you don't need to edit anything. Upon further research it seems to be part of the Kalafina Can set, which is already listed under the merchandise section. Interestingly enough you can get the same design on a black shirt separately, but only get the white version as part of that set. I only got the shirt though, not that the other stuff is particularly interesting so it doesn't bother me. Then again, the keychain that comes with it has it's own listing in the merchandise section and as far as I can tell, that was exclusive to the Can set as well.
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EDIT: Actually no, you don't need to edit anything. Upon further research it seems to be part of the Kalafina Can set, which is already listed under the merchandise section. Interestingly enough you can get the same design on a black shirt separately, but only get the white version as part of that set. I only got the shirt though, not that the other stuff is particularly interesting so it doesn't bother me. Then again, the keychain that comes with it has it's own listing in the merchandise section and as far as I can tell, that was exclusive to the Can set as well.
ahh, you're right. maybe after the live it ended up exclusively on HMV
as for the keychain, it was included on the live goods sheet as a separate item
Apologies for that! I have now set the image's security to public lol. I set it to private on my LJ scrapbook album hahaha. No time to be bothered with Photobucket these days, and imgur is unreliable at times :/
No worries it happens! Glad to see a really clear pic of the region code (the one I saw was a bit harder to read).

We are in Region 3, same with Hong Kong. Idk where the PS4 originally came from though... I suppose Hong Kong since we can get stuff from there the cheapest, and there's no PlayStation Philippines, sadly (we don't exist in the global business map (or something... yet))
Hmm, I'm as baffled as you are as to why Kalafina worked on there then. The only possible thing I can think of is the LE you have is the Twain edition, which is Region 3, but I'm doubtful that's the case. Your PS4 is just magical. xD

@Seasonreaper The After Eden Live House ver. shirt is a real nice shade of blue. I was going to try for it, but did not get it in time. Glad it was someone from here (you) who got it. Also, what hoodies?
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