OK then, a full, up to date set of pictures of my Kalafina collection. It's impossible to fit into one photo, at least with the space I have available, so it'll have to be a set. This is actually the first time anyone other than myself will have seen my collection in full. Not even my friends or parents have seen everything. Overall I'm happy with my collection and part of the reason I'm doing this now is that I've reached such a stage that almost everything I want will have to be sourced via auctions, a lot of which is going to be hard to come by. There's only six items on my immediate to get list that are readily available and already out.
-Seventh Heaven RE
-Red Moon LE (autographed)
-After Eden LE
-Consolation LE (autographed)
-5th Anniversary LIVE SELECTION 2009-2012 LE
-Lacrimosa RE
-Hikari no Senritsu RE
-Progressive RE
-Storia RE
-Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa RE
-moonfesta RE
-Alleluia RE
-Alleluia AE
-Kimi no Gin no Niwa RE
-Believe LE A (DVD)
-Ring Your Bell LE A (DVD)
-Kalafina LIVE 2010 Red Moon BD
-After Eden Special LIVE 2011 BD
Not in Photo (New):
-Kalafina THE BEST LIVE 2015 "Red Day" at Nippon Budokan BD
-Kalafina THE BEST LIVE 2015 "Blue Day" at Nippon Budokan BD
OK, so I've got every b-side covered here now. Still uncertain as to whether I really need the remainder of the singles or the Best albums, might pick them up at some point in the future for completion's sake. Red Moon and Consolation both signed at Japan Expo 2014. Should be getting the Budokan lives through on release. I misplaced my copy of Hikari no Senritsu and didn't notice when taking the initial photo and it's dark now, so separate pic.
To get:
-Seventh Heaven LE
-Progressive LE to replace the RE, since it has bonus DVD footage I forgot about and I want that
-Consolation Special Final BD
-Progressive Photo Album
-Kalafina LIVE 2010 "Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa"
-Magia Photo Album
-Magia LIVE Spring TOUR 2011 Pamphlet
-Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2012 "After Eden"
-Xmas Premium Live 2012 "Kalafina With Strings"
-Christmas Premium Live 2013 "Kalafina With Strings"
-LIVE TOUR 2013 "Consolation"
-LIVE TOUR 2013 "Consolation" Live Photo Book
-Kimi no Gin no Niwa Special LIVE 2014 Pamphlet
-Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2014
-Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 "Red Day" & "Blue Day"
-Kalafina Paper "After Eden" (I have two copies of this because they messed up my order)
-Kalafina Paper "Consolation"
-History 5th
Not in photo (new):
-Kalafina Record
-Kalafina LIVE 2010 "Red Moon" pamphlet
Mostly there for this. I should be putting in an order for the Kalafina Record along with a few other things very soon, hoping it'll still be available. The other two I'm missing are giving me serious issues trying to find, guess I'll just have to keep a look out.
To get:
Kalafina LIVE 2012 "To the Beginning" Pamphlet
Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 "Red Day"/"Blue Day" Live Photobook (ordered)
-Xmas Premium Live 2012 "Kalafina With Strings"
-LIVE TOUR 2013 "Consolation" Set A, B & C
-Christmas Premium LIVE 2013 "Kalafina With Strings" Set A & B
-Kimi no Gin no Niwa Special LIVE 2014
-Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2014
-Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 "Red Day" & "Blue Day" Set A & B
-Consolation preorder bonus card
-5th Anniversary LIVE Selection 2009-2012 preorder bonus card
-Believe preorder bonus card
-Ring Your Bell preorder bonus card
-Kalafina BOX "Kimi no Gin no Niwa" bonus card
Most things covered here. Missed the 5th Anniversary Live "Oblivious" set. Probably never get a chance to buy it despite being the only standalone set that I don't have. Sadness. Not too bothered about preorder bonuses or store bonuses are there's so many of the bloody things anyway.
To get:
5th Anniversary Live "Oblivious"
Postcard File
-5th Anniversary LIVE "Oblivious"
-Red Moon LIVE 2010
-Magia LIVE Spring TOUR 2011 (black & white, same design although white has GOLD :3)
-"Consolation" Special Live 2013
-Consolation ~ Kiichigo no Shigemi ni
-Consolation ~ Hanataba
-Consolation ~ Obbligato
-Consolation ~ Hikari Furu
-Kimi no Gin no Niwa Special LIVE 2013 (from Kalafina BOX "Kimi no Gin no Niwa")
-6th Anniversary LIVE 2014
-Consolation ~ Consolation
-Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2014
Not in photo (new):
Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 "Blue Day" (Blue)
Ever since I was a kid I used to love collecting t-shirts. This has not changed much. Luckily I really like a lot of Kalafina's shirt designs, although they aren't easy to come by for the most part. "Consolation" Special Live 2013 was picked up at Japan Expo. I'd give a kidney for a Door or any of the BEST designs I swear.
To get:
Progressive Live 2009
Red Moon Live 2010 (Another white one if possible, it recieved heavy use for three years before I got any other designs so it's showing quite a bit of wear and tear ;_;)
After Eden LIVE 2012 (Black)
After Eden LIVE 2012 (White)
Kalafina BOX "To the Beginning"
Kalafina LIVE 2012 "To the Beginning"
Consolation ~ Door
Consolation ~ Moonfesta
Consolation ~ Mirai (I don't care for the song, but I do like the shirt)
"Kimi no Gin no Niwa" Special LIVE 2014 (Blue)
Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 "Red Day" (Red + black)
Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 "Blue Day" (White)
-Consolation LIVE TOUR 2013 mini poster set x2
-Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2012 "After Eden"
-After Eden promotional poster
-LIVE THE BEST 2015 "Red Day" & "Blue Day" mini poster set
-Red Moon promotional poster
-Consolation promotional poster
-Kalafina THE BEST "Red"/THE BEST "Blue" promotional poster
-Kalafina 5th Anniversary
Not in photo (new):
-LIVE THE BEST 2015 "Red Day"/"Blue Day" preorder bonus poster x2
Got most of what I want here, not too bothered about the single promotional posters, although I'll jump on a To the Beginning one if I ever get a chance because I love those outfits. Will name firstborn after whoever sells me a near-pristine Seventh Heaven promotional poster. The BEST set are currently unopened other than taking this photo and initial checking, since I want them perfect for framing at a later date, and the Consolation set are displayed. I plan to get another set of each to fulfil their respective other purpose since those things are god damn gorgeous. The After Eden promotional poster is currently in practically perfect condition so I'm thinking about getting it professionally framed at some point. It'll be expensive but worth it.
To get:
Seventh Heaven promotional poster
To the Beginning promotional poster
Duplicate of the THE BEST "Red Day" & "Blue Day" mini poster set for general use
-Kadokawa Mook Special ~ Kalafina
-Kalafina Calendar 2014
-Kalafina Calendar 2015
-Kalafina autograph board from Japan Expo 2014
-Kalafina BOX "Kimi no Gin no Niwa" (sans t-shirt, that's in the shirt pic)
Various other stuff. That framed Consolation dress pic is actually the reverse photo from the cover of the 2014 calendar trimmed down a little (some purists might want to kill me for doing that, but it's too beautiful a photo not to frame, sorry). I do have the rest of the calendar still intact but I might do similar things to the other pages since there's some really nice photos in there, same with the 2015 one when the year's out. The book cover from the Kalafina BOX is pointless and I'll never use it, almost forgot about it entirely. I've never used the towel either but that's because I don't want to stain it really, it's soft and pretty. Autograph was from Japan Expo 2014, there's actually two in that frame since I haven't given the other one away yet, mostly because I'm unsure of how to transport it safely and I have two people I can't decide between to give to.
To get:
Not much really. Might see if I can pick up a copy of the 2012 calendar for harvesting as that has some lovely photos in it too. I guess if I get the To the Beginning BOX for the shirt that has some other stuff in it too which will fit into this category. Am still tempted by the BEST mugs, too. Honestly a little tempted by the Kalafina stocking set too even if just to be able to fit into stupid Christmas dress occasions with a Christmas Kala shirt.
And I'm still thinking about that Kalafina-related tattoo