What I really want is a TTB one. Last one on YJA I bid on ended when I was at work and went for 8k.
^ Hahahaha refer to YK LIVE vol. #11 elemental Tours thread here
https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd...._=1422406669_f4b4da2dc6498b027c6239fe731d07fb My collection, but lacks of Kalafina stuffs taken at JE![]()
Same here, and I don't think that's unusual at all.I keep all the CDs and albums in their plastic covers because it is easier to remove dust XDDD
Same here, and I don't think that's unusual at all.
And since everyone seems to be posting pictures of their collection, I might do so as well...
Kalafina collection:
Signed photo books:
Some items are still missing in that photo (the two best albums, T-shirts, Consolation poster) - maybe I should not have tried to fit everything into one picture. I don't have any photos (yet) of my FictionJunction CDs/BDs, soundtracks etc.
Exactly @a-chan U_____U I keep all the CDs and albums in their plastic covers because it is easier to remove dust XDDD
(Thanks for your kind words)