What are you listening to right NOW?

Sayuri - Heikousen (3 mins. cut ver.)

that bridge :( but other than that so good

and seriously the PV is great. Kalafina PV director could learn a few things.
Hikari no Yukue - SavageGenius/YK
I don't like the voice but the Kajiurago, catchiness and the violin make up for it I think.
I swear - FJ

i honest to god want a track where Keiko just goes yeheheheyeyey-ing her voice out
Aimer- Live at Anywhere Vol 24, Currently on what I think is Rokutousei no Yoru (a lot of aimer's ballads tend to run together for me :/)

EDIT: It wasn't Rokutousei no Yoru, it was Hoshikuzu Venus :desksweat:
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